1 Jun 2024

Watch Dave Smith Burn Chris Cuomo To The Ground In Epic Covid Debate

Former CNN anchor gets the "fiery but mostly peaceful" treatment he deserves

By Tyler Durden: For the legions of us who still carry righteous rage about the tyrannical and destructive Covid-19 regime, the planets aligned on Friday and gave us the enormous, vicarious pleasure of watching one of libertarianism's most articulate voices repeatedly pummel one of the most visible villains of that dark era. 

In a debate hosted by Patrick Bet-David of PBD Podcast fame, "Part of the Problem" podcaster and comedian Dave Smith took on former CNN anchor and Covid regime propagandist Chris Cuomo. From lockdowns to masks, vaccines, Ivermectin and the vilification of resisters, the debate covered a lot of ground, with Smith dropping one laser-guided bomb after another on Cuomo.

US Survivor Speaks Out Against The Jews' Israel Regime!

"34 Americans dead and 171 wounded!"
Jimmy Dore: In 1967 the USS Liberty was attacked by the Israeli military during the Six Day War between Israel and Egypt. Philip Tourney was a petty officer who survived the attack on the Liberty and today he’s speaking out about the U.S. government’s complicity in the attack and how Israel got away with a planned assault on an American ship.

Vaxxed 4 Year Olds Dying From Strokes - The Century Of Evidence That Vaccines Cause Sudden Infant Deaths

Winter of Clotting SuddenlySTROKES Under the age 30Recent 26 tragic cases – NEWEST UK govt disability data shows strokes were up +405% in 2023 for ages 16-19

DR. WILLIAM MAKIS MD: Mar.26, 2024 (above) – Cleveland, OH – 4 year old Maisie Schmidt was COVID-19 Vaccinated. She developed a cold and died suddenly one day later. “On Monday doctors found she had suffered a stroke…she actually had a very large stroke on the right side of her brain”

Young COVID-19 mRNA Vaccinated people continue to suffer strokes. Source


The Century of Evidence That Vaccines Cause Sudden Infant Deaths

A Midwestern Doctor: Parents who permit children to be vaccinated are guilty of murder or attempted murder.

•To maximize profits, the pharmaceutical industry will often identify vulnerable groups who lack the ability to advocate for themselves and refuse pharmaceutical products.

•When the DPT vaccine was first developed over a century ago, it was tested at Irish orphanages.  Recently mass graves of those early test subjects were discovered.

•Since the DPT vaccine hit the market, physicians around the world have observed waves of infant deaths following its use, which were often sudden and inexplicable (along with many other severe side effects).

Numbers Behind The Narrative: What Climate Science Actually Says “There Is No Real Climate Crisis.”

"Nobody has an incentive to portray scientific truth and facts," physicist Steven Koonin says...

Authored by Kevin Stocklin: Most people by now are familiar with the narrative that our planet faces a dire crisis due to rising temperatures.

In January 2023, former Vice President Al Gore provided a graphic depiction during a World Economic Forum summit, informing attendees that greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are “now trapping as much extra heat as would be released by 600,000 Hiroshima-class atomic bombs exploding every single day on the Earth.

“That’s what’s boiling the oceans, creating these atmospheric rivers, and the rain bombs, and sucking the moisture out of the land, and creating the droughts, and melting the ice, and raising the sea level, and causing these waves of climate refugees,” he stated.

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres echoed these remarks at the U.N. Environment Assembly in February of this year, warning: “Our planet is on the brink.

“Ecosystems are collapsing,” he stated. “Our climate is imploding, and humanity is to blame.”

Despite ubiquitous reports that there is an overwhelming consensus among scientists in support of this narrative, many scientists, like John Clauser, a 2022 Nobel Prize recipient in physics, see it differently.

To Continue The Gaza Genocide v Christians & Muslims, The Jews And Their Vassal US Must Destroy The Laws Of War

The worlds two highest courts have made an implacable enemy of Israel in trying to uphold international law and end the Jews' atrocities

By Jonathan Cook: Separate announcements last week by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and the International Criminal Court (ICC) should have forced Israel on to the back foot in Gaza.

A panel of judges at the ICJ – sometimes known as the World Court – demanded last Friday that Israel immediately stop its current offensive on Rafah, in southern Gaza. 

Instead, Israel responded by intensifying its atrocities.

On Sunday, it bombed a supposedly “safe zone” crowded with refugee families forced to flee from the rest of Gaza, which has been devastated by Israel’s rampage for the past eight months. 

The air strike set fire to an area crammed with tents, killing dozens of Palestinians, many of whom burnt alive. A video shows a man holding aloft a baby beheaded by the Israeli blast.

Hundreds more, many of them women and children, suffered serious injuries, including horrifying burns. 

Israel has destroyed almost all of the medical facilities that could treat Rafah’s wounded, as well as denying entry to basic medical supplies such as painkillers that could ease their torment.