21 Sept 2024

WW3: Has President Putin’s Patience Reached Its Limits Yet? - All Red Lines Crossed – Multiple Times

“A NATO invasion of nuclear Russia is currently underway and the world is unaware that it is in World War III

The Kursk region of Russia is currently full of NATO weapons, troops, logistics, and more, many of them destroyed. See map, below.

Ukrainian aims to destabilize Russia with Kursk incursion. (BingMaps/Institute For The Study Of War/USA TODAY)

By Peter Koenig: Video footage comes out of dozens of NATO vehicles, air defense systems, tanks and more; even if destroyed and captured by Russian forces in the Kursk Region.

The Kiev forces of about 11,600 under guidance of NATO troops have not managed to conquer the city of Kurchatov and its nuclear power plant. Apparently, President Zelensky used all of Kiev’s remaining troops, plus extra Polish (NATO) forces. 

Russian General Apti Alaudinov noted that the purpose of invading the Kursk Region was to secure a strong position for upcoming negotiations with Russia. However, with Kiev’s and their western masters’ defeat, the Kiev Regime signed their own death warrant.

The UN’s [Death] Pact For The [Globalist] Future

Corbett: Next week, a gaggle of globalists will descend on the UN to rubber stamp the Pact for the Future, a new document from the kleptocrats laying out their goals for global government and universal neofeudal enslavement. What, you didn’t think the UN was an innocent organization devoted to world peace, did you? Well, you certainly won’t after this week’s edition of The Corbett Report podcast. United Nations delenda est.

Evil Jews' Terrorist Attack On The Lebanon: Exploding Pagers Kill Children, Others, Maim Thousands

"Lying Jews are disgusting"

Owen Jones: Imagine if such an attack had been launched on Israel. Imagine the response by our Jew nobbled lame stream media.

USA: The Blame Shift Is Hitting The Fan

Somebody's lying by the seat of their pants-on-fire...

Authored by Jenna McCarthy: When my childhood best friend Robbie was around five, an irresistible bit of artistic inspiration struck. Robbie decided to express this creative urge by decorating a billboard sized section of the family’s living room wall with crayons. Amid the colorful squiggles and scribbles, he wrote the very best word he knew as large as he could write it: ROBBIE.

It was a masterpiece.

“Not too bright, kid,” his older brother Mike snickered when he saw Robbie’s installment.

“Why not?” Robbie wondered aloud. He thought it was rather perfect.

“Because you wrote your name. Now Mom’s going to know you did it.”

According to family lore, when Mom later discovered Robbie’s handiwork, he had deftly scratched out his name and replaced it with another, even larger word he also knew well: MOM. His thinking, of course, was obviously she’ll think she did it.

(Robbie is a legend.)

I find this story a comical analogy for today’s warped political landscape, with democrats scribbling DICTATOR and FASCIST and WARMONGERING and THREAT TO DEMOCRACY all over everything they touch and then crossing out DEMOCRAT and replacing it with REPUBLICAN *maybe nobody will notice*.

In psychological circles, the tactic is called projectionand it’s used to deflect suspicion, criticism, and accountability.

Guess Who’s Back? Candace Owens Is Out Of YouTube Jail + WHAT Did Diddy Do To Justin Bieber?!

"Step aside but plug selling zios!"
Candace Owens: A Hayden Panettiere interview with People leaves people enraged, an interesting story develops with American University in Beirut following the pager attack in Lebanon, and I'm officially back on Youtube!

Modern Slavery: Exposing The Globalist Scam

...the globalist plan. GBI will make everyone a welfare slave. MMT will make everyone a debt slave. WTO will make everyone a wage slave. The super-capitalists will get even richer and the politicians will take their share.

Authored by James Rickards: Yesterday, the Fed did what I predicted it would do and cut interest rates. The “pivot” has finally arrived, ending the rate hike cycle that began in March 2022.

I’ll have much more to say about it going forward, but today, I want to talk about the dangerous globalist threats to our freedoms that we presently face. Let’s start with a question:

Do you know these initials: GBI, MMT, WTO? If you do, you understand the neoliberal globalist effort to make sovereign governments obsolete and effectively harness the population of the developed world in a kind of slavery to mega-corporations and soulless wealth managers.

