16 Aug 2024

The INSANE Sentencing Of ‘Protestors’. We Live In Irrational Times

What we're seeing is irrational sentencing by judges who want to suck Kier Starmer's penis."

Katie Hopkins

We Don't Have Representative Democracy In The UK

Godfrey Bloom explains how the UK and other western nations have abandoned representative democracy due to WEF (World Economic Forum) infiltration.

Douglas MacGregor: NATO Deploy Troops INVADED Kursk - Russia Sending A DEVASTATING Signal To Ukraine

Banned by YouTube!

KR Media: In this eye-opening video, military strategist Douglas MacGregor uncovers a critical development in the escalating conflict between Russia and Ukraine. MacGregor reveals that NATO has reportedly deployed troops into the Kursk region, a move that signals a dangerous escalation in the ongoing war. In response, Russia is sending a devastating signal to Ukraine, preparing to take unprecedented action to counter this intervention.

MacGregor delves into the implications of NATO's involvement in Kursk, analyzing how this development could provoke a fierce response from Russia. He explores the potential military strategies that Russia might employ to send a clear and powerful message to both Ukraine and NATO. The video also examines the broader geopolitical ramifications of this escalation, including how it could affect global security and lead to a much larger conflict.

The discussion extends to the strategic importance of the Kursk region and the potential consequences of NATO's deployment there. MacGregor emphasizes the urgency of diplomatic efforts to prevent the situation from spiraling out of control and leading to a full-scale war involving multiple global powers.

This analysis is crucial for viewers seeking to understand the rapidly evolving dynamics in the Russia-Ukraine conflict and the potential consequences of NATO's involvement in the region.

This Is Just Insane

"Arrested for criticising the British government on social media, like they do in communist China, is this really where we're at?"
Paul Joseph Watson

Nobody's Talking About Who REALLY Started The Riots

"A direct war on every single Muslim in this country" -Prof David Miller

I21c: In today's episode of Empowered by Islam21c, we are joined by Professor David Miller, a sociologist and expert on Islamophobia, propaganda, spin, and lobbying.

He has spent years academically studying Zionism and its connection to global Islamophobia, and he mentions that not many people know this, but the recent far-right riots in the UK were instigated by assets of the so-called 'state' of Israel.

He also discussed something very interesting about the unrecognised strength of the Muslim community and the responsibilities that come with it.

The Media Conspiracy

Corbett: Here’s a two-hour lecture on the history of mass media to tide you over until September! This is Lesson One of my three lesson Mass Media: A History online course. Buy the complete course for audio and video downloads, a hyperlinked transcript of each lesson and a study guide with questions and reading recommendations. Enjoy!