25 May 2024

Elon Warns AI Will "Do Everything Better Than You", Make Employment Obsolete

“My biggest fear is AI...”

Authored by Tristan Greene: Elon Musk recently doubled-down on his predictions that humans would need a “universal high income” in the wake of artificial intelligence-driven job displacement.

This time claiming that without our jobs our purpose in life may eventually be to “give AI meaning.”

The bleak prognostication from the world’s richest person came during the VivaTech 2024 event in Paris as part of a winding speech wherein Musk made fervent claims that AI would provide all of our goods and services in the future.

“My biggest fear is AI,” the mogul said.

He also claimed that AI will be better than humans at everything, thus relegating our species to doing our best to support the machines:

“The question will really be one of meaning – if the computer and robots can do everything better than you, does your life have meaning? I do think there's perhaps still a role for humans in this – in that we may give AI meaning.”

Nudegate: Apple Apologises For Saving Your Nudes

 "I thought I'd deleted this hot pussy!"


SAMTIME: A bug in iOS 17.5 made people's deleted photos reappear again on their iPhones. Proving once and for all that… you’re deleting them wrong!

How Israel Regime Prime Ministers Changed Their Names To Sound More Middle Eastern - "Mileikowsky, What A Wanker!"

"Every single Israel Prime Minister has a fake name! Did you know that? These white people don't come from Palestine, but they want to make you believe that they come from this area and that they are so Jewish when they have no connection, so they change their names. They all have Eastern European names.

These people are not Jewish, they are not real Semites and they are butchering the indigenous people of the region who are Semites and calling them anti-Semites. They are such frauds they even change their names!" -Richard Medhurst

The Message Of The Jews' Torture Chambers Is Directed At All Of Us Gentiles In The World, Not Just Palestinians

Black sitesare about reminding those who have been colonised and enslaved of a simple lesson: resistance is futile

By Jonathan Cook: On a misty November morning 21 years ago, I was desperately trying to remain camouflaged. Concealed in the foliage of an orange grove in Israel’s rural Galilee, I hurriedly took photos of a drab concrete building not marked on any map.

Even the original road sign identifying the site as Facility 1391 had been removed after a local Haaretz newspaper investigation revealed it housed a secret prison.

I was the first foreign journalist to track down Facility 1391, most of it hidden within a heavily fortified complex built in the 1930s to suppress resistance to British rule in Palestine. 

For decades, Israel had secretly held mostly Arab foreign nationals captive at the site, unknown to the Israeli courts, the Red Cross and human rights groups. Many were Lebanese citizens kidnapped during Israel’s 18-year occupation of southern Lebanon. But there were also Jordanians, Syrians, Egyptians and Iranians.

This site would soon be known as a “black site”, a term popularised by Washington’s invasion of Iraq that year. Drawing on techniques refined by Israel at Facility 1391, the US would, in the coming months and years, torture Iraqis and others at Abu Ghraib and Camp X-Ray in Guantanamo.

UN's Top Court Orders Israel Jews To 'Immediately Halt' Genocide

Tel Aviv: "no power on Earth will stop the Jews from murdering Christians, Muslims and Atheists, mwahahaha."

By Tyler Durden: The top United Nations court, the International Court of Justice (ICJ), has on Friday issued an emergency order for Israel to halt its military operations in the southern Gaza city of Rafah.

"Israel must immediately halt its military offensive," judges at the ICJ, or world court (which deals with disputes between countries, while the ICC prosecutes individuals) said, saying conditions had been met to issue a new emergency order.

Israel must further halt "any other action in the Rafah Governorate, which may inflict on the Palestinian group in Gaza conditions of life that could bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part," according to the ruling issued by the body's president Nawaf Salam. He also called the situation 'disastrous' for the Palestinians.

Now weeks into the offensive, at least 800,000 people have fled Rafah, which prior to the assault had some 1.2 million to 1.5 million mostly displaced Gazans packed into its environs.

The request for such an emergency ICJ declaration originated last week when South Africa's lawyers asked the Hague to intervene to ensure the survival of the Palestinian people.

The Murder Of A Civilization

'What we have is anti-white, brainwashed, indoctrinated European governments organizing the replacement of European ethnicities in their own ethnic countries and the transformation of the countries into towers of babel. '

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: A month ago I wrote about the Shieldmaiden, Eva Vlaardingerbroek, a young female Dutch lawyer, who has undertaken the task of encouraging white Europeans to take a stand against the replacement of countries consisting of ethnic nationalities, such as Germans, English, French, Italians, Dutch, Spanish, Hungarians, with towers of babel. In our world today, as in George Orwell’s novel 1984, words are turned upside down and have the opposite of their meaning. Diversity now means “sameness” with no country’s population corresponding to the ethnicity of its name. Destroying the diversity afforded by white ethnic nations is the goal of the EU tyrants and “President” Biden who recently stated, as Tucker Carlson reported, that getting rid of white America was a good thing. https://stgeorgewest.blogspot.com/2024/05/the-shieldmaiden-calls-white.html

I predicted that the young white woman’s own Dutch government will close her down in some horrific way for “racist” agitation for the continuing existence of an ethnically Dutch nation. It is OK for the Dutch to defend themselves against Russia but not against immigrant-invaders.

URGENT: Russia's Early-Warning Nuclear Missile Radar Was ATTACKED - Worse Danger Now Than "Cuban Missile Crisis"

'Russia is now a sitting Duck for a nuclear first strike. We may have just FORCED the Russians to launch a nuclear first-strike.'

By Hal Turner: One of Russia's absolutely key over-the-horizon, nuclear-early-warning radar sites has been hit by drone attack, BLINDING Russia from missiles launched at them from . . .  the Middle East.

The 818th Separate Radio-Technical Unit at the Armavir Radar Station located in Krasnodar Krai, Russia is now knocked-out.  Here are images of the two gigantic radar buildings at that radar site (Click on image TWICE to fully enlarge):Normally, the entire Russia early-warning radar system provides the coverage seen in the graphic below:

With the damage to the two radar stations at the Armavir Radar Station, there is now a GAPING HOLE in Russia's early-warning system against nuclear attack. 

Russia is now a sitting Duck for a nuclear first strike, not only against their Strategic Nuclear missile silos, but also against all the major population centers inside Russia.

Submarine launched nukes from the far eastern Mediterranean Sea, land-launched or even air-launched missiles from Turkey, from ISRAEL, Sub-launched missiles from the Red Sea, ALL can no longer be detected by Russia.