If not, here’s your opportunity to learn how the world works.

GBI stands for guaranteed basic income. It’s a kind of government welfare with no questions asked. It’s a 21st-century version of the ancient Roman dole that handed out free grain to poor citizens to keep them contented.

Along with grain (later bread), Rome provided free games such as gladiator contests and chariot racing. This combination caused the Roman poet Juvenal to refer to Roman public policy as “bread and circuses.” Today, we have the NFL.

The idea behind GBI is that there’s not enough value-added work to employ the population. But if everyone were unemployed, there would be no consumption and no economy.

World Demands End To Evil Jews' Illegal Occupation Of Multi-Faith Palestine, In Landslide UN Vote

GER: The vast majority of the world voted at the UN General Assembly to demand an end to Israel's unlawful occupation of Palestinian territory within 12 months, with 124 countries (64%) in favor, 14 (7%) against, and 43 (22%) abstentions. Ben Norton analyzes the geopolitics of the vote, and how the US and most of the West is violating international law.

Former British Ambassador Craig Murray: 'The West Is Deeply Complicit In Genocide Of Palestine'

Here is a summary of the speech in the video below of former British Ambassador Craig Murry describing the transition of Britain and the West in general into Tyranny

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: The UK has criminalized dissent.
A new Public Order Act makes it illegal to hold a rally or demonstration if it “inconveniences” anyone. This gives the state unlimited power to clamp down on any demonstration.

A new National Security Act makes it illegal to accept funding if it comes from “a hostile state” (there is no definition of what qualifies as a “hostile state”)
A new Public Safety Act makes it a criminal offense to publish “misinformation” (there is no definition of “misinformation” — the government decides).

It is all about control of the narrative. Zionist lobbies have great influence on official narratives across the West. 

Citizens of the West are not allowed to accuse Israel of genocide; this is increasingly being equated with being a “terrorist”.

Anti-terrorism powers are being used to prevent any criticism of Israel.

Murray, a former British Ambassador, was arrested at the airport under the “Terrorism Act” for attending a pro-Palestine demonstration in Iceland.
Under the Terrorism Act, if you are arrested at an airport, you have no right to remain silent, no right to a lawyer, you must turn over all your electronic devices with the passwords.
If you refuse to turn over your electronic devices, it is two years in prison.
Two years in prison for refusing to answer a question.

Many people are being detained under anti-terrorist legislation, including a professor from Paris and several independent journalists, who all have been detained as was Murray.

Evil Jews' 'Pager' Massacre Leaves Estimated 4200 Gentiles Injured, 11 Dead Including Little Children - Pentagon Involved!

"It's state terrorism by Israel thousands maimed and many killed including children!"

vanessa beeley: Almost as I finished UK Column news today, I heard that a second wave of device explosions had struck in southern Beirut and close to the Al Qaim Mosque.

The Lebanese Civil Defence reported fires in 60 homes and shops and 15 cars after wireless devices exploded in Nabatieh. In the second wave of the Israeli intelligence operations, personal radios or walkie-talkies were detonated.

An explosion occurred during the funeral procession of Mahdi Ammar, the son of the Lebanese MP Ali Ammar, who was killed in yesterday’s massacre. The funeral was being held in Sohmor, Lebanon.

South Africa Are OFFICALLY Dragging Pro Israel Britain To The Hague!

As the South African case against the UK for complicity in the atrocities committed by Israel moves on, is Starmer making matters worse?

Right, so as South Africa very much continues its case against Israel at the International Court of Justice, it might not make the news too often these days after dominating headlines earlier on in the year, it might be set to do so again now though, as it now finalises the case of complicity it is bringing against the likes of the UK and the US for aiding and abetting Israel in the genocide it has been committing against the people of Gaza since the night of October 7th.

