17 Jan 2024

The Greater Reset 5

Corbett: Derrick Broze of The Conscious Resistance Network joins us to discuss The Greater Reset 5: Manifestation, the latest edition of the ongoing series of solutions-focused workshop/conferences seeking to empower people on their quest to build the parallel systems of the future. From workshops and presentations on permaculture and parallel networks to taking back our tech and building community (including a virtual presentation from James Corbett), this conference offers something for every stripe of #SolutionsWatch-er, both in person and in a free livestream.

The Anglo/American World Has Destroyed The Accountability Of Government

'We now have the situation where the two countries who gave the world government accountable to the people are acting totally independent of the people. You can see what will develop from this.'

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: More evidence of the rise of dictatorship in the Anglo-American world of “liberty and freedom” is the failure of both the US president and the UK prime minister to notify Congress and Parliament that the executive branches in the US and UK were committing the US and UK to war with Yemen without consulting the legislative branches, a requirement in the US and a historical convention in the UK.

Two people acting as dictators committed their countries to war.

The Biden Regime has the War Powers Act or the 2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) for its justification for attacking Yemen territory. If memory serves, the power Congress gave the executive branch only applies to the use of force against those who attack US forces.  It seems that the Biden Regime has expanded the definition to include anything the US executive branch can claim is an attack on America. The Houthi  had not attacked US Navy ships, only commercial ships supplying Israel.  The recent Houthi attempted attack on a US Navy ship came after the US attack on Yemen, not before.

How The Jews Are Brainwashed

uncivilized: Why do Israel Jews dance and celebrate the death and destruction in Gaza? The answer lies in the dehumanization of Christian and Muslims Palestinians that is at the core of Israel society. Explainer by Tala Kaddoura

Death, 'Disease X', & "Rebuilding Trust" With The Denizens Of Davos

“I have decided to unilaterally rebrand Disease X! It is now Disease DIC! Debt Implosion Cover-up - Edward Dowd

Authored by James Howard Kunstler: The nabobs and panjandrums of the World Economic Forum (WEF) meet up at Davos, Switzerland, the next several days to lay plans for their latest assault on humanity.

This year’s theme is “Rebuilding Trust.”

Did you just blow your coffee through your nose?

The outfit that coordinated the world-wide Covid-19 response (that perhaps birthed the very concept of Covid-19 itself), and especially pushed mRNA vaccines on the credulous global public — this gang of super-wealthy, super-connected, super-important celebrity punks, poohbahs, pricks, and predators wants a cuddle.

The Foundations Of Jewish Israel’s Genocide In Gaza

As ever, it is not the West that the world can look to for meaningful leadership on the gravest crises it faces or for efforts to de-escalate conflict.

By Jonathan Cook: It should surprise no one that the prize-match fight for the rule of international law has pitted Israel and South Africa against each other at the International Court of Justice at The Hague.

The world is split between those who have crafted a self-serving global and regional order that guarantees them impunity whatever their crimes, and those who pay the price for that arrangement. 

Now the long-time victims are fighting back at the so-called World Court.

Last week, each side presented its arguments for and against whether Israel has implemented a genocidal policy in Gaza over the past three months

South Africa’s case should be open and shut. So far Israel has killed or seriously wounded close to 100,000 Palestinians in Gaza, almost one in every 20 inhabitants. It has damaged or destroyed more than 60 percent of the population’s homes. It has bombed the tiny “safe zones” to which it has ordered some two million Palestinians to flee. It has exposed them to starvation and lethal disease by cutting off aid and water. 

Meanwhile, senior Israeli political and military officials have openly and repeatedly expressed genocidal intent, as South Africa’s submission so carefully documents.

Hundreds Of Thousands March To White House For Gaza

BreakThrough News: A huge protest at the White House condemned Biden for sponsoring Israel’s genocide. Biden’s approval rating is at an all-time low, the war is expanding, and the US is more isolated than ever. All of this could tank Biden’s 2024 campaign.

Is This What MLK Fought For? + Ariana Grande Is Absolute Filth For This

Candace Owens: It's Martin Luther King Jr. Day, and Black America is starting to wake up to what's going on. They're finally realizing what social welfare systems have done to their community. Black America dressed to the nines every day in the 1930s. That couldn't be farther from the truth today.