12 Feb 2024

If You Love Babies, This Is A Must-Read - The EVIL Jews Are Killing All The Christian Babies & Muslim & Atheist Babies!

This is unspeakable – but we must speak of it, and we must make THEM stop.

By Kathryn Shihadah: We are all about babies today. Babies and toddlers. Because what’s not to love about children. They are innocent and energetic, joyful, and loaded with potential.

With some exceptions.

Israeli leaders have declared, “it is an entire nation that is responsible,” and “all of Gaza should be erased” and “there is no such thing as uninvolved civilians in Gaza” and “Now we all have one common goal—erasing the Gaza Strip from the face of the earth.”

Below are the names of just some of the children whose lives were stolen from them by Israel. (Find the complete list here.)

If you are the parent, grandparent, aunt, or uncle of a young child, remind yourself: these children were just like your loved one. They were loved, doted upon, cuddled, photographed incessantly. Their families had dreams of their future happiness and success.

Scroll slowly, please. Scroll reverently. See the message at the bottom.

Battle Continues - South Africa's & Palestine's Presidents Just Met! + ICJ: Biden Threatens Israel Could Lose US Aid


We Love Africa: President Ramaphosa gives a speech during the Football for Humanity match featuring the Palestinian national team and a South African side at Cape Town's Athlone Stadium

EU Farmers Rise Against The Anti-Human Elites' Climate Cult

The Commission’s embarrassing concessions are proof that high-visibility, disruptive tactics can be effective. As such, we can expect more of this after June’s EU elections if the Commission doubles down again on its climate policy goals...

Authored by David Thrunder: Many major arteries connecting Europe have been obstructed or brought to a standstill in recent days by a wave of protests by farmers against what they claim are overly burdensome environmental targets and unsustainable levels of bureaucracy associated with EU and national farming regulations.

The warning shots of this showdown between policymakers and farmers had already been fired on 1st October 2019, when more than 2,000 Dutch tractors caused traffic mayhem in the Netherlands in response to an announcement that livestock farms would have to be bought out and shut down to reduce nitrogen emissions. Early last year, Polish farmers blocked the border with the Ukraine demanding the re-imposition of tariffs on Ukrainean grain.

But it was not until early this year that an EU-wide protest was ignited. German and French protests and tractor blockades made international news, and the blockades were soon replicated in Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Greece, Netherlands, and Ireland.

Egypt Warns The Jews' Apartheid Regime Israel: Rafah Invasion Could Negate '79 Peace Treaty

Egyptian President Sisi refusing phone calls from Bibi 'The Baby Butcher' Netanyahu...

By Tyler Durden: With the Jews on the verge of invading Gaza's southernmost city, Egypt is warning that such a move could trigger a suspension of the treaty that has maintained peace between the two countries since 1979, the Wall Street Journal reports. 

Israel Prime Minister Benjamin 'The Baby Butcher' Netanyahu on Friday directed the Jewish Israel Death Forces IDF to plan the evacuation of the city of Rafah, which lies on Gaza's southern border with Egypt and reportedly holds more than a million refugees already forced from their homes elsewhere in the 25-mile-long strip.

One particularly sensitive slice of real estate is the so-called Philadelphi Route or Philadelphi Corridor, which stretches nine miles along the Gaza-Egypt border. Diplomatic accords establish limits on the number of troops that either Israel or Egypt can position in several delineated zones along and near the border, and certainly don't authorize large numbers of Jewish Israel Death Forces IDF and their armored vehicles.

Boris Johnson Exposed For Sabotaging Ukraine Peace Deal For Jews' "Ukraine = Big Israel" Land Grab, Has Meltdown

Rages over "tissue of lies" Putin interview...

Authored by Paul Joseph Watson: Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson had a mini-meltdown after being exposed during the Tucker Carlson-Vladimir Putin interview for sabotaging the Ukrainian peace deal.

During the interview, Putin confirmed reporting that first emerged last year about Johnson’s role in prolonging the war.

David Arahamiya, the leader of Ukraine’s ruling party, revealed that Johnson had scuppered a peace deal that would have put an end to hostilities just a few months after the Russian invasion.

Putin confirmed this when he stated, “He had fixed his signature to some of the provisions, not to all of it. He put his signature and then he himself said, we were ready to sign it, and the war would have been over long ago. 18 months ago. However, Prime Minister Johnson came, talk to us out of it and we missed that chance. Well, you missed it. You made a mistake.”

Johnson was clearly rattled by the revelation.

UK Parliament Excess Deaths Debate - January 2024

Dr. John Campbell

Link to Hansard full transcript, https://hansard.parliament.uk/Commons...

I thank the Backbench Business Committee for scheduling this debate and my 17 colleagues from across the House who supported the application for a debate on the trends on excess deaths. This debate follows on from my Adjournment debate on 20 October on the same issue. The eyes of history are upon us. Every generation looks back in wonder at the incredible mistakes of its forebears. They will ask questions such as, “How could they possibly not have realised how wrong they were?”, “What on earth happened to them?”, “Why did they ignore the evidence for so long, as well as their values and every opportunity to learn from the mistakes of yesteryear?” and “What madness captures men?”