We know this has been a months long task in organisation by South African lawyer Wikus van Rensberg and his team of nearly 50 lawyers, as they continue to build their case, it’s happening now on Keir Starmer’s watch though obviously this work on a case against the UK was begun whilst we still had a Tory administration, but Starmer has proved to be no change at all, he has continued to support Israel at every turn, a Zionist without qualification, yet as a former human rights lawyer himself, the optics could not be more damaging if he now has to defend not just his own actions but those of the former Tory administration in defending and siding with Israel regardless of the horrors they are meting out and the war crimes they continue to commit.

The WHO Treaty Should Scare The HELL Out Of You!

"This is actually worse than what happened during covid!"

Jimmy Dore

18 Sept 2024

A Narrow Escape + There's No Doubt About It

"Personally speaking I'll be spending my next holiday in Greece." -Paul Joseph Watson

The Great Divide Of Men & Women + Men Built The World For Selfish Women

"We Are Taking The Soul Away From The Man! ...All these women who put men down do not speak for me."
Keira Lhotan

Now Evil Jews Targeting Christians' & Muslims' Hand-Held Radios To Explode, 9 More Dead Over 300 More Wounded

"Communications devices that the Jews exploded moments ago are hand-held radios, different to pagers that exploded on Tuesday."

By Tyler Durden: Axios and regional media are reporting a new wave of blasts in the Lebanese capital of Beirut, including explosions in the south of the country.

Israel has reportedly detonated hand-held personal radios used by Christians and Muslims and our children, the emerging reports say. The prominent regional news source War Monitor writes "Communications devices that exploded across Lebanon moments ago are hand-held radios, different to pagers that exploded on Tuesday, Security sources informed me."

Al-Manar TV is also confirming wireless devices exploded in the hands of those carrying them in several areas. There are reports of at least nine new fatalities and over 300 injured in this second day of explosions.

Several ambulances have been witnessed rushing to the scenes of multiple new blasts. It appears the Israeli covert operation to sow chaos is not over.

This comes after Beirut authorities said they would be checking and inspecting all externally shipped-in electronic devices, considering it's clear at this point the pagers were manipulated by the Jews.

NATO Chief Is Delusional + Change Just Happened So Fast, Some In NATO Just Got Whiplash!

NATO Chief Jens Stoltenberg today told an interviewer from FOREIGN POLICY "NATO will not be part of the (Russia v West) conflict if alliance countries allow Ukraine to strike at Russian territory with western-supplied weapons."

By Hal Turner: Apparently, Stoltenberg fails to acknowledge those western-supplied weapons NEED western military satellites to guide them on their trip to attacking Russian targets.

Russian President Vladimir Putin pointed this out last Thursday in a brief TV interview and Putin made clear "Western weapons need satellites to operate and Ukraine doesn't have any."  He went on to make clear that f western weapons are used to attack Russia, then that would be NATO attacking.

Russia points out that Ukraine using western (NATO) satellites for attacks inside Russia makes NATO a party to the conflict.

Today, Stoltenberg says it does not. Has he become delusional?

Perhaps.  Perhaps not.  Do you see the look on his face in the photo.  Is THAT a "Deer in the headlights" look?  Sure seems like it to me.

If I'm right about that look, then his own body shows he doesn't believe what he's saying!

Regardless of whether he's delusional or not, do you see where this is going?

On The Demonisation Of Men...

"The Vordermans and the Guardianistas of this world have demonised men to such an extent, we're left listening to the sort of weak men they would reject if they went on a date with them..."

Richard The Fourth: In a bizarre exchange with a man fighting in family court for his children, resident-LBC genius Carol Vorderman feels it necessary to end the conversation at the mere mention of the name 'Jordan Peterson' - what sort of men are feminists like her creating in our society though? Hint, not good ones...

Springfield Ohio Is Just The Beginning

USA: Why Is Our Government So Against Us?

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Why does the US government hate the American people? Why does the US government try to destroy us?

The Anti-White American Democrats are Incapable of Understanding that an illegal alien does not become part of a national community by unlawfully entering it, any more than a thief becomes an owner of property by stealing it.

UK University RemovesAnglo-SaxonFrom Curriculum - image

What has happened to America when the entirety of the media, the entirety of the Democrat Party, the entirety of the universities, Homeland Security (sic) not only welcome but also facilitate the immigrant invasion that is overrunning the United States while Washington, abandoning its own borders, fights for Ukraine’s?

