10 Aug 2024

Jews' Israel On The Brink Of DISASTER - John Mearsheimer

"Gang rapes is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of the horrors that the Jews have been inflicting on Christian and Muslim Palestinians."

Jimmy Dore: Renowned University of Chicago Professor of Political Science John Mearsheimer has given a “gloomy” analysis about Jewish Israel’s standing, saying that the Middle Eastern nation’s problems are “deep, unfixable” and getting worse.

Mearsheimer made his comment during an interview with Judge Napolitano, saying that ten months into its ruthless genoicide against the Palestinians in besieged Gaza, the Jewish army is worn out, yet it has not defeated Christian and Muslim Palestinian resistance fighters and Hamas. 

“Israel is stuck in Gaza,” said the professor. It’s a hornet’s nest from which it had to leave in 2005, he pointed out, adding that Israel simply cannot comprehend that the catastrophic destruction and unresolved problems it has caused in Gaza lie on its border, and also has no hope of defeating Hezbollah in Lebanon or Iran.

ICMI24: Professor Janice Fiamengo - “Calling A Moratorium On Women’s Tears"

“Calling a Moratorium on Women’s Tears: How Women Use the Accountability Gap to Manipulate Men and Why Men Must Resist It.”

Justice for Men & Boys

Soviet Communist Britain?! Joe Rogan

"Over 4,000 people in Britain have been arested for 'Thought Crimes' where they've said things online that people find to be a hateful thing, or a problematic thing. And I think it's only 200 in Russia. ...Who's to decide what's a hateful thing?"

Not Guilty TV

Zionist Piers Morgan v 'Top G' Andrew Tate On British Riots

"Gotcha!" Andrew Tate gets Piers Morgan to admit that zionist plants are insighting the riots!

Incited by zionist plants, Britain has been gripped in the throes of mass unrest; aslo due to, among other things, uncontrolled mass migration, the murders of three young girls and the stabbing of several others at a Taylor Swift-themed dance in Southport, Merseyside by the son of migrants and the government's ongoing support of the Jews' genocide of and land theft from the Christians and Muslims of Palestine and PM Starmer's dismissal of the white British people's fears.

Piers says that in a matter of hours, disinformation about the suspect began to spread around social media, claiming the 17-year-old assailant was an illegal Muslim migrant; which turned out to be untrue and and then lied as usual saying that Andrew Tate in particular made these claims on his X account and that MP Nigel Farage to push out these falsehoods as well.

Piers Morgan speculates that as a result, both mosques and Muslims themselves have been attacked, while conveniently omitting the fact that gangs of non-whites have been roving Britain attacking whites and their properties and that most importantly all this has been incited by a pro zionist media and zionist plants and the ultra zionist PM Starmer's own dismissal of the people's fears by tossing them aside as all being 'far right' thugs.

The Resistance v Israel Alliance - Where Is This Heading?

vanessa beeley: I cover the recent events and maneuvers by the Resistance and the Zionist alliance after Israel carried out various provocations against the entire Resistance Axis - will this lead to a regional and potentially global escalation? Israel is imploding and as former diplomat Alastair Crooke has pointed out - the Irgun terrorist gang is being reborn. Will this mean a civil war in Israel itself?

From Alastair’s article for Strategic Culture:

So too ‘overlooked’ in the West, will be that which happened in Israel on the same day the assassinations later took place: Right-wing vigilantes descended from their settlements, storming two military IDF bases. The anarchic scenes of mass break-ins, fomented by several members of the ruling coalition, some of whom took part in the forcible entries, sparked angry condemnation from Defence Minister Gallant.

The invasions were supported by one minister and several Knesset members seeking to free reservists that are suspected of aggravated abuse and forcible sodomy against a Palestinian detainee. According to a security source, the injured detainee was taken to a hospital with severe injuries, including to an intimate body part which left him unable to walk.

Orwellian British Police Arresting People For Facebook Posts!

"What could go wrong when the government takes your guns away? No one's allowed an opinion!"

Jimmy Dore: We’ve all heard the terrifying tales of living under oppressive regimes like in China and Russia where you can be permanently disappeared if you say anything that offends the government. Except did you know that the very same thing has begun happening in the West, with nations like the UK imprisoning individuals over offending social media posts?

Jimmy and Kurt Metzger discuss the increasingly oppressive thought police coming to the West as well as recent riots in England.

Documentary: "Deadly Deception: Exposing The Dangers Of Vaccines"

RTRN: There is an epidemic, the likes that we have never seen in the history of this country. One in 6 children in America is learning disabled, one in 9 has asthma, one in 48 are becoming autistic, and millions more are suffering from brain and immune dysfunction, which can not be explained. 

Children are now exposed to more vaccinations than earlier generations. The number of vaccines is expected to increase dramatically with over 250 new vaccines in the pipeline.

While there is an untold number of children and adults that have been injured from vaccines, most Americans remain skeptical of the fact that vaccines can and do cause injury, disability, and death.

What will happen when vaccine-injured children, with brain and immune system dysfunction, reach adulthood and are unable to function in society? 

Conventional medicine claims that vaccines prevent infectious diseases and are proven to be effective and safe. We are told that these diseases can be eradicated if the population is fully vaccinated to achieve “herd immunity.” However, does the science support these claims? Apparently not.

Horrific Human Rights Abuses & Torture Of Jew Kidnapped Christian & Muslim Palestinians Documented In New Report

"Jews believe they have the right to abduct and anally rape anyone in the world who's not a Jew!" Jewish Rabbis Tell their Jewish congregations to rape Goyim and Shiksas! Goyim [male non Jews] and Shiksas [female non Jews] are derogatory words for non Jews that are just like the word Niggers.

Glenn Greenwald