27 Jun 2024

US Government Forces Assange To Pay $520k For His Flight Home!

"Here's the final insult."
Jimmy Dore: WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange returned to his homeland Australia aboard a charter jet and raised a celebratory clenched fist as his supporters cheered Wednesday after he pleaded guilty to obtaining and publishing U.S. military secrets in a deal with Justice Department prosecutors that concludes a drawn-out legal saga. The Australian government chartered a private jet to take Assange home, but is insisting that Assange pay back the government for the flight’s $520,000 price tag.

Why As A Christian, I Won’t Be Condemning Hamas Anytime Soon

Bottom line: Hamascause is just. Their methods may be worthy of critique, but their cause – the liberation of Palestinians from the Jews' oppression – is honorable.

By Kathryn Shihadah: If, over eight months into the genocide on Gaza, you are still obsessed with the violence of October 7th and the alarming situation in which dozens of Israeli prisoners in Gaza still find themselves – this is for you.

WARNING: If you can’t handle the truth, this post may cause dizziness, difficulty breathing, rapid pulse, and/or nausea. This is perfectly normal, and may signify a change in paradigm. Do not stop reading.

The standard (i.e. Israeli) narrative – how we’ve grown accustomed to telling the story

On October 7th, 2023, members of the terrorist group Hamas broke through the fence that surrounds Gaza and attacked Jews, killing 1,200 of them in cold blood, raping and/or beheading many of them before burning their bodies.

Several hundred Jews were taken prisoner that day and brought to Gaza.

Not long after, Israeli leaders unleashed air, ground, and sea attacks on the population of Gaza in order to destroy Hamas and liberate the hostages.

In November, Israel procured freedom for a large number of the hostages during a temporary ceasefire. Since then, Israel has rescued a few more. Several dozen remain in captivity in Gaza.

Over three hundred Israeli soldiers have lost their lives fighting to eradicate Hamas and retrieve the rest of the hostages.

Unfortunately, Hamas has embedded itself in the civilian population of Gaza, so a large number of civilians have been killed in the process.

Based on this narrative, many people are baffled by the huge crowds that come out to support Palestine and by those who refuse to “condemn Hamas” at the outset of any discussion or debate.

I have found people of faith – even those that ostensibly support the Palestinian cause in general – often insist that condemnation of Hamas is a must.

Here is why I, as a believer in Jesus, won’t be condemning Hamas anytime soon.

Jordan Peterson Regrets Name Calling MGTOW

"The men going their own way have a point."

Christine Grace Smith

Putin: The Protector Of Ukraine

'Does Russia have leadership capable of comprehending that Russia has an enemy intent on her destruction and dismemberment, or will the Kremlin finally realize this at the last minute, too late to avoid nuclear war?'

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Has anyone noticed that Putin is conducting his “limited military operation,” by which he means limited to Donbas and the former Russian territories that are again part of Russia, as a response to US/NATO/Ukrainian initiatives? When the Russian military strikes outside the limited combat zone, it is usually a response to a Ukrainian strike into Russia out of the combat zone. After 2.5 years of conflict, Putin has made no effort to win the war. He doesn’t even seem to understand that Russia is at war, not engaged in a limited police action.

Putin has left the Ukrainian government in functioning order and has not interfered with Zelensky’s ability to continue the conflict. Kiev is intact. The government in Kiev is intact. Nothing has been done to close Ukraine’s borders from Western armament supplies. The entire initiative of the conflict is with the West. The West acts, and Putin responds. There are no Russian initiatives. Indeed, Russia was forced into the conflict by the West’s initiatives.

This is not the way to fight a war.

It is Putin’s refusal to fight and win a war that is causing the enormous expansion–the ever widening–of the war.

Should The Divorce Laws In The West Change? New Kenyan Laws Revealed!

"That's a nasty nasty bitch, she's ruthless, her only goal is to get as much as she can. For her this is exciting."

Ask An Older Man

‘There Are No Safe Centimetres Left In Gaza’: UN Ocha Official

This is an example of how disgusting, inhuman and ultra racist the Jews are due to the chosen-ness doctrines on which they are reared.
Middle East Eye: “Our direct observation on the ground every day is that there are no safe centimetres left in Gaza. There is nowhere you can be and be certain that there isn't going to be an attack on you that night.” UN Ocha humanitarian coordinator Yasmina Guerda explained the traumas of Palestinian civilians in Gaza during an emotional testimony on Tuesday. Guerda highlighted the dire consequences of Israel's military assault in the Strip, emphasising the widespread trauma and devastation faced by Palestinian civilians in Gaza.

It Was The Lame Stream Media, Led By The Guardian Rag, That Kept The Hero Julian Assange Behind Bars

The Orwellian lame stream medias villainy will soon be erased because it writes the script telling us whats going on in the world


By Jonathan Cook: It is only right that we all take a moment to celebrate the victory of Julian Assange’s release from 14 years of detention, in varying forms, to be united, finally, with his wife and children – two boys who have been denied the chance to ever properly know their father. 

His last five years were spent in Belmarsh high-security prison as the United States sought to extradite him to face a 175-year jail sentence for publishing details of its state crimes in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere.

For seven years before that he was confined to a small room in the Ecuadorian embassy in London, after Quito awarded him political asylum to evade the clutches of a law-breaking US empire determined to make an example of him.

His seizure by UK police from the embassy on Washington’s behalf in 2019, after a more US-aligned government came to power in Ecuador, proved how clearly misguided, or malicious, had been those who accused him of “evading justice”.

Everything Assange had warned the US wanted to do to him was proved correct over the next five years, as he languished in Belmarsh entirely cut off from the outside world.