The national print and TV media describe the over-running of Springfield by immigrant-invaders as a restoration of a declining city, restoring property values, and enriching the culture. Every bit of information to the contrary is dismissed as fake news.

Wake Up White People. Your Existence Is Being Erased.

I Don't Think She Expected That - Labour MP v Pub Goers

"These idiots live in their own world. Labour MP should have bloody expected it!"


Russian Nuclear Submarines Have Surrounded Britain - Bristol Under Threat Of Zircon Hypersonic Missile Attack!

These nuclear submarines are already off the coasts of Britain - waiting for the order to attack.
By Hal Turner: On September 12, 2024, at least three submarines known as Project 885 "Yasen" Class, of the Russian Northern Fleet, armed with Zircon Hypersonic Missiles left, their home base at Severomorsk and headed toward the Atlantic Ocean.

The map below shows the location of the Severomorsk Submarine Base:

This was the same day that British Prime Minister Kier Starmer departed the UK for a meeting with Joe Biden in Washington, DC, to discuss granting permission to Ukraine, to attack Russia with west-supplied, long-range missiles.

According to the authoritative military expert Mikhail Khodarnock, these submarines left their home port and headed to the Atlantic Ocean for a reason, especially considering the fact this happened at the very moment the West began to declare it would allow Ukraine to use western-supplied , long-range, weapons against military installations inside Russia.

17 Sept 2024

The Jews HACKED over 4,000 Christians' & Muslims' Cellphones Causing Them To EXPLODE In Their Faces!

Several people are dead after the Jews hacked their communication devices causing their batteries to explode 
UPDATE 11:48 AM EDT -- The Lebanon's Health Minister has confirmed that 8 people have died and 2,750 both Christians and Muslims including kids have been injured and maimed as a result of the Jews' orchestrated pager and phone explosions across the country.

By Hal Turner: This old man, driving his car while using the phone, had his fingers blown clean-off his hand when his phone detonated:

Social media is lighting-up with videos coming in showing the actual detonations, and/or the aftermath:

"Putin Is Preparing A MASSIVE Invasion To End This War" Col. Douglas MacGregor

Redacted: Russia is warning today that Ukraine is about to launch a massive false flag operation... where they would strike children's hospitals using Russian weapons in order to rally support from the west...

Living In China v Living In America + This Is Why I Hate CHINA! + How Bad Is China's Housing Economy REALLY?

Because I'm Lizzy: Here I go to an even smaller city to look at the metro station in China and compare it to the richest city in America's metro station, New York City. What do you think about this? Truly shocking.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Has A Target On Her Back

PCR: The whore liberal media hate Marjorie Taylor Greene because she is a tough person, several hundred more of whom are desperately needed in the US Congress.

The days of polite discussion died with Hillary Clinton, a Democrat, calling the American working class “Trump deplorables.” Polite discussion died again when the Biden regime declared the president of Russia to be “the new Hitler,” “a dictator,” and “a murderer.”

This undiplomatic name-calling on the part of Washington cuts off all communication and foments war.

It only takes one more moronic decision by the White House, and war is what we get.

I wonder how much longer the American Establishment will permit Marjorie Taylor Greene to live. Plain speaking people are the last thing Washington can tolerate.

FBN: At US House Select Committee on the Coronavirus hearing, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) questioned former Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) about his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Leftist Media Blames Trump For Second Failed Assassination Attempt + Double Trouble

It should be noted that only one side of the American discourse has consistently supported violence and assassination as their go-to solution...

By Tyler Durden: In the lead up to the 2020 election between Donald Trump and Joe Biden the US was embroiled in a host of civil conflicts from BLM and Antifa riots to debates over the pandemic response.  The Democrat's election message was essentially a "return to normalcy" - "Wouldn't it be nice if all these riots and disruptions stopped?  Vote for Joe and it will all go away."

Except, it didn't go away.

