19 Jun 2024

The Woke Movement Is Actually Corporate Enslavement - The Culture War Is A Fight To Stop It

...the level of delusion required to ignore the effects of the culture war is mind boggling to me... If you don’t understand the culture war, then you don’t understand a thing that’s happening in America (and many parts of Europe) today.

Authored by Brandon Smith: I was recently watching a video by some of my favorite movie commentators in which they were lamenting the apparent death of the movie theater business. They cited a long list of recent blockbuster bombs with some confusion as to why so many films were failing. In particular, they had predicted the film ‘Furiosa’ (a feminist bait and switch movie designed to replace the more popular male Mad Max character) would do relatively well.

Yet, the movie bit the dust in epic fashion. They were bewildered as to why this occurred.

They posited numerous social and economic theories trying to explain why so many big budget bonanzas were losing money. They of course suggested that the covid event might have pushed people to adjust to streaming services as the better option. They noted that theaters can be more frustrating because of loud customers. They tried to apply some economic theories to the situation (these theories were overly simplistic and painful, but these guys aren’t economists so I gave them a pass).

However, when the concept of the culture war was briefly broached, they dismissed it immediately.

Can The British Police Sink Any Lower Than This?

"He filmed a busker in the street, the busker called 999 and the police true to their woke petty obsession with hurt feelings sent in the heavy mob."


Killing Babies With Infant Formula

Is Your Baby's 'First Food' Loaded With Toxic Heavy Metals?

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Story at-a-glance

  • Researchers looked at samples from 20 formulas made by well-known local and international brands, and found that six out of 20 formulas tested positive for five types of toxic heavy metals, including lead and aluminum
  • In May 2024, the FDA sounded the alarm on the Crecelac Infant Powdered Goat Milk Infant Formula, after tests revealed it was contaminated with Cronobacter, which can lead to life-threatening infections like sepsis and meningitis
  • U.S. lawmakers are also working on a new bill, dubbed The Baby Food Safety Act of 2024, that would direct the FDA to set maximum allowable limits for heavy metals in baby food and infant formula
  • Breast milk is still the best option for both infants and mothers. However, if you are unable to lactate, I recommend making your own homemade formula milk — recipes are included in this article

The “breast versus bottle” debate has long divided concerned parents who only want the best nourishment for their child. Many parents who seek convenience often choose infant formula. Others, such as moms who cannot produce enough breast milk to satisfy their children, have no choice but to resort to formula milk.

He Helped Prosecute Israel At The ICJ, Now He’s Running For Parliament

"It was entirely the genocide in Gaza that made me run and particularly the labour party's attitude to it, the labour party having been captured by the zionist lobby. ...The failure of the democratic system, the fact that both parties [the uniparty] are united in strong zionist support for Israel meant there had to be a challenge." Said Craig Murray.
British journalist Richard Medhurst interviews former ambassador Craig Murray who is standing for election in Blackburn as a candidate for the Workers Party of Great Britain.

Bill Gates’ Plan For The Genocide Of The Human Race

Hitler only eliminated 6 million people according to the holo-hoax story. But the Jew Bill Gates and the German Klaus Schwab actually intend to eliminate 7.6 billion people and those to be eliminated dont even complain.

PCR: Peter Koenig, a former insider in the international organizations explains the Bill Gates and World Economic Forum agenda of reducing the world’s population from 8.1 billion to 500 million. Most of us will be in the eliminated 7.6 billion. Think about that.

Think also about Hitler being demonized for allegedly eliminating 6 million Jews. Go compute what tiny fraction 6 million is of 7.6 billion, and wonder why Bill Gates and the World Economic Forum aren’t demonized. Instead, they are celebrities with whom politicians, corporate CEOs, university professors and media desire association. Every year Western “leadership” flocks to Davos to hear about the genocide of the human race and the dispossession of the 500 million left–“you will own nothing, and you will be happy.”

The TNT interview with Peter Koenig begins at about the 12 minute segment.

The West Is Lighting The Fuse Of Nuclear War

'The so-calledpeace conferencein Switzerland was a fraud. Russia was not included, so how was it a peace conference? It was a propaganda event.'

