3 Jun 2024

U.S. State Dept. FALSIFIED Report Defending Israel!

Lee and Eleanor delve into the shocking truth behind the United States State Department's falsified report absolving Israel of wrongdoing concerning Gaza aid and the implications of such deceptive actions as it raises critical questions about the intricacies of US foreign policy, accountability and justice of this deception and how it impacts the lives of those in Gaza.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn Harvard Address - AI Reconstruction In English "The West Does Not Understand Russia"

"...The split in todays world is perceptible even to a hasty glance. Any of our contemporaries readily identifies two world powers, each of them already capable of utterly destroying the other. However, the understanding of the split too often is limited to this political conception. The illusion according to which danger may be abolished through successful diplomatic negotiations, or by achieving a balance of armed forces.

The truth is that the split is both more profound and more alienating, that the rifts are more numerous than one can see at first glance. These deep manifold splits bear the danger of equally manifold disaster for all of us in accordance with the ancient truth that a kingdom, in this case our earth, divided against itself, cannot stand."

Watching Washington Foment Nuclear War

'What I have witnessed in the 21st century is the most egregious cultivation of war by the US government in human history, and no one in the print or TV media tells us the consequences.'

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: “For two years Biden was absolutely adamant that no US weapons could be used to strike Russia. Now he reverses the policy — aka, he lied. So where’s the pushback? Congress, media? What could be of greater consequence than lying the country into war with a nuclear superpower?” — Michael Tracey

Are the peoples of the Western world so completely insouciant that they do not notice that their politicians are pushing them into direct conflict with Russia? It seems Hungarians are the only European people who have any sense. https://www.rt.com/news/598644-budapest-peace-march-nato/

The Kremlin could not issue any warnings more dire, and in response moronic Western politicians provoke harder. Are they unable to comprehend that they are provoking a nuclear war, or is it their intention to provoke a nuclear war?

Biden, Blinken, and NATO have made another U-turn. The long range missiles that Ukraine could not use for attacks on Russian territory can now be used that way, but, for now, only on military targets. But the distinction between military and non-military targets is a distinction without meaning or substance. All modern wars are attacks on civilians and infrastructure.

Ultra Zionists Jerry Seinfeld And Bari Weiss PLAY VICTIM

"If Jerry Seinfeld And Bari Weiss don't want to be criticised for being cringe ultra zionist racists, the should stay their asses in the house like Patti LaBelle said. ...Jerry's a heartless self-centred supporter of genocide."

Sabby Sabs

Norman Finkelstein Blows Whistle On “Jewish Supremacists”, Israel Lobby

IAK: In an unusually frank interview with Krystal Ball and Kyle Kulinski on June 1 about about Israel’s ongoing genocide in Palestine, Norman Finkelstein pointed out: “The Israel Lobby is very well organized and very wealthy.”

He discussed the actions of the “Jewish supremacist billionaire class,” perceptions of “Goyim” envy, and much else.

Douglas MacGregor Warning: Russia Will NUKE Sweden - Ignorant Faith In NATO Turn Sweden Into Ukraine

KR: Military expert Douglas MacGregor reveals startling insights about Russia's potential use of nuclear weapons against Sweden and how blind faith in NATO could turn Sweden into "the next Ukraine". As a leading figure in military and political strategy, Douglas MacGregor provides a deep analysis of the security risks Sweden faces amidst the current global climate.