Today as the 2024 election swiftly approaches the public is being made a very similar empty offer; the claim being that none of this political drama would be happening if Trump wasn't a factor.  It is this argument that is being used to justify not one but two separate near-miss assassination attempts on Trump, both carried out by confirmed supporters of Democrat institutions like ActBlue and the latest suspect, 58-year-old Ryan Routh, is a verified Bernie Sanders and DNC supporter who actively tried to recruit foreign mercenaries for the war in Ukraine. (Claims that Routh voted for Trump in 2016 appear to be false.  Records from his residence in North Carolina show Routh did not vote in 2016).

Establishment news platforms blame Trump for both attempts on his life.

Colonialist Genocidal Apartheid Israel Regime Rules US Universities And Every Other Aspect Of Our Lives In West

U.S. universities spent the summer strategizing to suppress student activism. Here is their plan.
Schools across the U.S. have altered policies and even landscapes in an attempt to make a repeat of last spring’s Palestine protests impossible. The result is a far-reaching war on free expression and the increased militarization of higher education.

By Carrie Zaremba: University administrators across the United States have declared an indefinite state of emergency on college campuses. Schools are rolling out policies in preparation for quashing pro-Palestine student activism this Fall semester, and reshaping regulations and even campuses in the process to suit this new normal.

Many of these policies being instituted share a common formula: more militarization, more law enforcement, more criminalization, and more consolidation of institutional power. But where do these policies originate and why are they so similar across all campuses?

Would-Be Trump Assassin Palled Around With Neo-Nazi Azov Brigade In Ukraine: What Did The Government Know?

Ryan Routh was featured in an Azov propaganda video in 2022...

By Tyler Durden: Perhaps the most interesting angle to attempted Trump assassin Ryan Routh's recent history in his Ukraine connection. We documented that when he went to Ukraine to recruit for its International Legion in 2022 he was a Western mainstream media darling for a time, having been quoted on behalf of the cause to get more foreign fighters thrown into the battle against Russia by a who's who of major media sources from FT to Newsweek to the NY Times.

But when he arrived in Ukraine, according to these media reports, the 58-year old Routh himself was considered too old to fight alongside the Ukrainian army. "So plan B," Routh described to one outlet, "was to come to Kiev and promote the idea of many others coming to join the International Legion. We need thousands of people here to fight alongside Ukrainians." 

"There are about 190 countries on our planet, and if the governments are not officially sending soldiers here, then we civilians should pick up this torch and make it happen," he described. He had told Newsweek in a video interview from Ukraine that the war with Russia was as simple as "good vs. evil" and essentially the same as good guys and bad guys in the Hollywood movies Americans grew up with. It was not a gray conflict, he described, but "black and white".

In March of 2022, just a month into the Russian invasion, he tweeted that everyone around the globe should be willing to volunteer and "fight and die" in Ukraine. Still, much of his time was reportedly spent in a hotel room in the far western city of Lviv.

Russia's Deputy Foreign Minister: "U.S. Gave Carte Blanche for Kiev to Attack Russia - our response will be brutal"

This is the decisive moment for the future of all the countries involved.

By Hal Turner: Russia's Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov remarked today: ”The United States has given Kiev all the carte blanche to strike with long-range weapons deep into the Russian territory, Moscows response to it will be brutal.

He went on to say ”There is an element of serious risk here, because the opponents in Washington, London, and other places clearly underestimate the degree of danger of the game they continue to play.”

All Observers to this situation agree this is extremely serious because it is information coming from Russia that DID NOT COME from the White House. 

Yesterday, the White House did NOT announce that, after a meeting between (illegitimate) President Biden and Prime Minister Kier Starmer of the United Kingdom, any approval was given to Ukraine to use west-supplied missiles to strike Russia.  There has been ZERO official word from the US or the UK indicating any such a grant of permission was given to Ukraine.   This could be by design.

Dutch Emergency Plan DISTURBS EU

Michael Heaver: "Dutch government to ask opt-out clause from EU asylum rules 'as soon as possible'"

Doom Is The West’s Future

'How can a social, political, belief system this weak go to war with real people such as Russians, Chinese, Iranians? They cannot.'

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: As I said would happen, Putin’s refusal to quickly win the conflict with Ukraine has widened the conflict into the beginnings of WW III.

