11 May 2024

Exposing The Dark Side Of Amazon

Tucker Carlson: What’s it like to work for the Jew Jeff Bezos? Here’s an account from someone who sells for him.

The TRUTH About College Protests

"They say the revolution will not be televised, but it will be on zoom apparently. ...From the river to the sea, baby salmon will be free!"

Sammy Obeid: If we can forgive their student debt, I think we can forgive them for wanting war to end. In 1968, 75% of America was against the Vietnam protests on college campuses. So guess what side of history you are on?

AstraZeneca - It's Over

Russell Brand: So, it's happened. AstraZeneca withdraws Covid vaccine worldwide, months after admitting to blood clots.

Nelson Mandela "I Am Prepared To Die" In English AI Reconstruction

"I am Prepared to Die."

Time Unveiled: This is a remake of a speech by Nelson Mandela known as "I am Prepared to Die". This speech was at his defense trial. While this speech was originally in English it had no video or audio recording. It has been recreated using transcripts from that even using AI tools. I hope you enjoy, and thanks for watching.

Ireland Snubs The Racist Jews' Apartheid Regime Israel, Makes Announcement In UN To Recognise State Of Palestine

Janta Ka Reporter: Ireland on Friday snubbed Israel and made a huge announcement at the UN on recognizing Palestine as an independent State.

This was announced by the Ireland ambassador to the UN after the global body overwhelmingly voted in favour of a full membership of Palestine.

The assembly adopted a resolution on Friday with 143 votes in favour and nine against – including the US and Israel – while 25 countries abstained. It does not give the Palestinians full UN membership, but simply recognises them as qualified to join.

According to Al Jazeera news, while the UNGA alone cannot grant full UN membership, the draft resolution on Friday will give the Palestinians some additional rights and privileges from September 2024 – like a seat among the UN members in the assembly hall – but it will not be granted a vote in the body.

The Jews Just Made The Christian Bible ILLEGAL!

Russell Brand: Tucker, Charlie Kirk and Ben Shapiro have voiced outrage at the Jews' Antisemitism Awareness Act because it makes the Christian Bible illegal.

Watch Tucker Go SILENT When Tara Reade Tells Him What Biden Just Did

Redacted: Tucker Carlson could not believe that someone could be punished for “sowing disruption.” That seems to be the only thing that the Justice Department has on Joe Biden’s sexual assault accuser Tara Reade. Carlson published an interview with her that he filmed when he was in Russia and she says that she cannot find out why the Justice Department has a sealed indictment against her and she thinks it is for political disruption. Why is she treated this way while the media and court system obsesses over Stormy Daniels?

Apartheid Shill Biden’s War On Gaza Is Now A War On Truth And The Right To Protest

The medias role is to draw attention away from what the students are protestingcomplicity in genocideand engineer a moral panic to leave the genocide undisturbed

By Jonathan Cook: As mass student protests quickly spread to campuses across the United States last week, and others took hold in Britain and elsewhere in Europe, the western media gave centre stage to one man to arbitrate on whether the demonstrations should be allowed to continue: US President Joe Biden. 

The establishment media reverentially relayed the president’s message that the protests were violent and dangerous, treating his assessment as if it had been handed down on a tablet of stone. 

Biden declared the protesters had no “right to cause chaos”, giving the green light for police to go in with even greater force to clear the encampments.  

This week, Biden raised the stakes further by suggesting the protests were evidence of a “ferocious surge” of antisemitism in the US. 

According to reports, more than 2,000 protesters have been arrested after some university administrators – under growing pressure from the White House and their own wealthy donors – called in local police. 

In approving the crushing of dissent, Biden contradicted himself: “We are not an authoritarian nation where we silence people or squash dissent. But order must prevail.”