10 Feb 2024

The UK House Price Boom Is Over

Sasha Yanshin: The UK is obsessed with house prices, but over the last 10-20 years, they have been going up slower than the rate of inflation.

While monthly mortgage payments have increased because of the high interest rates, the price of houses relative to wages has actually been flat.

Is this the end for houses being treated as investments in the UK?

The World Is On Tucker Carlson’s Side, Not On Hillary’s Side, The Neocons’ Side, Or The Disgusting US Media’s Side

"I think the American people that take time to watch this will be impressed with Putin, his relaxed manner, but also his passion and his candid discussion of Christianity, too. I think, you know, that's going to cause people to take a second look or the second thought."
By Ekaterina Blinova:
The much-talked-about Vladimir Putin-Tucker Carlson interview may further chip away at support for Ukraine and could even complicate the process for US lawmakers to come up with cash for the Kiev regime, Larry Johnson, a retired CIA intelligence officer and State Department official, told Sputnik.
American journalist Tucker Carlson has come under a barrage of verbal attacks and denunciation from the Washington elite for interviewing Russian President Vladimir Putin. Among those going into meltdown mode and vilifying the renowned ex-Fox News host, were the US mainstream media, Team Biden officials and disgruntled, two-time failed presidential contender Hillary Clinton who branded him as a "useful idiot", claiming that everything that Putin would say would be a "pack of lies". Meanwhile, millions took to Twitter and Carlson's website to watch the history-making interview.

"The media freak out," Larry Johnson, a retired CIA intelligence officer, told Sputnik. "The media has been losing credibility with each passing week. They are seen as dishonest and propagandists. So, what they think is really of little importance, I don't see a groundswell developing to try to attack Tucker. The irony is, if you take the Fox News Network and MSNBC and CNN combined, Tucker has more viewers, more people following him, than those networks do. They're just jealous."

CNN’s Israel Bias Has Been Laid Bare - But CNN Is The Norm, Not The Exception

Western media can never truly report the extent of Israels criminality because to do so would be to expose their long-running complicity in those crimes

By Jonathan Cook: Leaks from within CNN reveal that for months its executives have been actively imposing an editorial line designed to reinforce Israel’s framing of events in Gaza, to the point of obscuring atrocities by the Israeli military. 

The dictates, say insiders, have resulted in senior staff refusing to accept assignments to the region “because they do not believe they will be free to tell the whole story”. Others suspect they are being kept away by editors who fear they will fight the restrictions. 

Internal memos insist that stories be approved by the station’s Jerusalem bureau, where staff are widely seen as partisans who slant reports in Israel’s favour. Palestinian perspectives are tightly restricted.

“Ultimately, CNN’s coverage of the Israel-Gaza war amounts to journalistic malpractice,” one staffer told an investigation by the Guardian newspaper.

According to staff accounts, CNN’s pro-Israel directives come from the very top – Mark Thompson, a TV executive who was hired from the BBC. Thompson, the Guardian article notes, was remembered by BBC staff for “bowing to Israeli government pressure on a number of occasions” – presumably one of the qualifications that won him the job heading CNN.

This Is HUGE. Putin Exposes The CIA

"The Ministry of Truth. In the west unbeknownst to most of us, because we've been brainwashed, we have been living inside of an Orwellian nightmare."

Candace Owens: In his interview with Tucker Carlon, Vladimir Putin alleges that the CIA controls our Presidents. We already knew that due to the deep state's reaction to Trump, who they didn’t expect. But now, Putin is confirming it. They are dumbing down and drugging Americans en masse while overthrowing governments worldwide. But to what end?

The Banning Of Motorbikes!

Jeff Taylor: Motorbikes are about to be banned and replaced with e-bikes. Those deliveries you rely on are about to get slower and a lot more expensive!