2 Aug 2024

It Turns Out Tripoli Clinton Is The Biggest Donor To "Tofu Munchers" Extremist Climate Protesters In The UK

HillarysOnward Togetherleftist think tank shows it donated over half a million dollars in the past three years...

Authored by Steve Watson: You know those posh blue and pink haired children that have got nothing better to do but glue themselves to the road and throw soup at Van Gough paintings? Hillary Clinton is funding them.

That is according to the Telegraph, which reports that financial disclosures from Hillary’s ‘Onward Together’ leftist think tank show it donated over half a million dollars in the past three years to the Climate Emergency Fund (CEF), which is the largest backer of Just Stop Oil and Extinction Rebellion.

The report notes “The donations are the largest contribution by Mrs Clinton’s organisation to a non-profit in the last three years, and are funded by public contributions and the sale of merchandise from her online shop.”

Onward Together donated $300,000 to the CEF in 2021, and a further $200,000 in 2022. The money was then put into a fund and eventually used to pay for Just Stop Oil’s protests in the UK.

Just Stop Oil recently vandalised the prehistoric Stone Henge site in the UK, and has this week again been in the headlines for causing disruption at London’s Heathrow airport.

New Video Emerges Of Shooter Running Across Roof As Trump Is Speaking

Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse...

Authored by Steve Watson: A video has emerged of wannabe assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks literally running across the infamous sloped rooftop from which he would subsequently try to kill Donald Trump while the former President was speaking.

Rather than army crawling, Crooks can be seen standing straight up and running across the top of the American Glass Research (AGR) building.

Why Did Olympic Officials Open The 2024 Games By Mocking Greek Culture, Life And Christianity With Satanism?

2024 Olympics in France – Interpreting the Satanic Olympics Inauguration

2012 London Olympic Opening Ceremony

2024 Paris Olympic Opening Ceremony

The opening ceremony of the Olympics felt like the closing ceremony of humanity, posted on “X” (former Twitter) by @KimDotcom.

URGENT: It's ON Like Donkey-Kong! Pentagon Tells Hal That Israel To Be ATTACKED By Iran Within Next 72 Hours

So, ladies and gentlemen, "it" is about to begin.

By Hal Turner: URGENT -- My former colleagues in the Intel community from my years working with FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force told me tonight "Iran - and its allies -  will launch a large scale attack upon Israel within the next 72 Hours."

Tonight, there is also word from Intel Sources that a warning and threatening message sent by France from (its Embassy) in Tel Aviv, through the Lebanese government, to Hezbollah, that any response that extends deep into Israel will be met with a violent and crushing response against the party’s targets in the southern suburbs, Baalbek, and vital facilities in the capital Beirut.

Hezbollah’s response to the French mediation: We do not have time to de-escalate. Our response has not been subject to any rules since the moment of the assassination in the southern suburb, and what we have will be revealed in the coming hours.

For most keen observers, the fact that FRANCE chose to involve itself, and do so by conveying a threat, is a a stupefying example of the level of the arrogant bravado and shear incompetence within western governments nowadays.

Those same keen observers were quite taken aback by the fact that Hezbollah responded, and said what they said! No rules??? It also shows no fear.

Trump v Black Journalist - Who Won?

Candace Owens: Donald Trump shakes up a panel hosted by the National Association of Black Journalists, The Sunday Times calls Hannah Neeleman a "Trad Wife," and the IDF court arrests soldiers accused of abusing Palestinian detainees.

70% Of US Students 'Believe Speech Can Be As Damaging As Physical Violence': Survey

Apparently none of them have ever been punched in the mouth...

Authored by Daniel Isfresne: A new Knight Foundation-Ipsos study shows a decline in students’ views concerning the state of free speech on college campuses.

The study, released on Tuesday, reveals several key findings, including that 70 percent of students “believe that speech can be as damaging as physical violence,” as two in three students report “self-censoring” on some topics during classroom discussions.

Republican students self-censor more, with 49 percent self-censoring on three or more topics versus 38 percent of Democrats and 40 percent of independents. “Republicans also tend to be more likely to report self-censoring on gender or LGBTQ+ issues (55%), racial issues (44%), and diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) issues (33%) than Democrats (32%, 30%, 15%) or independents (41%, 37%, 26%),” the results show.

1,678 currently enrolled college students aged 18 to 24 participated in the poll from March 7-28. Only 43 percent of these students feel that freedom of speech is very secure or secure today — that’s down from 73 percent of students who felt the same in 2016. 

Democrat students are also fueling the decrease in the percentage of those who believe free speech is secure. In 2021, 61 percent of Democrats said free speech was secure; that figure is 51 percent. 

Only about half of students (54 percent) believe colleges should “allow students to be exposed to all types of speech even if they may find it offensive or biased” — that percentage has decreased from 78 percent in 2016.

Riots Erupt In England After Teenage Child Of Migrants Goes On Murderous Stabbing Spree

UK Labour party have adopted a blackout policy on migrant violence and have even launched programs to gaslight the public into accepting these tragedies as the new normal

By Tyler Durden: Twenty years ago such an incident would be widely regarded in the UK and Europe as a terrorist attack.  In the woke haze of 2024, though, the 17-year-old child of Rwandan migrants who went on a stabbing spree at a kids dance recital in the town of Southport, England is treated as a run-of-the-mill criminal.  The response from the British public is one of rage as riots erupt across the country.

Following a long running pattern of information suppression when it comes to migrant crimes, very little data has been released by authorities concerning the attacker's background or possible motives.  What is known is that despite leaving three dead children and ten others injured in the streets of Southport, journalists have sought to humanize the attacker, likely because of his Rwandan migrant family.

UK officials have adopted a blackout policy on migrant violence (including the children of migrants who tend to be more easily radicalized) and have even launched programs to gaslight the public into accepting these tragedies as the new normal; a matter that needs to be embraced with quiet compassion. 

After the stabbing, apparent false reports of the perpetrator being a Muslim migrant named Ali Al-Shakati appeared to originate from a July 29 article on the website “Channel 3 Now” that was later updated to remove in-text references to “Ali Al-Shakati.”  The media has "fact checked" this report dishonestly - They state that the real attacker was born in the UK, but they initially refrained from mentioning his family's migrant background or his ideological influences.  The chances are high that this information will never be willingly released to the public should it put the UK government's open border agenda at risk.