Putin himself now acknowledges this fact. In response to a journalist’s question about the consequences of what appears to be a US-UK decision to permit missile strikes from Ukraine deep into Russia, Putin said:

“The Ukrainian army is not capable of using cutting-edge high-precision long-range systems supplied by the West. They cannot do that. These weapons are impossible to employ without intelligence data from satellites which Ukraine does not have. This can only be done using the European Union’s satellites, or US satellites – in general, NATO satellites. This is the first point.

“The second point – perhaps the most important, the key point even – is that only NATO military personnel can assign flight missions to these missile systems. Ukrainian servicemen cannot do this.

“Therefore, it is not a question of allowing the Ukrainian regime to strike Russia with these weapons or not. It is about deciding whether NATO countries become directly involved in the military conflict or not.

“If this decision is made, it will mean nothing short of direct involvement – it will mean that NATO countries, the United States, and European countries are parties to the war in Ukraine. This will mean their direct involvement in the conflict, and it will clearly change the very essence, the very nature of the conflict dramatically.

Dementia Drug Prescriptions Up 46 Percent Over A Decade In Australia

A new report has revealed that the disease is the second highest cause of death in the nation.

Authored by Crystal-Rose Jones: Recorded cases of dementia, as well as deaths and prescriptions for the disease, are on the rise across Australia as the nation grapples with the effects of an ageing population.

The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare’s Dementia in Australia report, released on Sept. 13, estimates that out of every 1,000 Australians, 15 are suffering from the neurodegenerative disease.

Prescriptions for dementia drugs have increased 46 percent in a decade.

A total of 688,000 dementia medication prescriptions were dispensed to around 72,400 Australians aged 30 and over in 2022–23, compared to 472,000 scripts dispensed in 2013–14.

According to Dementia Australia, more than 100 different diseases can lead to dementia, with the disease commonly associated with Alzheimer’s disease.

"Nothing Will Slow Me Down" - Trump Reacts After Second Assassination Attempt

“I will never surrender...”
  • Shots were exchanged between a shooter and Secret Service at Trump International Gold Club as the former President played.

  • Trump was 300-500 yards away when the shooting occurred.

  • FBI confirmed they are investigating this as an assassination attempt.

  • Trump said after: "nothing will slow me down, I will never surrender."

  • The shooter has been detained.

  • An AK-47, backpack, and GoPro camera was recovered near the scene.

  • The shooter has been identified as Ryan Routh, whose social media suggest was a Trump-hating, Ukraine-war-supporting liberal.

  • Trump was NOT given complete perimeter protection, because he is not a sitting president (despite being hit by an assassin's bullet a couple of months ago)

15 Sept 2024

Brain-Rinsed Woke Morons Plot Destroy Western Economies

The woke position rests on a fundamental fallacy...

Authored by Llewellyn Rockwell: “Woke” people claim that they want to wake up racial and sexual minorities to the way they are being discriminated against. Because of past and present exploitation, blacks and other “protected” groups are not getting what rightfully belongs to them. The solution to this is that the better off, especially if they are white, should have their wealth and income seized and given to those they are exploiting.

The woke position rests on a fundamental fallacy. This is that there is a fixed amount resources, so that if the rich have more, the poor have less. But this is wrong. Resources in the free market are not a fixed sum. So long as the economy is growing, everybody can benefit. The ‘protected’ can do better without taking away what the rich have earned. The economist Paul Rubin, who died last month, gives a good account of the fallacy:

“Karl Marx called his system ‘scientific socialism’ Modern leftists advocate a similar ideology and call themselves ‘woke’ to indicate that they understand the world better than the rest of us. Yet the worldview of Marxists and woke leftists alike is fundamentally primitive.

Sopranos Star Refused Covid Jab & Paid The Price! - With Drea De Matteo

Jimmy Dore: When the COVID-19 vaccine became widely available, Hollywood instituted an industry-wide mandate that anyone involved in production would have to get the jab. Former Sopranos actress Drea de Matteo refused, however, causing great damage to her reputation, social life and job prospects. De Matteo explains to Jimmy precisely why she made the decision she did and what happened to her in Hollywood as a result.

