17 May 2024

Russian Forces Are STUNNED By What They Just Found In Ukraine!

Zero fortifications and hardly any resistance, most Ukrainians simply surrendering. US and UK tax payers paid for ...NOTHING!


Redacted: What happens when when you steal all the money and don't build defensive structures to stop the advance of the Russian army? Ask Ukraine! New reports show Ukraine build shell companies to steal millions in US dollars meant for trenches and fortifications.

Putin: Russia's Military Spending Is Growing!

RN: Our troops in all directions are improving their position every day! Russian President Vladimir Putin held a meeting with the commanders of military districts. In particular, they discussed the progress of Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine. -Putin

EXPOSED: Israel’s Secret War

"How the Jews' system of apartheid actually works."

DDN: While all eyes are on Gaza...

The U.S. Has "Gone Crazy Trying To Maintain Their Unipolar Hegemony!" -China + Russia's Military Spending Is Growing!

China and Russia are now SBFFs Super Best Friends Forever!

RN: The attention of the whole world is focused on China, where negotiations between Putin and Xi Jinping are taking place! On the progress of Russia's special military operation in Ukraine.

Scott Ritter: Israel Is Losing

George Galloway MP: Israel is nowhere close to defeating Hamas above or below ground. Ukraine is now on its third army and running out of time and press-ganged recruits, @RealScottRitter explains.

AGENDA 2030: "We ALREADY Are At War With Russia" U.K. Admits As Germany Ramps Up Conscription +

"Young people of Europe, is this your future, dying, or escaping a country that wants to throw you into a war you do not buy?

Redacted: Leaked reports show that Germany is considering gender-neutralconscription, which means everyone could be drafted to military service. It stands to reason since Germany now allows parents to change their childs gender at birth so if you abolish biological sex, you can’t draft based on biological sex now can you? This follows calls for war from France, the UK and other NATO countries governments since NATO knows that it would need 90,000 troops to go up against Russia. Which no one wants!

Money's Grim Future

Prepare for total control of your economic life...

Authored by Alan Lash: Prepare for total control of your economic life. That is the message from Brownstone Fellow Aaron Day at his 4-hour workshop in San Jose, California last Saturday, May 11th.

Day has written the excellent book The Final Countdownwhich carefully describes the increasingly aggressive assaults on our freedoms by our government and by the global elites. He has just begun a series of workshops around the country to deliver that message and to show us a way to resist. The book was published just last year, but Day acknowledges during the presentation that he had to make alarming updates to his slides from current news, not even weeks old – more government intrusion, more legislation, and more spurious arrests, all attacking our ability to interact freely and transact our business.

As in the book, the presentation begins with a fictional account of a family set in the near future in a Western democracy, but perhaps all too familiar to current denizens of China, with their controlled currency and social credit scores. The image is easy to dismiss; it could never happen here. And yet, Day goes on to show how it actually is happening here. With a litany of article after article, official statement after statement, and video after video he makes his case. It is happening – he leaves no doubt.

Day gives ample historical reference points as well. How did we get here? It has been a long time coming. The constant push of globalist powers to remove our freedoms and control all resources has been in the works for a century.