20 Aug 2024

What Have The Central Banksters Done To Our Lives?

...wars must be funded!

Authored by George F. Smith: The following is derived from a speech in my novel, The Flight of the Barbarous Relic

Wars must be funded, and for this governments functioning as states call upon the banking system for assistance.

Central Bank counterfeiting, which is another name for inflation, is the fuel that energizes the forces of war.  Inflation, or counterfeiting, amounts to issuing receipts for something that doesn’t exist, which legally is the prerogative of the central bank.  Calling such receipts money allows them to be created in massive amounts quickly.  When the US Congress votes to send billions of fiat money to Ukraine, Israel or anywhere else, no one questions the nature of what is being sent because legal tender laws make it all copasetic.

Yet, we should know better.

As to the assumed authority of any assembly in making paper money, or paper of any kind, a legal tender, or in other language, a compulsive payment [Thomas Paine wrote in 1786], it is a most presumptuous attempt at arbitrary power. There can be no such power in a republican government: the people have no freedom, and property no security where this practice can be acted . . .

If anything had, or could have, a value equal to gold and silver, it would require no tender law: and if it had not that value it ought not to have such a law; and, therefore, all tender laws are tyrannical and unjust, and calculated to support fraud and oppression. [emphasis added]

British Diplomat RESIGNS Over The Jews' War Crimes - And British Government Complicity

"Senior members of the Israel regime have expressed open genocidal intent and Jews take videos of looting, murder and openly admitting to the rape and torture of prisoners."

What Milton Friedman Said 5 Decades Ago About Government Spending Still Holds True Today

'In debating what government should attempt, and how big it should be, let’s agree that its real size, its real cost, is what it spends, and keep that side of the ledger as clean and clear as humanly possible.'

Authored by John Robson: A friend’s mother was fond of saying there’s no good way to do a bad thing, and no bad time to do a good one. It’s true of public policy as of life generally, which is why both the public and politicians should talk more about principles and less about motives or tactics. And just as I was wrestling with applying this maxim to the current fiscal mess, someone Xed the classic Milton Friedman line to “Keep your eye on how much the Government is spending, because that is the true tax.”

I’m not sure when Friedman said it. But he died in 2006 aged 94, and the clip shows him in middle age, so it was around half a century back. We should have listened, because it has applied consistently since and still does.

In fact, I’d just read a column by my former colleague Randall Denley about an administration of ostensibly conservative inclinations touting its “prudent, responsible” fiscal management while “tracking a clear path” back to a balanced budget from its current massive scary deficit. As Denley added tartly, “As it turns out, tracking a balanced budget is like tracking a unicorn. The tracking is easy, but finding one is hard.”

Misandric British Government: They're Really Doing It

"What is extreme misogyny? What ever the British government say it is. 'Anti-establishment rhetoric' and 'laughing at women's football' could earn you a visit from 'the terror police'. Thought criminals will take the place of real criminals."

Paul Joseph Watson