CNN's Pro-Israel Bias EXPOSED In Devastating Report

"CNN is complicit in mass murder! ...The person responsible is the new editor in chief and CEO Mark Thompson. That matters actually because this guy used to be director general of the BBC!"

Owen Jones: A new devastating report - based on interviews with CNN journalists and staff and internal emails and memos - has exposed CNN's raging pro-Israeli bias. This matters - a lot.

Is Lumumba In Danger For Saying This? + Trending Jews Film Themselves Committing Atrocities Against Civilians Snuff Vid

"It beggars belief and defeats reason when you listen to senior Jewish government officials right from the president, president Herzog is on record and is considered to be one of the more moderate Jews, he's on record as saying, "We are dealing with human animals and we are not going to spare any of them. There is no non-military target in Gaza." In other words women who are non combatants are targets, children are targets!" -Patrick Lumumba

Zack Mwekassa

Media MELTDOWN! Tucker Carlson Is With Vladimir Putin

Candace Owens: The media is having an absolute meltdown after Tucker Carlson was spotted at the Kremlin to interview Vladimir Putin. Plus, a woman laments on TikTok about how working 40 hours a week leaves her exhausted and still unable to afford basic necessities. And, NYC launches a $53M program to give prepaid debit cards to migrants to spend in BODEGAS to cater to their “culturally relevant” diets.

The Overthrow Of Men

'White heterosexual males are second class citizens in law.' 

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: In my lifetime I have watched the complete overthrow of men.  The only role that they have left is to be a hate object for feminists. 

I think the overthrow was initiated with the 1964 Civil Rights Act as implemented, contrary to the statutory language in the law, by the EEOC bureaucracy.  Congress explicitly prohibited racial quotas, but the EEOC under the leadership of Alfred Blumrosen put in place a regulatory system that, at first, under the name of “affirmative action” gave racial preference to blacks in university admissions, hiring, and promotion. Soon after the preferences were extended to women, and later to the handicapped and now to sexual perverts.  

The consequence of Alfred Blumrosen is that white heterosexual males are second class citizens in law.  They have been denied for a half century the 14th Amendment’s protection of equality under the law.

Initially, the impact was limited, but as time passed more and more American men were held back in order to advance those with racial and gender preferences.