1 Sept 2024

Zionist Jews' 'War Of Extermination' Targets West Bank

vanessa beeley: A moving and insightful discussion with veteran Palestinian activist and nationalist movement advocate Amal Wahdan who is based in the West Bank now being targeted for intensified ethnic cleansing by the Zionist entity.

Amal covers the historical context from the Oslo Agreement to the Abraham Accords - both were a betrayal of the Palestinian cause and justice movements. Amal whose name in Arabic means hope - paints a dark picture of life under Zionist terrorist, apartheid occupation but also provides slivers of hope amongst the slaughter and genocide of Palestinians in Gaza and now in West Bank.

SECOND British Journalist Arrested For ‘Crime’ Of Criticising Starmer And His Jewish Wife's Beloved IsRealHell!

"What we're witnessing here is a war against press freedom, a war against free speech and freedom of expression, a war against our right to know what the hell is going on in the world and what our government are doing in relation to that. It's a war against democracy itself."

KernowDamo: ANOTHER British journalist has been arrested under terrorist legislation, for the 'crime' of calling out Israel's atrocities!

Right, so a second pro Palestine British journalist has been arrested following the arrest and detention of Richard Medhurst, showing we’re pretty much now living in a police state where if you are against the Jews' genocide being meted out in Gaza and now being rolled out into the West Bank, where there is no Hamas of course, and is tantamount to open warfare against an occupied territory, you face a possible knock on the door from the boys in blue.

Starmer was always going to be a rampant authoritarian, the warning have been there and been voiced by independent journalists and political commentators for years. He’s a Zionist without qualification. If you aren’t one as well, then what? You’re a criminal now? How many of us might be getting a knock on the door in the none too distant future then?

The GREAT Electric Car Scam Was Just EXPOSED By Ford

"The Biden administration has done a crap job."

Redacted: Ford announced that it would focus on making hybrid vehicles instead of battery-powered electric vehicles (EVs) because EVs just don't sell and are not the most eco-friendly option when it comes to cars. Will the Biden administration let them out of the EV mandates though?

Indigenous Christians & Muslims Of Palestine Return To Khan Younis To Find Their Homes Destroyed By White Neo-Jews

Middle East Eye: Palestinians returning to eastern Khan Younis after the Israel white neo-Jews IDF withdrawal found scenes of widespread destruction, with their homes reduced to rubble. Mustafa al-Sarfandi, a Palestinian who has been displaced more than 10 times during the white neo-Jews' most recent genocide of Gazans, said, “We don't have a house, not even a tent—we had been displaced from a tent and lost it.”

Insider: Trump To 'Shatter UN Into A Thousand Pieces' And Arrest COVID Plandemic Criminals

TPV: The Trump team is determined to shatter the United Nations into a thousand pieces and arrest globalist criminals in agencies including the World Heath Organization who are understood to be key players in the COVID plandemic.

The global elite have been abusing their positions of self-appointed power for decades, openly waging war on the West and attempting to bring the United States to its knees.

But insiders are sounding the alarm: the global elite know their New World Order is hanging by a thread. These are desperate times for the globalists, and they are not going down without a fight.

We’ve already seen the lengths they’ll go to - an inside job assassination attempt, and new pandemics being stirred up. But make no mistake, this is just the beginning. Things are about to get very crazy, very fast.