22 May 2024

Jewish Neo Con Artist Warmonger 'The Queen Of Darkness' Calls For US To Bomb Russian Targets Within Russia

"Those bases ought to be fair game..."

By Tyler Durden: Former top State Department official Victoria Nuland is back, and she's joining the stepped-up Ukrainian government efforts to convince Western allies, including the United States, to deepen their involvement in the war with Russia.

Nuland said a recent appearance on ABC News that the Biden administration should allow Ukraine forces to mount attacks directly on Russian territory with US-supplied missiles and weapons systems. "They need to be able to stop these Russian attacks that are coming from bases inside Russia," she said in the Sunday interview. "The United States and our allies ought to give them more help in hitting Russian bases, which heretofore we have not been willing to do."

Microplastics Found In Human Testicles

...bollocks to that!

Authored by Amie Dahnke: Microplastics have been identified in human and canine testicles, lengthening the list of where the insidious particles have been found.

A new study published in Toxicological Sciences revealed the incredible prevalence of microplastics worldwide and their ability to penetrate nearly every part of the body.

Microplastics form when plastic is exposed to sunlight or other ultraviolet radiation and slowly degrades in landfills, the ocean, or other places. They are so small (measured in micro- or nanometers, or a billionth of a meter) that they can also be blown around by the wind and carried into waterways.

Human Samples Had Triple the Microplastics

A team of researchers at the University of New Mexico (UNM) examined testicular tissue samples from humans and dogs and found these microscopic pieces of plastic were present in every sample. The human samples were supplied by the New Mexico Office of the Medical Investigator, which collects tissues during autopsies, and the canine samples came from the City of Albuquerque animal shelters and private veterinary clinics that spay and neuter animals.

The researchers didn’t expect to find microplastics in the reproductive system—at least, not to this degree.

“When I first received the results for dogs I was surprised,” Dr. Xiaozhong “John” Yu, a professor at the UNM College of Nursing and lead researcher, said in a press release. “I was even more surprised when I received the results for humans.

Guess Who's NOT President Of Ukraine Anymore...

'Once again we see our utterly fraudulent "International Rules Based Order" is a total sham. That entire "Rules Based Order" is now backing a Dictator.'

By Hal Turner: Volodymyr "Ukraine = Big Israel" Zelensky's five-year term ended on May 20.  He is no longer Ukraine President, but instead a "Dictator" who is a legitimate military target.

Of course, Zelensky has no plans to resign or call wartime elections, even as Ukraine's love affair with the former comedian appears to be coming to an end. No, this is not a narrative from the Russian IPSO, but quite material from the authoritative publication "The Economist," which notes that the mood in Kiev is becoming increasingly alarming, and Zelensky’s opponents are muttering that his monopoly on power no longer stands up to criticism.

Germany Is Trying To Silence Us! + Yanis Varoufakis: How The EU Is Covering Up Palestinian Genocide And Other Evils

"Germany is loyal to Israel no matter what. They have become blind and insensitive. ...The holocaust cannot be used as an excuse for the genocide that is going on now."

British Government Telling Citizens "Stock Up On Three Days Food"

They seem to me to be words used to prepare the British public for nuclear war.

By Hal Turner: Families in the Britain are being urged to stockpile three days' worth of food and water to help build national 'resilience.'

Deputy Prime Minister Oliver Dowden will advise people to make contingency plans for dealing with potential emergencies such as prolonged power cuts, cyber attacks, floods and Britain sinking into the sea after our government goes too far and we end up being nuked by Russia.

Last year, Mr Dowden said people should stock up on 'analogue capabilities', such as candles, torches (i.e. flashlights) and wind-up radios, to boost their 'personal resilience'. 

Today he will go further by encouraging people to stock up with enough food and water to survive for three days without leaving their homes, sort of like people in Finland.

Finns are encouraged to stockpile food and water and to be prepared to 'shelter indoors' by taping up gaps in windows and 'waiting calmly for instructions' on the radio.

Western Civilization Is Being Destroyed By Self-hating Whites

'While immigrant-invaders are being conflated with US citizens, where are the politicians? They are focused on saving Ukraine and Israel.'

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Dear readers, I recommend that you watch the video about how white people are intentionally framed by black agitators and other white people for hate crimes that never happened. If you don’t care to watch the documentary, at least read the short article about how the life of University of Virginia student Morgan Bettinger was ruined by a lie.

My comments on the event go beyond Gage Klipper’s rendition of the story. It is much more than Morgan Bettinger’s story. It is a story of what white people have done to themselves.

UK Politicians Face WAR CRIMES Arrests After ICC Warrant Requests

Owen Jones: Tayab Ali is an international lawyer who is leading a criminal investigation into the complicity of UK politicians and commentators in Israeli war crimes. Seem far fetched? Well, the ICC Prosecutor issuing an arrest warrant for Benjamin Netanyahu once seemed unthinkable. Here's why it could be far more likely than you think.

Former US CDC Director Robert Redfield Says For The Third Time That Bird Flu Will Be The Next ‘Great ScamDemic’

They are going to release bird flu on us for the next pandemic. Apparently the Jew Bill Gates is already preparing avaccine.”

By Jacob M. Thompson “I think bird flu is going to be the cause of the great pandemic – where they’re teaching these viruses to be more infectious for humans,” he said.

Dr. Robert Redfield, the former Director for the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) under the Trump Administration, recently divulged in an interview for the third time publicly that he believes bird flu will be seen as the “great pandemic,” attributing it to a lab-leak from gain-of-function escape from a laboratory.

Redfield expressed his viewpoint in a short interview with Newsweek on April 8th, talking about new supposed allegations in the quest to discover the true origins of Covid-19. Unlike his counterpart Dr. Anthony Fauci, who has supposedly disagreed and quarreled with Fauci on different occasions, Redfield has argued with Fauci on the origins of Covid-19 and how to treat it. Redfield very early on claimed Covid-19 was the result of gain-of-function experimentation that leaked from a lab.

Near the end of the interview, Redfield shifted his attention towards bird flu and the current spread that’s going on right now. Redfield said: “Right now, it takes five amino acid changes for it to be effectively infecting humans. That’s a pretty heavy species barrier – but this virus is already in 26 mammal species, as you most recently saw cattle. But in the laboratory, I could make it highly infectious for humans in just months.”

Redfield warned that he believes bird flu will become the “great pandemic” because of lab manipulation to make it more infectious for humans.