What IsRealHell Does To The Mind & Soul "I Hate Israel And Zionists For Putting Hatred In My Heart"

"A hatred for that mass murdering half human standing in congress spouting long debunked lies to a bunch of sycophantic idiots giving him 58 standing ovations in an hour speech."
Tadhg Hickey


They can no longer try to invoke NATO Treaty Article 5 (Collective Self Defense) because they initiated combat.

By Hal Turner: A NATO state has started shooting down Russian drones over Ukrainian airspace, AND IN SO DOING, HAS MADE ITSELF A PARTY TO THE CONFLICT.

A new video shows Romanian Gepard self-propelled anti-aircraft guns shooting down Russian drones across the Danube river separating Romania from Ukraine near Izmail.

This is the first time a NATO country has OVERTLY destroyed Russian military equipment inside Ukraine.  By doing this, Romania has made itself a party to the conflict.  They can no longer try to invoke NATO Treaty Article 5 (Collective Self Defense) because they initiated combat.

Netanyahu Spins PURE LIES To Congress!

"That's what's called War Propaganda."

Jimmy Dore: Benjamin Netanyahu’s recent speech to Congress may represent a new low in pro-war propaganda as the Israeli Prime Minister spun a series of lies designed to obscure the war crimes committed by Israel in Gaza and depict pro-Palestinian protesters as supporters of horrific acts against civilians, in particular women and children. Specifically, Netanyahu spread provable lies about babies allegedly murdered by Hamas on October 7th - lies that have been debunked in the Israeli press.

Jimmy discusses Netanyahu’s brazen lies, the widespread debunking they’ve received and the compliant U.S. media’s refusal to even moderately fact-check the stream of repulsive prevarication that came from his mouth.

Why Is Russia Deploying Military Hospitals, Trauma Centers Across Country? "The Train Has Left The Station!"

The Russian Ministry of Defense has ordered a large Deployment of Military Hospitals, Clinics, and Trauma Centers to certain Cities across the Country, including the Capital of Moscow which will operate directly under the Defense Ministry.

By Hal Turner: On its face, the general public can conclude that Russia must be preparing either a large offensive, which will incur heavy casualties, or they are expecting one against themselves.

This may also be a situation where they may be factoring-in if Trump wins and peace negotiations happen;  they will want to take as much territory as possible prior to those talks....strengthening their hand.  This, however, would NOT call for Trauma Centers "all across the country."  It seems more accurate
they are preparing to BE ATTACKED all across their country.

This order to deploy military hospitals comes just days after Russian President Putin ORDERED all state-owned businesses to submit plans to Moscow by October 1 for the RELOCATION of their main business activities to the Urals, Siberia, and Far East regions of Russia

Evil Jew Bill Gates Convinces US Gov't To 'Force-Jab' Public By Adding mRNA To Everyday Food Items

TPV: Jewish globalist billionaire and self-appointed world health czar Bill Gates has convinced the US government to allow him to force-jab the public by adding mRNA to essential and everyday food items consumed by everybody in society.

According to Gates, the future of vaccination looks more like taking a breath of fresh air, drinking a glass of water, or eating a salad than getting a shot in the arm.

Gates and the Big Pharma cartel understand that the public are actively opposed to receiving regular mRNA booster shots, so they are finding new and deceitful ways to force vaxx the public without consent.

Kamala Harris Campaign Ad + DOPE - William Banzai7

Burdening the People By What Could Have Been and What Will Never Be!