Angry Mexican Protesters Attempt To Torch Israel Embassy

" ... Molotov cocktails, and attempted to set the embassy on fire."

By Tyler Durden: AFP journalists report that riots broke out overnight between police and a group of 200 angry protesters outside the Israeli embassy in Mexico. The demonstrators, participating in a protest called "Urgent Action for Rafah," were denouncing the Israeli military operation in the southern Gazan city of Rafah. The unrest followed an Israeli strike on a displacement camp near Rafah that killed 45 people earlier in the week. 

Some protesters covered their faces and threw stones at riot police who blocked their path to the diplomatic complex in the city's Lomas de Chapultepec neighborhood.

Around 200 people joined the "Urgent Action for Rafah" demonstration, about 30 of whom started to break down barriers preventing them from reaching the Israeli mission.

Police officers deployed tear gas and threw back the stones hurled at them by protesters.-AFP 

According to The Jewish Chronicle, "Rioters on Tuesday set fire to the Israeli Embassy," adding, "The riot came after Mexico filed a declaration of intervention in South Africa's "genocide" case against Israel at the International Court of Justice."

Furiosa Box Office Flop Signals The Death Of Feminist "Boss Babe" Films

'No one wants to watch a Mad Max movie without Mad Max... Get Woke, Go Broke.'

By Tyler Durden: A decade in the movies is a lifetime in terms of popular culture.  Back in 2015 the future of American film and television still seemed bright with a host of box office winners every year making billions of dollars per production.  However, something sinister was bubbling under the surface in Hollywood.

Maybe it was two terms of Barack Obama and far-left politics that spurred the change, maybe it was a confluence of random coincidences, maybe it was the threat of a possible Donald Trump presidency or maybe the social engineers simply decided it was time, but from 2015 to 2016 everything changed in Tinsel Town.  The entertainment industry has always been overly progressive in nature (not to mention perpetually degenerate), but this new wave of "woke" collectivism was something entirely different.

Someone turned the propaganda dial up to eleven.  Since then media companies have been on a relentless campaign of DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion).  Their goal?  To saturate every corner of pop culture with feminism, critical race theory and LGBT indoctrination to the point that it's impossible to walk into a movie theater or turn on the TV without being psychologically molested (a problem Hollywood is famous for).

The agenda went even further that that, though.  The industry not only set out to make every single project woke, they also tried to go back in time and retroactively erase characters they don't like anymore - Specifically, straight white male heroes.

Et Tu, Trump

All news reports illustrate the rush to war

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: No sooner do I finish an interview about the rapidity with which we are traveling the road to Armageddon than we pick up speed. Trump campaign donors report that Trump told them he would have bombed Moscow and Beijing if they’d attacked Ukraine and Taiwan on his watch.

So the likely next US president tells the world that in the interest of Ukraine and Taiwan, two artificial states created by Washington, he is prepared to launch World War III. No more talk about normalizing relations with Russia. That talk brought him eight years of troubles and indictments. Trump now out-neocons the neocons.

There is no doubt that Trump has been persecuted for eight years and faces a collection of civil and criminal indictments simply because he said he intended to normalize relations with Russia. This was seen as an attack on the budget and power of the military/security complex. Trump was threatening their world by taking away their necessary enemy. The CIA director called Trump a traitor to America.

My position has always been that Americans must stand up to the Democrats’ weaponization of law and show that such law is unacceptable by vindicating Trump in the November election. Otherwise, the result will be the institutionalization of weaponized law, which means tyranny.

As important as law is as a shield of the people instead of a weapon in the hands of the state, it takes second place to avoiding nuclear 
Armageddon. I can no longer support Trump.

Tucker Carlson & Jeffrey Sachs Expose Secrets Of Russia & Ukraine War Conspiracy

speaknsee: Tucker Carlson in an eye-opening interview with prior Diplomat and author Jeffrey Sachs, expose reasons for Russia's resistance to the Nato and Ukraine alliance.

Europe Has A High Population Density! What If Russia Strikes?! Putin

RN: Putin: NATO must understand who it is playing with! Russian President Vladimir Putin, after Russian-Uzbek talks in Tashkent, met with the media and answered questions regarding the crisis around Ukraine.

1 Month In Russia As An Australian: My Thoughts

Journey of Azz: My thoughts on Russia after 1 month of being here. Does Russia look strange or feel unsafe to an Australian? What does life look like here and has the perception changed after 1 month? In this video, I discuss the elements that stand out most to me.

Nazis In UK Parliament? + INTERVIEW: ‘The UK Has Been Involved In Seven Covert Wars In Last Decade.’ Lowkey

George Galloway MP: Boris Johnson used to be a joke but hes become a beast. The man who held the banner of the Azov brigade, desecrating the place where another war criminal Churchill spat at the German National Socialist Workers aka the Nazis.