Hungary & Slovakia Consider Cutting Electricity Supply To Ukraine If Kiev Keeps Blocking Russian Oil Supplies

Hungary And Slovakia Could Be Headed To A Major "Soft War" Against The Jew Zelensky Involving Energy...

Via ReMix News: Roughly 40 percent of Ukraine’s electricity imports pass through the Ukrainian-Hungarian border, which means Hungary is not entirely powerless in the face of a Ukrainian blockade on oil supplies. In fact, Hungary may be forced to cut electricity to its neighbor if push comes to shove.

Olivér Hortay, head of Századvég’s climate and energy policy department, noted that Ukraine’s biggest energy problem is the electricity system. Since the start of the war, the country has lost three-quarters of its own electricity generation capacity, leading to Ukrainians having to deal with prolonged blackouts and cuts to production due to a lack of electricity.

To deal with Ukraine’s faltering electricity network, the country has been importing energy from neighboring countries.

“The proportion of electricity coming through Hungary in terms of Ukrainian imports exceeded 40-42 percent during several periods,” said Hortay, while speaking to Hungarian television channel M1.

As a result, Ukraine may suffer “serious consequences” due to its oil blockade.

Honest Government Ad - Freedom Of Information (FOI) Laws

thejuicemedia: The Aussie Government has made an ad about our Freedom of Information laws, and it’s surprisingly honest and informative.

Five Takeaways From Yesterday's Historic Prisoner Swap

'Altogether, each side in this swap got what they wanted, and it represents a rare example of successful New Cold War diplomacy.'

Authored by Andrew Korybko: Russia and the West exchanged 24 prisoners on Thursday in the largest such swap since the Old Cold War. The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) and CNN published detailed reports about the diplomacy that led up to this deal, which included the WSJ’s Evan Gershkovich and Russia’s Vadim Krasikov as the highest-profile exchanges. The New York Times also shared brief bios about the others who were swapped.

Here are the top five takeaways from this historic deal that most observers might have missed:

1. Germany Was Responsible For Holding Everything Up

Russia conveyed that it won’t agree to any swap without the release of Vadim Krasikov, who was jailed in Germany for assassinating a Chechen terrorist that President Putin told Tucker Carlson had driven his car over the heads of Russian prisoners, among his other crimes. Germany balked for a while though due to the “morality” of releasing a convicted killer that’s serving a life sentence, but the US convinced it to go along with this, especially since Russia and Belarus agreed to release jailed Germans as part of the deal.

2. Poland, Slovenia, and Norway Chipped In But Got Nothing In Return

Americans Are A Totally Conquered People! + Shame Is Dead In The Western World

'Money speaks, and in the corrupt America of the 21st century, money is all that speaks.'

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: The various “investigations” of the Secret Service’s failure to protect Trump are focused on operational and communication failures. The fact that the Secret Service did hardly anything normal procedures required has not yet raised the question whether elements of the Secret Service were involved. The failure is too large to be dismissed without investigation as nothing but a result of a collection of mistakes. The investigation that is needed is one that investigates whether elements in the Secret Service were involved in an assassination attempt on Trump, who is considered to be an existential threat to the ruling establishment.

The investigation cannot be conducted by the Secret Service, Homeland Security, and the FBI, because if the assassination attempt was a deep state plot, all else against Trump having failed, these three agencies are the likely ones involved in the plot.

A real investigation would have to answer these questions:

New Head EU Diplomat REFUSES To Negotiate With Putin! WHAT?!

"Why should she talk to Putin, she's not Ukrainian and Ukraine is not part of the European Union so it's really none of her fucking business."

Jimmy Dore

The US Fed Just Crashed The Stock Market

Sasha Yanshin: The stock market has fallen 6% in 2 weeks and the US economy is under pressure.

Angelos Agathangelou: Though Sasha seems to be lambasting the Fed, he is in fact being far too kind. Sasha is consigning ignorance to the Fed where he should in fact be seeing a purposeful ploy. I'm not disagreeing with Sasha's basic analysis, but I do think he's apparently missing an important point, an ancient wisdom that is at the heart of the declaration by both Christianity and Islam that usury is immoral, or should be considered haram.

In short, the Fed know exactly what they are doing and are only play acting that they are stupid and this is in fact just part of the process whereby through the cyclical inflation and deflation of the economy via the use of their control of interest rates, just as with the banking sector's suppression of for example the price of gold, just as with LIBOR, etc. this is how banksters, by exploiting the ignorance of the hoi polloi, end up breaking the real hard working people and owning the world for pennies on the pound, or cents on the dollar.

As wise men have pointed out in the past, if the average man understood how banking really worked, there would be a revolution in the morning.

Europe Laughs At US Elections

Sammy Obeid: Everything happened while I was in Europe, so had to craft jokes on US politics for a European crowd.

America Is In Shambles

"Are you voting for the red paedophiles, or the blue paedophiles, dead Palestinians, or dead Palestinians? We're tired of it! Just when I thought I was out, they pulled me back in!"


The “Suicide” Of A US VP Hopeful

"Kamala Harris is so unexpectedly stupid."

Candace Owens: Kamala goes off script with reporters, her potential VP pick has a strange connection with the death of a woman in 2011, and the media is still after me.