Breaking: Russian Foreign Ministry Announcement

The Russian Foreign Ministry has responded to revelations the United States is seeking to deploy nuclear weapons in Japan.

"We plan to launch a comprehensive military intervention if American missiles are deployed in Japan." - Russian Foreign Ministry

Shock Move By Palestine At UN Puts Israel In BIG TROUBLE!

KernowDamo: Palestine have wasted no time at all making the most of their new found rights at the UN and Israel now face a BIG shock!

Right, so Palestine have, as has been quite widely reported now taken a seat at the United Nations General Assembly, not as an observer state seated elsewhere, but seated amongst the other nations, which is a big step forward towards permanent member status as it absolutely should have, but which to all intents and purposes is being blocked by the United States, who of course in turn set the foreign policy of a lot of other nations besides, but that isn’t the big surprise for Israel, despite their disgust at this turn of events.

While the State of Palestine does not have permanent member status as yet and therefore cannot cast a vote on motions still, it does have new rights and privileges and one of those is that they can now present draft resolutions to the General Assembly, this is something they have now done already and unlike the news of their seat at the UNGA, it’s gone appallingly underreported too and you can probably imagine why because it is THAT that is going to be giving Israel and Netanyahu’s awful hard right coalition government a massive throbbing headache.

Richard Medhurst UN Speech In Geneva On Palestine & The UK's Crackdown On Free Speech

"The bed is a raised slab of concrete in a piss stinking cell video surveilled 24/7.
This is the UK in 2024!"
Richard Medhurst

Americans Can't Hide From Nuclear War, Moscow Warns As West Mulls Escalation

Ambassador Antonov: "Americans will not be able to sit it out behind the waters of this ocean. This war will affect everyone."

By Tyler Durden: The Kremlin has issued yet more warnings following reports that the Biden administration could soon greenlight long-range attacks by Kiev forces on Russian territory using US-supplied arms.

Both the UK and Canada are on board, we reported earlier, and British Prime Minister Ken Starmer is visiting Washington where he's directly lobbying Biden to jump on board and grant Zelensky's urgent request to lift all restrictions on Western weaponry.

However, The New York Times suggests that saner minds are prevailing at this point. "President Biden’s deliberations with Prime Minister Keir Starmer of Britain about whether to allow Ukraine to attack Russia with long-range Western weapons were fresh evidence that the president remains deeply fearful of setting off a dangerous, wider conflict," the publication writes.

Let's hope this is the case, given this is arguably the most dangerous moment and decision-point of the war to date. Pentagon leadership has recently stressed that granting the permission for long-range strikes will do little strategically to change the battlefield, where Russian momentum has continually gained in eastern Ukraine.

Jews Rape, Torture And Murder: Inside The Jews' Concentration Camps

The prison system is one of the most violent and oppressive state mechanisms that the Jews' Israel regime uses to uphold Jewish supremacy between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea,”

Palestinians released from Israeli detentions are taken for medical examination at al-Aqsa Martyrs hospital in Deir al-Balah on 17 July 2024. Ali Hamad APA images
By Tamara Nassar: When the Jews rioted in July in support of 10 soldiers accused of gang-raping a Palestinian prisoner, there was disgust and shock around the world.

But the horrifying sexual attack was far from an aberration.

Firsthand testimonies reveal that Jews are systematically inflicting rape and other forms of sexual violence, torture and cruel abuse on thousands of Palestinians held in a network of prison camps.

While the Jews' Israel regime has perpetrated these kinds of attacks on Palestinians in its prisons for decades, they have increased dramatically in quantity and intensity since 7 October, amid an atmosphere of state-sanctioned and directed revenge.

B’Tselem is aware of at least 60 Palestinians deaths in Israel detention since 7 October, though the figure could be higher.

And while Israel’s claims of rapes and sexual assaults by Palestinians on 7 October lack even a single identified victim or firsthand testimony, any forensic evidence or credible eyewitnesses, the rapes and other sexual attacks on Palestinians are documented with a large and growing body of horrifying and consistent victim accounts and witness statements.