24 May 2024

The WHO's Scamdemic Treaty And A Bird Flu Crisis Are Both Arriving At The Same Time

...be afraid, be very afraid.

Authored by Michael Snyder: Health officials are issuing very ominous warnings about the potential for an H5N1 pandemic among humans at the same time that the WHO is preparing for a vote on the global pandemic treaty at the 77th World Health Assembly at the end of this month.  The global scamdemic treaty will give the World Health Organization far more authority than it had during the last scamdemic, and a lot of people are deeply concerned about how that power will be used during the next major health crisis.  As you will see below, two more human cases of the bird flu have just been confirmed.  If the bird flu mutates into a form that can spread easily from human to human, that will create an enormous amount of fear, and the death toll could potentially be catastrophic.  In such an environment, what sort of extreme measures would the World Health Organization decide to institute?

In recent weeks, negotiators have been feverishly working to finalize the global pandemic treaty.  The following comes directly from the official WHO website

Governments of the world today agreed to continue working on a proposed pandemic agreement, and to further refine the draft, ahead of the Seventy-seventh World Health Assembly that starts 27 May 2024.

Nikita Khrushchev - Secret Speech - AI Reconstruction In English

Time Unveiled: This is a remake of a speech by Nikita Khrushchev in which he denounces Stalin and the cult of personality. A speech which the soviets didn't want people talking about which is why it is known as the secret speech.

The Jews Throw Temper Tantrum - Because They Are Losing

Ireland, Norway and Spain recognise the state of Palestine.

Owen Jones: This is beyond desperate.

10 ASEAN Countries To Ditch The US Dollar!

We Love Africa: The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) countries are looking to promote local currencies for trade and ditch the U.S. dollar for cross-border transactions. ASEAN consists of 10 countries and their economies are fast developing in the global sphere. This puts the USD under pressure, as several developing countries including the ASEAN bloc are looking to end reliance on the U.S. dollar.

On Last Day As PM, Rishi 'Chief Shabbos Goy' Sunak Can’t Hide His Disdain For Muslim MP On Gaza

Janta Ka Reporter: Rishi Sunak was no different even on his last day in the parliament as the British prime minister as he displayed enough hints of his Islamophobia while answering a question from a Muslim MP on the Gaza situation. This was when he rose to answer a question from Labour MP Zarah Sultana. Rifat Jawaid looks back on one more instance when he faced allegations of Islamophobia.

The Ever Widening War

Gilbert Doctorow: “In a six minute interview this morning on India’s premier English-language global broadcaster, I was given the opportunity to talk about video coverage of ongoing Russian military exercises using nuclear capable missiles at the Ukrainian border.  In particular, Russian state television yesterday drew attention to their MIG31s carrying nuclear armed hypersonic Kinzhal missiles.  The Kinzhals have a 500 km range, carry a 5 kiloton punch and are virtually unstoppable, as their use in the destruction of American Patriot air defense installations near Kiev demonstrated some months ago when only conventionally armed.

“Let us have no illusions.  This end game phase of the Russian-Ukraine war, when the Ukrainian forces are being battered on the ground and forced to retreat with heavy losses, is fraught with dangers of escalation to hot war between NATO and Russia. The United States, Britain and France have been throwing caution to the wind and are escalating madly to prevent disaster on the field of battle and Ukrainian capitulation. Moscow’s tactical nuclear weapons exercises represent an attempt to bring the West to its senses. Whether they will succeed in doing so is an open question.”