4 Aug 2024

More Dead Christian Children - More British Brainwashing Creeps ‘News’ Channelling The Jews' Propaganda As Its Own

Forget a 10-month genocide in Gaza. Only when Israel can exploit the deaths of Syrians living under its military occupation are we supposed to start worrying about theconsequencesof war

By Jonathan Cook: BBC coverage of the attack on a soccer game in the Golan Heights on Saturday has been intentionally misleading.

The BBC’s evening news entirely ignored the fact that those killed by the blast are a dozen Syrians, not Israeli citizens, and that for decades the surviving Syrian population in the Golan, most of them Druze, has been forced to live unwillingly under an Israeli military occupation.

I suppose mention of this context might complicate the story Israel and the BBC wish to tell – and risk reminding viewers that Israel is a belligerent state occupying not just Palestinian territory but Syrian territory too (not to mention nearby Lebanese territory).

It might suggest to audiences that these various permanent Israeli occupations have been contributing not only to large-scale human rights abuses but to regional tensions as well. That Israel’s acts of aggression against its neighbors might be the cause of “conflict”, rather than, as Israel and the BBC would have us believe, some kind of unusual, preemptive form of self-defense.

The BBC, of course, chose to uncritically air comments from a military spokesman for Israel, who blamed Hizbullah for the blast in the Golan.

Orban's Insight Into The Global Systemic Transition & Hungarian Grand Strategy Is Worth Reading

He said that the Ukrainian Conflict was a “red pill” for him and elaborated on the ten ways in which it opened his eyes to reality...

Authored by Andrew Korybko: Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban elaborated on the global systemic transition and his country’s grand strategy within it during a lengthy speech at the Balvanyos Free Summer University and Student Camp over the weekend. The over 11,000-word English transcript was published on Monday, which the present piece will summarize for the reader’s convenience. It began with him reaffirming that it’s his Christian duty to promote peace and mocking the EU for its Orwellian “war is peace” mantra.

He then said that the Ukrainian Conflict was a “red pill” for him and proceeded to elaborate on the ten ways in which it opened his eyes to reality.

First, there have been enormous casualties on both sides, but each will continue fighting unless external stakeholders diplomatically intervene since they’re convinced that they’ll win.

Second, the US went from containing China to waging a proxy war on Russia, which pushed those two together and prompted questions about why the US would do this.  

Third, Ukraine’s resilience in spite of its objective economic and demographic weaknesses can be explained by its sense of mission that fills it with a higher purpose, which is to become the West’s eastern military frontier.

Fourth, Russia has also proven itself to be impressively resilient, and it’s nowhere near collapsing like Western leaders hubristically predicted.

MUST WATCH: SyrianGirl Interviews Nick Griffin (BNP) On Britain's Anti-Immigration Unrest

"The political elite were given a very very clear message by the Brexit vote, that was overwhelmingly, get control of our borders, stop the transformation of our country. That was the instruction the British people, the biggest popular mandate in British electoral history, gave the political elite, change what you're doing and they threw that back at us and they spat in our faces as well!

...The anti-Christian anti-White talmudists quite openly want to use mass immigration to breed us out of existence!"

British Labour Party's War Against Beauty

"Morality has aesthetic standards."

Richard The Fourth: Angela Rayner, the Deputy PM of the United Kingdom, has stated she wishes to build 1.5 million homes, while also stating she believes beauty is meaningless. This tells us a lot about her, her ideology and how the modern world is increasingly divorced from our roots as Europeans.

Swiss Government Perverts Take Child Away From Parents Who Refused Puberty Blockers

The parents uncovered evidence that their child had been groomed by her teachers, school councilors and even doctors to adopt trans beliefs...

By Tyler Durden: Children cannot consent.  They are incapable of consenting legally or consenting cognitively.  They are not mature enough emotionally or intellectually to make sweeping decisions regarding their personal health.  This is common sense and has been the standard of child protection in western society for hundreds of years.  Only in the past decade has this obvious rule been abandoned in the name of appeasing the trans movement.

