7 Mar 2024

There Is A War On Free Speech And They Won't Ever Be Satisfied Until Free Speech Is Completely Eradicated

'We really do live in an upside down society. Good is being called evil, and evil is being called good.'

Authored by Michael Snyder: The freedom to say whatever we want is one of the most fundamental rights in a free society.  If we are not free to speak up, it is is just a matter of time before all of our other rights are taken away as well.  So it should deeply alarm all of us that free speech is under attack like never before.  Much of the population has become convinced that “hate speech” is a special class of speech that does not deserve protection.  Of course in practice “hate speech” ends up being whatever forms of expression that the leftist elite hate.  That is why “hate speech” laws are always written so vaguely.  That way they can be used to go after whoever the leftist elite feel like going after at the time.

It is not always easy to have a society where people are allowed to say whatever they want.  People say things all the time that deeply, deeply offend me.  And there are some that have said things about me that are tremendously hateful and untrue.

But if we are going to have a free society, people have got to be free to say whatever they want.  So we should never support freedom of speech being taken away from anyone, because once we start going down that slippery slope it is just a matter of time before they come after our freedom to say what we want.

France, Germany And The UK Are RACING To Get Out Of RUSSIA’s WAY

"Ukraine war was akin to poking a snoring grizzly bear with a stick. Now the bear is truly awoken. Who it eats first, remains a matter of conjecture."

TFIGlobal: Ukraine has been crushed. And War Criminals of NATO are now wondering who will the Russian bear strike first. It seems as if the Europeans are now tossing the hot potato to each other in order to avoid the consequences of Russian anger. Let us take a look at what France, the UK and Germany are upto as the Ukraine war enters its final stage. The Ukraine war is almost over and it will change the world forever. It has turned Russia into a mightier foe for Europe than it ever was.

Russia Mulls Putting Nuclear Power Plant On Moon

Russia is considering a nuclear power plant installation on the moon starting between 2033 and 2035...

By Julianna Geiger: Russia is considering a nuclear power plant installation on the moon starting between 2033 and 2035, according to the head of Russia’s space agency Roscosmos.

Russia—along with China—is considering the idea of placing a nuclear power plant on the moon over the next decade or so, and the two countries have been working together on a lunar program for nuclear space energy.

“Today we are seriously considering a project—somewhere at the turn of 2033-2035—to deliver and install a power unit on the lunar surface together with our Chinese colleagues,” Yuri Borisov, head of Roscosmos said on Tuesday.

According to Borisov, solar panels would provide an insufficient amount of electricity to power future lunar settlements. Nuclear power, on the other hand, would be sufficient.

A US Journalist Got Schooled After Accusing China Of An Invasion Of Africa

UncutAfrica: In this video De-Graft Amoako reacts to a video of a US journalist accusing of an invasion in Africa.

Proof That Boycotting For Gaza Works

Boycotts are having a massive impact against major companies like McDonalds and Starbucks who support the racist genocidal Jewish apartheid regime Israel.

Novara Media