4 Sept 2024

Truth Is Being Removed From The Western World, Leaving A Gestapo Police State In Its Place

'In my lifetime I have watched the transformation of the free Western world, a product of centuries of struggle, into a Gestapo Police State.'

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Not even one value of Western civilization remains. All values that composed an era of freedom have been repudiated.

The example of the hour is Telegram owner Durov’s indictment in France. The basis of the French indictment is that Telegram’s privacy, the basis for its existence, provides a mechanism that criminals can use to commit crimes, such as posts of children in sexual acts. Privacy also provides secret means of communication that criminals and drug dealers use for their illegal businesses. The French government’s claim is that Telegram, by providing privacy, enables these crimes and therefore Durov is complicit in the crimes. Notice that it is Durov, not the child pornographers and drug dealers, who is being prosecuted.

In other words, the argument of the French indictment is that as an owner of a communication mechanism that criminals use to facilitate their commitment of crimes, Durov himself has committed a crime.

We have been hearing illogical arguments of this kind for some time.

Russia Reveals How US And Europe Stole Libya's Wealth After The Death Of Gaddafi

The United States and The West conspired to steal Libya's wealth

LuiSpot: Russian representative at the UNSC reveal that the united states and the west, had conspired to steal Libya's wealth after Gaddafi's death and the acquired interests from the frozen money in western bank have either disappeared or are being used to develop their respective countries.

Britain Ignores REAL Threats To Target.... Misogyny


Raging Golden Eagle: They're too scared to go after the real problems, yet they need to pretend like they're doing SOMETHING to justify their paychecks!

Christina Hoff Sommers Explains Why Boys Are Falling Behind

"The classroom has become oppressive to boys."

Dad Saves America: Christina Hoff Sommers explains why feminized classrooms are hurting boys. The push for girls to explore typically male-dominated fields combined with a zero-sum worldview among teachers has resulted in a “girls win, boys lose” scenario. With fewer male teachers and classroom assignments that cater more to girls' strengths, such as introspective writing, boys increasingly feel frustrated, disengaged, and unworthy of success. Often, boys’ instincts are treated as borderline-criminal pathologies to be treated, rather than potential strengths that can be guided and refined with the help of male role models. Christina underscores the urgent need for a balanced approach to education that better understands and serves both girls and boys.

Jeremy Clarkson HUMILIATES Keir Starmer And Leaves Him SPEECHLESS

"Starmer is like an angry toddler!"

' 30 MINUTES AGO!' Jeremy Clarkson HUMILIATES Keir Starmer and Leaves Him SPEECHLESS. After the news of the smoking ban broke, Jeremy Clarkson quickly joined the chorus of criticism against Keir Starmer, accusing him of pushing a hidden agenda to turn the country into a nanny state—just as many had predicted. According to Clarkson, Starmer concealed many of his plans during his campaign, only to reveal their absurdity once in office.

In a recent Instagram post, Clarkson indirectly attacked Starmer by sharing an image that read, "You like smoking; others might not. If you smoke, please be considerate." This was a clear jab at Starmer, whom Clarkson sees as a politician passing senseless rules. Starmer justified the smoking ban by claiming it would help stabilize the NHS, but Clarkson dismisses this reasoning as overly simplistic, ignoring the complexities involved.

Clarkson sarcastically notes that Starmer believes the ban might reduce casualties over the next 20 to 30 years if people comply and don't turn to the black market—a focus on long-term problems while more immediate issues, like illegal immigration, remain unresolved. With Clarkson now voicing his disapproval, it’s clear that Starmer won’t be welcome at Clarkson’s newly opened pubs anytime soon.

Farage SLAMS Woke Education System

Nigel Farage: The new British Social Attitudes Survey shows young people are being taught to hate our country. The educational establishment needs a clearout.