13 Jul 2024

The Empathy Gap: Interview On British Thought Leaders

"Why would I be concerned? Living as a man in a society, why would you not be? A lot of people are concerned, but don't talk about it and that is because one side is approved and the other side of the story is not approved, so it takes a certain degree of nerve to actually put your head above the parapet and that is part of the reason why I chose a pseudonym, a matter of self protection."

William Collins

Putin Issues Nuclear Warning To NATO

Redacted: NATO is playing nuclear war games with Russia and China. But they are selling it to us as a peaceful move. What dummy would believe that? NATO will put nukes in all member states, they say, "as long as nuclear weapons exist." This is proof that they are all warmongering lunatics, God help us.

The Fabian Society - History And Ideology - With Matt Ehret

Vanessa Beeley: This is a wide ranging discussion that takes in the history and the shadowy context to the founding of the Fabian Society and its re-emergence onto the UK political scene with the election of Tony Blair/Keir Starmer to power as the Western Empire is crumbling.

Novak Djokovic Struggles To Hide His Anger As BBC Reporter Asks Him This Question

"Novak's got calluses on his bollocks."

Russell Brand: How to deal with BBC propagandists trying to provoke you: get up and leave!

Trump's Return: Get Ready For Chaos To Be Unleashed And Blamed On You

Theres a vegetable sitting in the Oval Office and the nation [US] is in a panic...

Authored by Brandon Smith: Yeah, it’s happening. The last half of 2024 is shaping up to be one of the most politically insane in a century and the sparks are already flying. The biggest moment of absurdity so far might be the first presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden, in which it was made abundantly clear for all the world to see that Biden is on the fast track to crazy town. We’ve been saying for four years that the guy is gone, a dementia case propped up and protected by the DNC and the media. Now, it’s undeniable:

There’s a vegetable sitting in the Oval Office and the nation is in a panic.

Leftists are panicking because they’re now realizing their candidate is a farce, the emperor has no clothes and they bet all their cash on one very retarded race horse. Conservatives are celebrating, but also panicking because they think Biden in his senility might launch nukes at any moment.

There are even people calling for a 25th Amendment intervention to remove Biden because they actually think he makes decisions. He doesn’t. Biden is a proxy for more powerful interests and always has been. Getting rid of Biden early doesn’t solve the greater problem, nor would it prevent a nuclear Apocalypse (if that was ever the plan to begin with). Other people are making his decisions for him.

Britain: I Was Shocked At What I Discovered

"The statistic that dare not speak its name!"

Paul Joseph Watson

America Has Two Astronauts In Space But Can’t Get Them Back

If Elon Musk can’t rescue them, Russia can. Maybe we should be nicer to Russia.

By Tyler Durden: Astronauts Butch Wilmore and Sunita Williams have been living on the International Space Station (ISS) for over a month after their Boeing Starliner spacecraft encountered a series of technical issues, including helium leaks and a thruster malfunction.

Wilmore and Williams blasted off from Florida's Cape Canaveral Space Force on June 5 and docked with the ISS one day later. Both astronauts were expected to spend just a week aboard the ISS and return to Earth by June 14.

However, five separate helium leaks in the Starliner's thruster system and five failures of its reaction control system thrusters, critical systems for safely orienting the spacecraft into Earth's atmosphere, were detected. These unresolved problems have stranded both astronauts on the ISS ever since.

On Wednesday, Sunita Williams, 58, a former Navy service member, told reporters via a remote video link, "I feel confident that if we had to — if there was a problem with the International Space Station — we'd get in our spacecraft and we can undock, talk to our team and figure out the best way to come home."

SMACKDOWN! My Heated Debate With Don Lemon + FEMinem Drops A Diss Track About Candace

"The Jews admit they killed their own people on October 7th and they run the porn industry."

Candace Owens: I preview some of the highlights from my upcoming debate on Don Lemon's show, Mikhaila Peterson retracts her comments about censorship, and the IDF used a protocol that actively took civilian lives in the October 7th attack.

Gender Empathy Gap Day 2024

'The media and the UN itself continue to downplay harms to males'

By William Collins: Gender Empathy Gap Day was chosen to be 11th July because, in 1995, that was the first day of the Srebrenica massacre (though the slaughter continued for over two weeks). The town was supposed to be under UN protection, but the UN troops made no attempt to prevent the Serbs entering the town. The UN troops had facilitated women and girls being removed to neutral ground but were unconcerned about the fate of the men and boys. The Serbs then set about slaughtering 8,372 Muslim men and boys.

Despite precedents like this, the media and the UN itself continue to downplay harms to males. This is the gender empathy gap.

This day, whose purpose is to raise awareness of the reality and consequences of the gender empathy gap, has been marked now for 7 years. You can read relevant material here.