Though the pendulum has been swinging back recently in parts of Europe and in red states in the US, the woke cult has so permeated some societies like a malignant cancer that it's almost impossible to get rid of them.  If you have a morbid sense of curiosity and want to know what life would be like under total woke authoritarianism you could move to California, or look no further than Switzerland.

Yes, the same country that is constantly held up above the US as the "right way" to run a republic has become a far-left nightmare with the government, schools and hospitals completely integrated into the LGBTQ agenda.  Those with children in Switzerland are not safe and have no say in their child's medical future.

The Von Der Leyen Program - She Murdered EU Democracy

'The post-war European citizen has never voted so far to the right. He is harvesting a program that has never been so extremely left-wing. The von der Leyen program owes more to the Greens (53 MEPs) than to the center-right (188 MEPs).'

Authored by Drieu Godefridi: In a speech to the European Parliament on July 18, 2024, the President of the European Commission, Germany's Ursula von der Leyen, an outspoken environmentalist, set out her program for its next five years.

Here are some of the salient aspects of her proposal, strictly in line with her previous term of office.

  1. The objective of reducing greenhouse gas emissions -- 90% reduction by 2040, 100% by 2050 - is maintained. By definition, this reduction structures and determines the whole of the Commission's program, because all human activity -- industrial, commercial and private -- emits greenhouse gases. In fact, in a program document published by the Commission in February 2024, already under the aegis of von der Leyen, are plans to invest 1.5 trillion euros per year in decarbonizing the European Union, and to this end take authoritarian measures in all areas of human activity. The amount is equivalent to 10% of Europe's GDP -- every year. Apparently this policy is the uncompromising model found in every party in Germany, but apart from a war effort, there is no objective of any kind that has ever required the diversion of 10% of a continent's GDP by political decree.

The National Socialist Book Burnings 1933 - The Truth + The Nazi Blue Eyes And Blonde Hair Myth

Zoomer Historian: The book burnings during Hitler's reign are frequently mentioned, but never WHAT they banned or WHY, it's time to delve deeper into the subject. They're never discussed in detail, only a quick mention in history books as if it was a huge evil during the National Socialist reign. But was it so bad? Let's find out the truth.

This video is NON-POLITICAL, obviously, I have an opinion like everyone does, but I did try to simply present the facts as they are here without inserting my own opinion, if it didn't come off that way, I apologize but I did try to state the fact several times. I understand why this is a sensitive topic, as if anything relating to the period.

Pro-Palestine Protesters Carry Red Line In London March

Stop The EVIL JEWS Now!

Hundreds of thousands of pro-Palestine protesters took to the streets of London on Saturday, urging prime minister Keir 'Shabbos Goy' Starmer to take immediate action to halt UK arms exports to the evil genocidal Israel apartheid regime Jews and to sever ties with the evil regime. Protesters held a long red line fabric during the national march to protest the ongoing assault on Gaza's Christians and Muslims by the evil Jews and to call for an end to the Jews' escalations. The Palestine Coalition, which organised the national march, reported a massive turnout, with hundreds of thousands of protesters gathering in solidarity with the people of Palestine against the evil Jews.

"Millions" Wasted On Electric School Busses As Maryland Pivots Back To Diesel

The wasteful spending was caused in part by late deliveries and maintenance issues, according to the IG report.

By Tyler Durden: A school district in the US is finding out just how costly virtue signaling can wind up being

Maryland’s largest school district in Montgomery County found out via an Inspector General's report that implementing electric busses “led to millions of dollars in wasteful spending”, according to WTOP.

The wasteful spending was caused in part by late deliveries and maintenance issues, according to the IG report. 

The report said that at a ribbon-cutting ceremony in October 2022, Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) announced that its 326 new electric buses would save 6,500 gallons of fuel daily and cut costs by 50%.

And then reality set in. Since entering into a $168 million contract for the buses, MCPS has faced significant delays, WTOP reports.

The county’s Office of the Inspector General reported that the buses were consistently delivered late. Dozens of buses scheduled for fiscal year 2022 arrived only after Christmas, instead of at the start of the school year as required.