The Western Tower of Babel Continues Its Collapse
By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: What is happening in the US is happening everywhere in the Western
world. As the empire itself is rotten, so must be its constituent parts.
In the US white parents have to take their kids out of public
schools, because public schools are indoctrination centers where white
kids are indoctrinated that they, their parents, and their relatives are
racist exploiters of “people of color” and that they are born into the
wrong body and need to be sterilized in order to escape the wrong
gender, thus further reducing the white birth rate.
In Jean Raspal’s The Camp of The Saints, white Europeans are
prohibited from marrying within their white ethnicity. In America’s
edition of The Camp of the Saints, white youth are simply sterilized by
sex change operations.
The American federal courts have set it up so that parents have no
say about the sterilization of their children. Despite this ruthless
tyranny, America thinks it is a free society, and conservatives chant
“USA, USA, USA.” A country with a population this stupid cannot
The website Axios seems to blame declining white public school
enrollments not on the coerced indoctrination of white kids but on
whites’ alleged desire for racial segregation. In other words, whites
are racist for resisting propaganda that they are racists.