10 Jun 2024

Microsoft Reacts To Privacy Scandal

SAMTIME: Turns out installing spyware onto everyone’s computer might not be a good idea.

I Fought The Law And The Law Lost

"It's the first time I've bought toilet paper that already had shit on it."

Crimebodge: I sued Derbyshire police for assault and false imprisonment, when a gaggle of PCSOs and Derbyshire Police Officers set about me on the street. Starring:
PCSO 12773 Alexander Lucic
PC 3456 Newcombe
PC 1912 Marshall
PCSO Gleghorn

Nuseirat “A Bloodbath, A Slaughterhouse” - Genocide Day 246

As Nuseirat tries to recover from the Jews' Saturday massacre, some pieces are beginning to fit together: US complicity in the attack, use of the Gaza pier, war crimes; horrific descriptions from the ground; reactions from key stakeholders; a look at the math of hostage rescue; US diplomat calls Gaza a holocaust; more.

By IAK staff, from reports: The death toll in Israel’s massive Saturday raid on the Nuseirat refugee camp has risen to 274, with more than 698 others injured, according to Gaza’s health ministry.

This fresh horror in Nuseirat comes just two days after Israel bombed a UN school in the refugee camp where thousands of displaced people were sheltering, killing at least 33.

BBC notes, latest figures from Gaza would, if confirmed, make it one of the deadliest days of the conflict so far.

Two hospitals in the area – Al Aqsa and Al Awda – received the massive influx of injured and dead.

Notably, earlier on Saturday, before the attack, the Jews had reportedly called Al-Aqsa Martyrs hospital’s administration and threatened to bomb the hospital if it was not evacuated. Apparently the staff did not comply with the order.

It Leaked From A US-Backed Lab

'Instead of opening a clear and open investigation, they pursued a different path: Deny the leak, roll out the supposed antidote (vaccine), use experimental technology, and lock down the worlds population to stop the spread so that the vaccine would get the credit for ending the pandemic.'

Authored by Jeffrey Tucker: For The New York Times, which started this whole fiasco dating from Feb. 27, 2020, with a podcast designed to drum up disease panic, it’s been a drip, drip, drip of truthiness ever since.

A fortnight ago, the paper finally decided to report on vaccine injury from shots that vast majorities never needed and that stop neither infection nor transmission. And now, as of June 3, we have as decisive an article as one can imagine that shows that “a laboratory accident is the most parsimonious explanation of how the pandemic began.”

“Whether the pandemic started on a lab bench or in a market stall, it is undeniable that U.S. federal funding helped to build an unprecedented collection of SARS-like viruses at the Wuhan institute, as well as contributing to research that enhanced them,” the article reads.

"Something HUGE Is About To Happen" And U.S. Dominance Is On The Line

"Russia has sent a massive armada of battleships and it's headed for Cuba!"

Redacted: The West is getting desperate to hold onto power, and they're using their proxy war in Ukraine to bring war to Russia and the whole of Europe. On Friday, Russian President Putin started sending an armada of battleships heading right for Cuba... right off of Florida's coast. Russian warships are performing military training exercises... right in our backyard. How did this happen?

The Speech That Military Recruiters Don't Want You To Hear

If given the opportunity, these people will not hesitate to send you to your death if it means scoring a measly political point against their ideological foes.

Authored by Casey Carlisle: Before we get into this, let’s discuss what most would label “a hypothetical.” Tonight, I’m going to break into your home, point a gun at you, and rob you – all the while claiming that I’m not your enemy. Your enemy, I’ll say, is elsewhere, and I don’t mean across the street but in a different country. What will you do? By a show of hands, will you fight back and protect those in your home by evicting me or even by killing me? By a show of hands, who will thank me and travel to said country in search of the enemy, leaving those in your home vulnerable to me? Anyone? Nobody? It sounds absurd, but for reasons that I’ll soon explain, you’ll understand that it’s more real than hypothetical.

Hello, I’m Casey Carlisle. I’m a West Point graduate, and I spent five years in the Army, including 11 months in Afghanistan. Some of you are thinking about serving your country, and most of you are asking yourselves, “Why am I listening to this guy?” I’m glad that both of these groups are here, and I promise that my remarks will cause both groups to think differently about military service.

I was a high-school senior on September 11th, 2001, sitting in class and stunned after hearing the principal announce that our country had just been attacked. Why would someone want to do this to the greatest country on Earth?