27 Jul 2024

Morning: Jews Hit Gaza - 30+ Christians & Muslims DEAD! / Afternoon: Hezbollah Hits Golan Heights - 50 Jews DEAD!

Jewish Colonialist Anti-Gentile Apartheid Regime War Cabinet Convening; Invasion Of The Lebanon Begins Tonight?
By Hal Turner: In utterly horrifying escalations of violence, this morning, the IDF Israel Death Force Bombed a Fugee camp in Gaza mega concentration camp, killing 30+ Women, children and babies some whose dead bodies are pictured above.  In a retaliation strike this afternoon, the good guys Hezbollah's missiles hit a Soccer Stadium in the Golan Heights. Upwards of fifty (50) colonialist land thieving Jews are now dead.  The Jewish Israel regime War Cabinet is convening. 

Image from Soccer Stadium in zio-Jew occupied Syrian Golan Heights, an occupation funded by the Rothschild family to steal Syria's oil:

It is now widely anticipated that the Jews' War Cabinet will give authorization for the Jewish Green Shirts to invade The Lebanon - TONIGHT.

If (when) this conflict begins, other nations are already on-record as saying they will get involved.  Iran, on the side of Hezbollah in Lebanon, and maybe Russia, too.

If those nations get involved, the United States is widely expected to enter the fray.

Added to the ongoing Ukraine-Russia Conflict, which NATO has been severely escalating over the past weeks, as well as the widely anticipated invasion of Taiwan by China, not to mention the ongoing hostilities between North and South Korea, peace almost everywhere is falling apart in our world.   

It appears World War 3 is upon us all.

US Maternal Mortality Rates Remain The Highest Among High-Income Countries: Research

The increase is "stunning and unprecedented..."

Authored by George Citroner: The United States continues to lead developed nations in maternal deaths, with some experts calling the recent rise unprecedented despite spending trillions on health care.

Mental health issues, racial disparities, and a shortage of specialized care providers all contribute to this “crisis,” according to a report by the Commonwealth Fund, an independent research foundation that focuses on health care issues.

A Shortage of Health Care Professionals

The recent analysis showed that the United States had a maternal mortality rate of 22 deaths per 100,000 live births in 2022, significantly higher than other high-income countries—often more than doubling or even tripling their figures, according to the report. Half of the countries in the analysis reported fewer than five maternal deaths per 100,000 live births.

The increase is “stunning and unprecedented,” Dr. James Thorp, an obstetrician-gynecologist at the Sisters of St. Mary’s Health System in Saint Louis, Missouri, told The Epoch Times, referring to an increase in maternal deaths over the past few years. “And it really went ... kind of unrecognized, kind of just slipped under the door, so to speak,” he noted.

"A War With Iran [For The Jews] Will DESTROY America" Col. Macgregor Issues Warning

"Yesterday the real president of the United States Benjamin Netanyahu came to Washington, gave his annual state of the union address, addressed a joint session of congress." Said Clayton Morris

Only A Failing US Empire Would Be So Blind As To Cheer Bibi 'The Baby Butcher' Netanyahu And His Genocide

Every empire falls. Its collapse becomes inevitable once its rulers lose all sense of how absurd and abhorrent they have become

By Jonathan Cook: There is only one country in the world right now, in the midst of the Jews' slaughter of Christians and Muslims in Gaza, where Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is guaranteed dozens of standing ovations from the vast majority of its elected representatives. 

That country is not Israel, where he has been a hugely divisive figure for many years. It is the United States. 

On Wednesday, Bibi 'The Baby Butcher' Netanyahu was back-slapped, glad-handed, whooped and cheered as he slowly made his way – hailed at every step as a conquering hero – to the podium of the US Congress. 

This was the same Netanyahu who has overseen during the past 10 months the slaughter– so far – of some 100,000 Palestinians, around half of them women and children. More than 21,000 other children are reported missing, most of them likely dead under rubble. 

It was the same Netanyahu who levelled a strip of territory – originally home to 2.3 million Palestinians – that is expected to take 80 years to rebuild, at a cost of at least $50bn.

It was the same Netanyahu who has destroyed every hospital and university in Gaza, and bombed almost all of its schools that were serving as shelters for families made homeless by other Jewish bombs.

Trump Says NETANYAHU Is Preventing Peace!

"I thought the Palestinians were impossible and the Israel Jews would do anything to make a deal. I found that not to be true." Said President Trump

Jimmy Dore: For decades we’ve been hearing from Jewish politicians and their Zionist apologists that they would love to make a deal but, sadly, they just don’t have a sincere negotiating partner among the Palestinians. The subtext being that Palestinians all want to wipe Israel off the map, so how do you negotiate with them? But now Donald Trump comes along and he realizes the truth, which is that Benjamin Netanyahu clearly has no interest in making peace with the Palestinians, and his Israeli government is the one looking to seize all of “greater Israel” as the completion of the Zionist project.

Jimmy discusses why it makes sense that Trump would want to make a deal and what his promises of bringing peace to the Middle East suggest for what he will do as president.

Disney's Dramatic Decline Reflects Growing Public Opposition To Woke Activism

The karmic hammer is finally swinging back to hit Disney in the face after nearly a decade of woke bullying.

By Tyler Durden: The participation of major corporations in the molding of cancel culture should not be overlooked.  While many people assumed that companies were "bending the knee" to progressive activists, the opposite was actually true.  Woke movements are a minority within western populations and have no boycott power.  There's never been any reason for businesses to be afraid of them.

In fact, without the support of companies like Blackrock, Vanguard, Google, Facebook, Twitter and many others the cancel mob would have little to no power.  The situation seems to be changing, or the damage seems to be minimized.  One corporate entity reflects this shift more than any other, and that's Disney. 

A lot has happened in the US in the past several years, so much in fact that it might be hard to remember how close the country came to total disaster under the dictates of the progressive hive.  The political left had been accumulating social influence with the aid of international corporations, NGOs and government officials since at least 2016.  However, after the Biden Administration took office and pandemic hysteria went into full swing, the activists sought to flex their cancel culture muscle in a big way.

Comedian Schools Racist Heckler +

Sammy Obeid: This may have been the wildest heckler ride I’ve ever been on. It truly was a gift. Enjoy