19 Jul 2024

Political Violence Against The Right Is Raging, But The Left Appears To Tacitly - And Sometimes Openly - Endorse It...

“The assassination attempts on U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump and Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico must not go unpunished,”

Authored by Denes Albert: On Wednesday, the Patriots for Europe Group in the European Parliament initiated a plenary debate and a resolution condemning political violence, including the attempted assassination of former U.S. President Donald Trump, the current presidential candidate, but the majority of MEPs voted against it, Kinga Gál, the group’s first vice-president, said in Strasbourg.

At her press conference, Kinga Gál criticized the EU parliament for doing virtually nothing to combat the political violence that has already been rife in Europe.

She cited as examples the attack on Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico and the case of Antifa activist Ilaria Salis, who was arrested in Budapest and “despite almost killing an innocent man, is now sitting in the EU parliament benches, and despite all the procedures, is lecturing us on how to behave.”

"They're Creating PERMANENT Pandemic Marketplace To Make BILLIONS"

Redacted: Journalist Max Jones joins us from UnlimtedHangout.com to reveal big pharma's plans to side step clinical trials and create a permanent pandemic marketplace to rake in billions.

British MP Layla Moran's Moving Speech On Gaza In Parliament, Jeremy Corbyn Intervenes In Support

"The children of Gaza have suffered the unimaginable. They are being dismembered, they are being burned alive in tents, they have been killed due to collapsing apartment buildings, by preventable diseases and illnesses and denied medical assistance. Children in Gaza are suffering horrifically! In the first three months alone 1000 children had one, or both legs amputated."

JKR: British Palestinian MP from the Liberal Democrat party on Thursday made a moving speech on the crises plaguing Gaza and the West Bank. Veteran socialist politician and known friend for Palestine, Jeremy Corbyn, praised her speech as he made an intervention.

Jew Zelensky Insulted India's Modi Last Week - Major Mistake

As with zionist Jews generally, 'This episode says a lot about Zelensky as a person, and it’s that hes a very weak man at heart, not the lion that the West has pretended that he is.'

Authored by Andrew Korybko: Zelensky insulted Indian Prime Minister Modi during his trip to Moscow last week by tweeting that “It is disheartening to see the leader of the world's largest democracy embrace the world's most notorious criminal in Moscow”, thus prompting India to summon the Ukrainian Ambassador on Monday.

It’s unclear what he was told, but his hosts predictably made it clear that such rhetoric isn’t welcome, especially after Modi lamented the loss of life in all conflicts during his meeting with Putin.

While some might imagine that Zelensky simply tweeted whatever his Western patrons told him to, the reality is that he probably did so on his own prerogative, though therein lies the problem. In his mind, the latest phase of the Ukrainian Conflict sparked by Russia’s special operation is an epic battle between democracies and dictatorships, not anything having to do with security dilemmas and national interests. This false perception was impressed upon him by the West over two years ago.

Acolyte Finale Hilariously BAD - A Force Female Abomination

"The Acolyte is indeed an intersectional feminist fever dream that focused more on identity politics rather than crafting a story that devolved into bullshit which circumvented characterisation and narrative with the help of heathy servings of on brand Disney Star Wars lore destruction and fan attacks."


Trump Elevated To "The Chosen" Status, Genocide In Gaza Increases In Violence

vanessa beeley: Blame Iran - The U.S. intelligence community has received an increasing amount of evidence to suggest that Iran is actively working on plots to kill former President Donald Trump, potentially in the lead up to the election in November.

Two senior U.S. officials familiar with the intelligence said the Biden administration has gathered information from various sources, including human sources, on threats from Tehran that are linked to physical acts of violence — acts that could kill Trump, they said, without providing further details.

Iran has for years considered a plan to get back at Trump for his killing of top Iranian general Qassem Soleimani in 2020. But the officials said the intelligence has ratcheted up in recent months and officials have become more confident in Tehran’s intentions. They also said there may be more attempts on Trump’s life in the coming weeks.