24 Aug 2024

British Skank Goes Viral

"She's removing her nickers and throws them in a basket of doughnuts, then 'in with the hot dogs', she says."
Better Bachelor

US Govt Report Links High Fluoride Exposure Like That Being Added To Britain's Water Supply With Low IQ Among Children

“This review finds, with confidence, that fluoride exposures ... are consistently associated with lower IQ in children,”

Authored by Naveen Athrappully: Exposing children to high levels of fluoride is “consistently associated” with lower IQ, and potentially other neurodevelopmental issues, according to a report by the National Toxicology Program (NTP).

In 2016, NTP started a systematic review of scientific literature to ascertain links between fluoride and cognition. On Aug. 21, it published a report detailing its findings. A total of 72 studies reviewed in the report examined how fluoride exposure affected children’s IQ. Sixty-four of these studies found an “inverse association between estimated fluoride exposure and IQ in children,” meaning higher exposure was linked to lower IQ and vice versa.

“This review finds, with moderate confidence, that higher estimated fluoride exposures ... are consistently associated with lower IQ in children,” the report stated. NTP is a unit of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

NTP defined high exposure as drinking water with fluoride concentrations that exceed the 1.5 mg/L limit set by the World Health Organization.

The allowable limits in the United States are different. While the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has set a threshold of 0.7 mg/L for fluoride presence in drinking water (including naturally occurring and added fluoride, or fluoridation), the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has a limit of 2 mg/L.

New Russian Residency Law Helps Westerners Escape Posthuman Globalist Madness

"Now, in America, there are cases of people losing their jobs, not being able to find a new job, being denied an education, and not being able to get into a university - simply because they're opposed to homosexual behavior, and because they're opposed to this lie of homosexual marriage, or because they're opposed to transgenderism,"
By Ekaterina Blinova: Russia has rejected globalism and now serves as a safe haven for Westerners who are feeling oppressed by neoliberal destructive ideas in their homeland, US journalist Timothy Kirby told Sputnik.
President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on August 19 providing foreigners who share Russia's spiritual and moral values, and who seek to escape the West's destructive neoliberal ideals, with a temporary residence permit in Russia.
"The law provides Westerners something that they've sought for a long time - the opportunity to move to Russia," Timothy Kirby, an American-born journalist and radio host, told Sputnik. Earlier, Western foreigners couldn’t immigrate to Russia without a legal basis, but now "the door has finally started to open," he added.
Under the new law, the temporary residence permit would be granted outside the quota approved by the Russian government, and without the need for confirmation of the applicants' knowledge of the Russian language, Russian history, and basic laws. However, they would have to submit a written statement, stating reasons for moving, to their local Russian diplomatic mission or consular office.

Western Values Are Dead In The West And The EU Joins US And Britain In Asserting The Extra-Territoriality Of Its Law

The EU Just Declared War on Free Speech in America. It is Time to Fight Back

By Jonathan Turley: Below is my column in The Hill on the move of the European Union to force Elon Musk to censor X users, including political speech leading up to the 2024 election. The column discusses this Rockwell painting, which we often use in discussing free speech controversies.

Here is the column:

Eighty years ago, the U.S. government launched a war bond campaign featuring a painting by artist Norman Rockwell in the struggle against the authoritarian threat from Europe. The picture they chose was Rockwell’s Freedom of Speech depicting a man rising to speak his mind at a local council meeting in Vermont. The image rallied the nation around what Louis Brandeis called our “indispensable right.”

Now, that very right is again under attack from another European government, which is claiming the right to censor what Americans are allowed to say about politics, science and other subjects. Indeed, the threat from the European Union may succeed in curtailing American freedom to an extent that the Axis powers could not have imagined. They may win, and our leaders have not said a thing yet about it.

“The Jewish Sniper Was Shooting Him For Fun”

He was our legs and arms. He was the biggest treasure I had in this life.

By Abubaker Abed: Abdul Karim Omar al-Ramlawi had just turned 18 years old in May.

He always dressed well, in jeans and jackets, and he dreamed of going to university to study mechatronics.

He loved riding motorcycles and playing and watching soccer. He supported Real Madrid and considered his favorite player Luka Modrić to be a legend of the game and would frequently praise him. He was also a pet lover, especially cats.

At school, he told jokes to his classmates and studied during breaks. After school, he helped his father at the nylon factory and would run errands for his mother.

“He loved befriending and helping all,” said Hassan al-Ramlawi, Abdul Karim’s cousin. “He was so ambitious and passionate. Everybody cherished him.”

But when Israel launched its war on Gaza, Abdul Karim’s life and dreams were spoiled.

Abdul Karim had just started his final year of high school. His family had even dedicated a room in their six-story house, in Gaza City’s al-Tuffah neighborhood, for Abdul Karim to study for his exams. One of his goals was to be among the top-scoring high school students in Palestine.

WEF Document Confirms 6 Billion Humans Will Die In 2025

TPV: A World Economic Forum report hiding in plain sight confirms that upwards of six billion people will die in 2025 – and according to reports from Davos, Klaus Schwab has confirmed the stated goal is on target to be achieved.

The global elite have been warning us about their plans to radically depopulate the earth by any means necessary, and now the results are playing out before our eyes.

If we have any hope of stopping them from achieving their goal of murdering the vast majority of humanity and turning Earth into a prison planet to enslave the rest, the information in this report must be shared far and wide.

Virologists Blow-The-Whistle: MPOX Is Actually Known Side-Effect Of COVID Vax!

'The symptoms experienced by those diagnosed with monkey-pox are actually a known side-effect of the Covid shots: Auto-Immune Blistering Disease.'

By Hal Turner: Top doctors worldwide are stepping forward to expose the World Health Organization’s monkey-pox scare as a cover-up for known side effects linked to the COVID mRNA vaccines.

According to leading virologist Dr. Poornima Wagh, we are not experiencing an outbreak of monkey-pox around the world, as claimed by the WHO. As Dr. Wagh explains, the symptoms experienced by those diagnosed with monkey-pox are actually a known side-effect of the Covid shots: Auto-Immune Blistering Disease.

Meanwhile, Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg has warned that the WHO’s claims of a monkey-pox emergency is another scam and the disease we are witnessing is actually the result of destroyed immune system shingles caused by the Covid shots.