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: The Western media is a lie machine. Western governments live in a make-believe world of their own impunity. Consequently, the Western peoples lack awareness of the dangerous situation that Washington has created with Russia.

The so-called “peace conference” in Switzerland was a fraud. Russia was not included, so how was it a peace conference? It was a propaganda event to rally support around Washington’s puppet, Zelensky, whose term has expired and who is ruling illegitimately as a dictator. Many of the attendees refused to sign the statement.

Here is a true description of the situation. The West is acting in behalf of the war continuing and expanding. The puppet’s term has expired and Zelensky continues in office despite not being reelected. The Western trained and equipped Ukrainian military has been defeated. At any time Russia can increase the offensive and clear Ukrainian forces from the Russian populated areas that have been reincorporated into Russia. The West’s response to its lost war consists of two reckless and irresponsible actions. One is to send NATO troops, with the French being the opening wedge, to replace the depleted Ukrainian troops. The other is to further provoke the Kremlin by firing longer range missiles into Russia.

Veterans For Peace: U.S. Army Major Quits Over Israel [video]

What bothered this US intelligence officer specializing in the Middle East: the Jews are targeting Palestinian civilians indiscriminately and US weapons make it possible.
Army Major Harrison Mann will be speaking at the Veterans for Peace national convention in August! Details on attending the online event coming soon.

Veterans for Peace is an organization founded in 1985. Initially made up of US military veterans of World War II, the Korean War and the Vietnam War – later including veterans of the Gulf War, the War in Afghanistan and the Iraq War — as well as peacetime veterans and non-veterans, it has since spread overseas and has an active offshoot in the United Kingdom. The group works to promote alternatives to war.

List of Government Resignees —

  • Josh Paul, director of the State Department’s bureau of political military affairs.
  • Harrison Mann, a U.S. Army major and Defense Intelligence Agency official.
  • Tariq Habash, special assistant in the Education Department’s office of planning.
  • Annelle Sheline, from the State Department’s human rights bureau.
  • Hala Rharrit, an Arabic language spokesperson for the State Department.
  • Lily Greenberg Call, special assistant to the chief of staff in the Interior Department.
  • Alexander Smith, a contractor for USAID.
  • Stacy Gilbert, State Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration.

Kansas Sues Pfizer, Says Company 'Misled' Public On COVID-19 So-Called Vaccine

Pfizer made multiple misleading statements to deceive the public about its vaccine at a time when Americans needed the truth,”

Authored by Zachary Stieber: Kansas on June 17 sued Pfizer, alleging the pharmaceutical giant “misled” members of the public with various claims about its COVID-19 vaccine.

Pfizer, for instance, said on April 1, 2021, that there were “no serious safety concerns through up to six months following second dose” of the vaccine it makes with Germany’s BioNTech, the lawsuit notes.

But documents made public through a lawsuit showed that Pfizer’s adverse events database, which includes reported issues following vaccination from around the world, already contained 158,893 adverse events as of Feb. 28, 2021.

Pfizer’s representations that its COVID-19 vaccine did not have any safety concerns was inconsistent with the adverse events data it possessed,” the suit, filed by Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach states. “Pfizer concealed, suppressed, or omitted material facts it possessed showing significant safety concerns associated with Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine.”

Scott Ritter Unveils: Russia Setup NAVAL BASE In Red Sea - Threatening U.S. & NATO' Survival

"This is operation How Does It Feel? Giving the Americans a taste of their own medicine."

KR Media: Scott Ritter Unveils: Russia Setup NAVAL BASE In Red Sea - Threatening U.S. & NATO' Survival In this detailed analysis, Scott Ritter, a former U.S. Marine Corps intelligence officer and renowned military strategist, explores the strategic implications of Russia's new naval base in the Red Sea. Ritter delves into the potential threats this poses to U.S. and NATO interests in the region, describing it as a significant challenge to their operational freedom and strategic influence.

This Is Utterly Outrageous

"What better way to preserve democracy than by outlawing your main political opposition? ...If you can't beat them, ban them!"

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