6 Aug 2024

Candace Owens x Dave Smith

Candace Owens: Dave Smith joins me in the studio to discuss our never-ending wars, the CIA, Israel, the American Empire, and so much more.

The Road To War

Russia, Iran, and China are right not to want war. But they have failed to understand that it is not their choice and that they are bringing on war by failing to stand up to the Washington and Israel Jews.

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: It is OK for Israel and Washington to escalate the situation, but not for Iran or Russia. Here is the way it works. Israel assassinates a Muslin leader on Iranian territory, and then the media goes into action calling on Iran not to escalate the situation. Iran doesn’t, and from Iran not “escalating the situation” another leader is assassinated. Iran is again called on not to escalate the situation.

The reason we are headed to war is that Russia, Iran, and China are provoked time and again, and their response is to wait, and wait, and wait some more while Washington and Israel get prepared, thus reducing the effectiveness of any action taken by Russia, Iran, and China.

Iran has now waited so long before responding to Israel’s assassinations that Israel has had time to prepare an underground bunker for Netanyahu and his war party. Iran had a chance to catch them in the open and blew it. Now Iran says it wants to punish Israel but avoid all-out war. No meaningful action will be forthcoming from Iran.

Putin waited eight years from 2014 to 2022 before he accepted the obvious fact that he had to act in Donbas. If he had acted in 2014 there would have been no war.

Like Russia and Iran China issues endless “warnings.” But as the warnings never are backed by action, no one pays any attention to the warnings.

BBC Describes Violent Birmingham Riot "Largely Peaceful"

The BBC [British Brainwashing Cunts] described a riot in Birmingham during which a pub was besieged, innocent people violently attacked and news reporters harassed and followed as largely peaceful,” while failing to identify the people behind it.

Authored by Paul Joseph Watson: Last night saw more unrest in several locations across the country, but the broadcaster was seemingly loathe to focus on what happened in England’s second largest city.

Hundreds of Muslim men gathered on the streets of Birmingham near the Village Islamic Centre after reports of a “far-right” rally that never materialized.

What did unfold was severely downplayed or ignored completely by a media that has for a week been busy blaming all the disorder on white, working class people despite the presence of mobs of Muslim men who have also fueled the violence.

A clip from Sky News shows one of their female reporters being confronted by masked thugs, one of whom makes a gun trigger sign towards the camera.

Norman Finkelstein: Zionism, Israel Society, Gaza, Genocide, Kamala Harris And Debate With Destiny

"They're a lunatic state on the rampage.
No one can stop them."
The Smart Cookies Podcast: Professor Norman Finkelstein is a political scientist whose primary fields of research are the politics of the Holocaust and the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. He's the author of many books, such as The Holocaust Industry, I'll burn that bridge when I get to it, and Gaza: an Inquest into its martyrdom. We talk about the origins of Zionism, the current state of Israeli society, the horror of the conflict in Gaza, the prospects of Kamala Harris... as well as his notorious debate with the popular streamer Destiny.

"This Is The Globalist Plan To DESTROY The U.K. In Action" The Jew George Soros Is Behind It

Armed migrant gangs attacking British citizens

Redacted: If you want to know what's about to happen in the United States just look at the U.K. A globalist agenda is driving the U.K. into total chaos with armed migrant gangs attacking British citizens. Jim Ferguson is a former Parliamentary candidate and journalist. He is also the founder of Freedom Train International. Jim joined us from the U.K. to talk about what's really happening.

CONFIRMED: Olympic Boxer Imane Khelif Is A MAN - Competitive Woman Bashing In 2024

Algerian boxer Imane Khelif stirs up controversy after strong-manning a couple of chicks at the Paris Olympics. The usual woke cheerleaders get enraged, the IOC says 'trust me bro' and the International Boxing Association says the have the have proof that Imane has XY chromosomes. Regards, 🐻

Gaza Genocide Day 300: Official Death Toll A Lie Casualties Far Higher - 600,000 Christians & Muslims Murdered By Jews

The figures have been stalled for months. That serves the Jews interests by lulling western publics into a false sense of complacency

By Jonathan Cook: The reported death toll in Gaza is way too low by every imaginable metric. We need to be stressing this – all the more so when Israel’s apologists are vigorously engaged in a disinformation campaign to suggest that the figures are inflated.

On 6 May, 7 months into Israel’s slaughter, there were reported to be 34,735 dead. That was an average of 4,960 Palestinians killed each month.

Today, nearly three months on, the reported death toll stands at 39,400 – or an increase of 4,665.

It should not need a statistician to point out that, were the rise linear, the expected number of deaths would stand by this point at around 49,600.

So, even by the simplest calculation, there is a large shortfall in deaths – a shortfall that needs explaining.

UK Riots: The Agenda Becomes Clear...

The agenda has always been clear:

eliminate freedom of speech...

Authored by Kit Knightly: Those outside the UK might not have heard, but it’s been a violent week in the UK. Here’s a quick rundown of the official story so far:

Four days ago a 17-year-old allegedly walked into a children’s “Taylor Swift dance class” (whatever that might be)  in Southport and started stabbing little girls, wounding 10 and killing 3.

It was initially reported the boy was a muslim immigrant.

This story was, however, reversed within hours, the new story “revealing” that he was actually born in Cardiff, the son of Rwandan immigrants. He was named as “Axel Muganwa Rudakubana” late yesterday.

His  religious affiliation, if any, seems not to have been firmly established.

Another young man was, allegedly,  arrested later while in possession of a machete and balaclava at  a vigil for the victims. He was, again, reportedly Muslim.

This, allegedly, resulted in what are described as protests and riots, the destruction of a brick wall outside a mosque and the burning of a police van.

Further alleged riots subsequently sprang up in London and Hartlepool.

This is the current narrative. None of the details has been substantiated as yet, so how much you decide to believe is your personal preference at this point.

At OffG we reserve the right to be sceptical. Of everything.

Millions Of British People Rise Up Against Ultra Left Wing Globalist Government's Plan To Eliminate Natives By 2030

"It has taken 80 years for the British people to reawaken their fighting spirit. This is why the British government is urgently taking steps to increase their authoritarian powers to control the people! It's the elites favourite game, Problem Reaction Solution!"

TPV: British citizens are rising up in huge numbers against the globalist ruling class determined to take away their rights and normalize the gross injustices of the globalist agenda.

Following the brutal stabbing of 11 young girls at a Taylor Swift dance party, the fully infiltrated British government have decided to punish those who are protesting against open borders, declaring a state of emergency to unveil chilling new authoritarian powers to crush dissent and punish ordinary people.

There is anarchy on the streets of England as we speak, as the people continue rising up demanding justice, and the media continues to suppress the scale of events.

Britain 2024: How Did We End Up Here? + Starmer Is Making Things Worse + Brits Have To Integrate Into Own Country?

Richard The Fourth: After the chaos of the past few days, there have been many theories as to what led to such violence and disorder. Keir Starmer seems to think it's the phantom far-right, some commentators believe it's all part of a globalist conspiracy, yet I thought I'd offer a review of recent British history from Enoch Powell to Tony Blair in an attempt to explain this...