1 Jan 2024


"The facts are that the people of Palestine are denied the right to exist as human beings, they are denied the right to enjoy the freedoms and the rights we so love as South Africans. The collective punishment that Israel is exacting on all Palestinian people is an affront that has gone on for too long!


The murder of children, of women and the aged, by Israel is an act that should have resulted in the International Criminal Court issuing an immediate arrest warrant for key decision makers including Mr. Netenyahu who is responsible for violations of international criminal law. This is apartheid for decades and decades and decades!"

Jimmy Dore Explains Jungian Message In Stairway To Heaven

Jimmy Dore: Was Led Zeppelin inspired by Carl Jung while writing lyrics to the classic rock anthem Stairway to Heaven? Jimmy certainly thinks so and discusses with Due Dissidence hosts Russell Dobular and Keaton Weiss whether today’s music lacks the poetry of the popular music produced in the previous generation.

Roger Waters: "2023 Has Been One Of The Most Dangerous Years Ever"

"We have to replace the Zionist system lock stock and barrel. We are, the whole world is now under attack.'
Peoples Dispatch: Roger Waters and Vijay Prashad reflect on the major developments of 2023 which they term one of the worst years in the history of humanity due to Israel's genocidal war on Gaza. Waters spent several months of this year touring Europe and the Americas in his "This is Not a Drill" tour and was met with backlash from the right-wing and zionist lobbies in most countries. Listen to hear Waters' and Prashad's reflections on democracy, capitalism, and the heroic struggle for Palestinian liberation.

Feminism & 'Hoeflation' Have Destroyed Dating In The West!

Women of the past used to have something to offer beyond sexual companionship...

By Tyler Durden: It's a problem in the western world that is rarely discussed in the media beyond puff-piece articles and glancing polls that avoid connecting the dots.   The precipitous decline of dating, committed relationships and marriage along with a flatline in population in the past couple decades in the US is treated as a novelty issue rather than the threat to the stability of civilization that it actually is.  History shows that without the traditional family structure, numerous ugly societal consequences follow.

One could argue, though, that the situation is far worse than that.  We may be heading into a future where families become a novelty, and many argue that the root cause is feminism and the hyperinflated delusions of progressive women.

In order to understand the problem we have to look at the stats.

Repeat Influenza Vaccination Linked To Higher Risk Of Infection: CDC Preprint

“...cannot fully explain the increased infection risk in repeat vaccinees compared with non-repeat vaccinees.”

Authored by Marina Zhang: A recent preprint co-authored by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) U.S. Flu Vaccine Effectiveness Network Investigators finds that repeat annual influenza vaccines are associated with an increased risk of influenza infection.

The preprint authors initially wondered if vaccination timing and influenza infections in prior seasons may have contributed to repeat vaccinees’ increased risk of infection.

However, they concluded these factors “cannot fully explain the increased infection risk in repeat vaccinees compared with non-repeat vaccinees.”

Repeat Vaccinees More Likely to Contract 1 Type of Flu

The study followed patients who had presented themselves with respiratory diseases at one of the designated clinics between the 2011 and 2019 seasons. Over 55,000 clinical visits were analyzed, and vaccine status was further examined.

Top 5 Woke Hollywood DISASTERS Of 2023 + Doctor Who Stars Tell Fans To Fuck Off!

"Put a chick in it and make it lame and gay!"

Nerdrotic: 2023 was the Year Woke Hollywood FAILED, and that's a good thing.

Setting Up White Gentiles For Genocide

'Hollywoods Jews have set up white American gentiles. As Jews have, American blacks now have racial awareness, but white gentiles are not permitted racial awareness.'

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Taki Points Out that the Jews in Hollywood Are Doing the Same Work on White People that the Nazi Filmmakers Did on Jews.

“Hollywood is hard at work in maintaining the myth that everything that the West has achieved since the Greeks was due to the white man’s cruelty and ability to steal from the Dark Continent.”

Taki was ill in bed with nothing to do but to watch TV.  The program he watched “takes place out west and the cowboys are all bad, bullies, criminals, sadists, and worst of all, white. The few black cowhands are wise, introspective, and very perceptive with their advice. The victims are the red Indians, sorry, Native tribesmen. One pretty Indian girl teaches history class, and her opening remarks to a new class are what a major criminal Christopher Columbus was. But the best part is the utter awfulness of the whites. They’re greedy, cowardly, murderous, bullying, dishonest, and I’m talking only of the men. The white women are drunks, sleep with everything that walks but the horses, and are very greedy and vengeful. My only thought was thank God I’m watching this in my own bed. In a movie house I’d probably be lynched once the lights went on.” https://www.takimag.com/article/the-new-weimar/