13 Feb 2024

Jewish Israel Death Forces IDF Invited Spectators To Watch Torture Of Christians – Jews Genocidal Rampage Day 129

Jewish Israel Death Forces IDF invited spectators to watch, film Palestinians being tortured; Israel killed at least 67 Palestinians and 5 Jews in order to rescue 2 JewsUS is pleased; UN’s special rapporteur for West Bank & Gaza officially banned; 2 reporters killed; UNRWA never got evidence from Israel; IDF raided Hospital; West Bank 'settler' violence; most Americans want ceasefire; prominent conservatives indicate support for ceasefire, oppose war against Iran; US Senate passed aid to Israel, may not pass House; State Dept not sure if cutting US military assistance is a “step that would be more impactful than the steps we have already taken”; much more

By IAK staff, from reports: The New Arab reports: The Jewish IDF brought groups of Jews into prisons to enjoy watching Palestinian prisoners getting tortured, the Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor revealed on Monday. 

Palestinian detainees released from two Israel coolers told the human rights group that they were stripped naked, beaten with metal batons and electric sticks, and verbally brutalized under the watch of civilian visitors.

The Jewish 'visitors' came to enjoy the torture sessions in groups of “ten to twenty”, organized by the Jewish IDF. In many cases, they were allowed to film the torture sessions on their phones so they could enjoy the video later.

The U.S. Is Trying To Interfere In The Upcoming Russian Presidential Elections! Zakharova

RN: The United States is planning to shake up the situation in Russia before the presidential elections! The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, spoke about the West's attempts to discredit the upcoming presidential elections in Russia.


Descent into Madness: Dostoevsky and the End of the West

By Boyd Cathey: Friends,

Our society is coming to resemble a dystopian “peoples’ paradise” in its darkly disturbing features. Think back to iconic works of literature like Arthur Koestler’s Darkness At Noon and George Orwell’s Nineteen-Eighty-Four. Are we not living in a society which is little more than a cross between the nightmare visions of Koestler and Orwell? Do we not live in a society where dissidents are branded as “domestic terrorists,” “insurrectionists,” or “racists,” and face imprisonment for heretofore unimaginable thought crimes, all in the name of “defending our democracy”? –where our children have become wards of the state and are indoctrinated daily by mountains of fetid radical ideology? –where television and the Internet are employed to fashion a particular jaundiced view of life?—where science is now used to tell us the world will end in, what, ten years, if we don’t take immediate action to curb “the climate crisis”?—where we are cajoled to accept a “great reset” and a “new world order” controlled by unseen elites?

Far too many citizens do not fathom what has occurred and is happening in our society. And those who do understand, whether here in the US or in Europe, are swatted down by the long arm of “Big Brother,” turned into “non-persons,” their reputations destroyed, awakened by armed-to-the-teeth FBI agents before dawn and imprisoned for months or years without trial or the benefit of counsel—“enemies of the regime.”