13 Jun 2024

Star Wars Lesbian Witches "Use The Force" To Get Pregnant Without Men

...who is watching this shit?

Authored by Steve Watson: The new Disney-fied Star Wars series is as bad as was expected, with one scene involving lesbian space witches going viral.

"Predistribution" Of Free Money: Former Fed Vice-Chair Wants To Restart LBJ's Great Society

Listen to this silliness from Alan Blinder, Princeton Economics professor and vice chairman of the US Federal Reserve, 1994-96.

In Praise of the Great Society

Authored by Mike Shedlock: Blinder wants to raise the minimum wage, encourage unions and fight monopsony by handing out a “predistribution” of free money and by making the government the buyer of last resort.

Please consider Alan Blinder’s WSJ op-ed, Shore Up the Social Safety Net With ‘Predistribution’

For nearly a century, we have relied on a suite of programs known as the social safety net. The idea is straightforward: Let the market determine the rewards to capital and labor, and to high- and low-wage earners, but then allow the government to redistribute money through progressive taxation, Social Security, unemployment benefits, and other transfer payments to the needy.

Russia Sent Ships & Nuclear Subs & Nukes To Cuba!

Jimmy Dore: Russia has sent warships and nuclear submarines to engage in military exercises off the coast of Cuba. This is a clear provocation intended to send a message to the United States that giving the go-ahead to Ukraine to attack targets inside Russia will have repercussions and will escalate this war to become a greater threat to the U.S. as well.

Jimmy and Kurt Metzger discuss how U.S. bumbling has led us this close to World War III that electing Biden instead of Trump was supposed to prevent.

Dr. William Makis: Definitive Proof mRNA Gene Therapy COVID Shots AKA 'Vaccines' Are Causing Turbo Cancer

RTRN: Canadian Oncologist Dr. William Makis offers a wealth of evidence showing how the COVID shots are causing very specific turbo cancers. He also notes that these cancers are not responding to chemotherapy, which is why the drug companies are busy formulating more mRNA technology to “treat” these cancers. Finally, Dr. Makis offers the most comprehensive advice on an array of promising alternative cancer treatments.

The Future Of Food

Corbett: We all know the problems of the modern factory farming system. But, as bad as things are, theyre about to get even worse. New technologies are coming online that threaten to upend our understanding of food altogether. Technologies that could, ultimately, begin altering the human species itself. This is The Future of Food.

UN Chief Is Not backing Down! Embarrasses The Genocidal Jews Live In His Viral Speech! "Two State Solution Now!"

"Excellencies, in the face of this calamity, these nightmare near impossible conditions, caused by the genocidal Jews. The Palestinian people are the most courageous individuals and they have suffered intolerably. I express my deepest condolences to the many thousands of Christian and Muslim families that have been killed by the Jews. There must be full accountability for each and everyone of these deaths! The horror must stop! It's high time for the Jews to stop their genocide of Christians and Muslims."

We Love Africa: UN Secretary-General António Guterres speaks at the plenary session of the High-Level Conference titled "Call for Action: Urgent Humanitarian Response for Gaza" held in Amman, Jordan.

Oops! Every Country In The World Except English Speaking Countries And European Countries Now Plan To Join BRICS

The rest of the world is so fed up with the Jew banker captured West and our sanctions, military bases, constant wars, support of apartheid, neo-colonialism, holier than thou attitudes, etc. that go along with Jew banker captured thinking, that naturally they're now joining together to cut us out of their lives completely. Thanks white pretend Semites!

Lena Petrova