6 Oct 2024

The Roots Of The UK Implosion And Why War Is Inevitable

Some form of the British Remnant or the EU will survive this. Globalism will not die, but it can be weakened severely and set on a different path, one not quite so sinister...

Authored by Tom Luongo: In a lot of my commentary I give the UK a lot of grief. I give many people a lot of grief. It’s kinda my thing.

But to remind everyone, I was one of the chief champions of Brexit, cutting my teeth hard during the endless Brexit negotiations of 2017-19, trying to explain why things were happening the way they were.

I always knew that Brexit was a fight between UK elites beholden to Davos, the same folks that overthrew Margaret Thatcher in the 1990s, and the people themselves, backed by what I’m now calling The British Remnant. This group is easy to understand, they are the group still clinging to the glory of an Empire lost and will graft themselves to whoever they have more influence with.

Neither of these groups love their native population, just to be clear. But the Remnant loves to invoke past glory to keep “Little Britain” still thinking someone cares about them. There are no good guys in this however, only villains and victims.

The heroes are few and far between. The people of the UK are victims. Their governments have been the villains. But the question always arises, is there a bigger villain?

Fear And Loathing In New Normal Germany

...it was a public humiliation ritual. And, all things considered, they staged it well... It’s embarrassing, but, the truth is, they got to me.

Authored by CJ Hopkins: The first rule of New Normal Germany is, you do not compare New Normal Germany to Nazi Germany. If you do that, New Normal Germany will punish you.

It will sic the Federal Criminal Police on you. It will report you to its domestic Intelligence agency. It will ban your books. It will censor your Tweets. It will prosecute you on fabricated “hate-crime” charges.

I know this, because that’s what happened to me. I broke the first rule of New Normal Germany. I compared New Normal Germany to Nazi Germany. I did it with the cover artwork of my book.

The Case Against The Sexual Revolution (Louise Perry)

By William Collins: This post is mainly a review of Louise Perry’s book. However, the last section also serves another purpose. I was not surprised to get some push-back on my last post, A Gentleman’s Strike. The last section, below, The Way Forward, is my amplification of what I was trying to get at, approached from the positive rather than the negative perspective. But now to The Case Against the Sexual Revolution


The Main Event

I will have some harsh things to say about this book. But I would not wish that to distract from the only issue that really matters: the author’s conclusion regarding the sexual revolution and the recommended way forward. Simply put, she concludes that the sexual revolution has been very bad for women and a far better path through life (for women) is to embrace chastity outside of marriage and monogamy within marriage.

Some of us have been saying that for decades. I must add that I think that marriage and family is the most fulfilling path through life for men too. I also agree with the author that marriage should ideally be life-long, though she seems to doubt that this is a practical possibility. The life-long commitment to marriage and monogamy, and confining sex to marriage, are a price worth paying for stable families and a decent society comprised of contented individuals.

Where Perry and I differ is the little matter of whether real marriage still exists to render this ideal easily achieved.

In broadest summary my criticism of the book is the same overarching criticism I had of Mary Harrington’s book (reviewed by me here plus here, and here), namely that, for all I applaud their direction of travel and recommended course of action, the gynocentrism of these women remains firmly in place.

Iranian Retaliation And The Context That Led To The 200+ Missile Launch

Two Tier Kier lies his arse off for his masters the Jews. The reality is that Iran only targeted military installations in retaliation for massive attacks by the Jews. The iron dome is a joke, the Jews invincibility has been put to the test by Iran and the party of god [Hesb-Allah] in The Lebanon who are slaughtering the wannabe invader Jews. The Jews' so-called best army in the world has been put to the test, they have failed that test miserably. The Jews passed the killing children with US supplied fighter jets and raping hostages test with flying colours.

Vanessa Beeley Reports for UK Column on Wednesday.

COL. Douglas Macgregor: Jews' SLAUGHTERED In Lebanon, Americans Trapped + Israel's Ruthless War Of Extermination

Redacted: Americans are scrambling right now trying to get out of The Lebanon as the US is bracing for a wider war with Israel. Col. Macgregor says his sources confirm that the wannabe invading Jews are taking heavy casualties in Lebanon.

Israel Regime's Faux Hebrew White Neo-Jews Aren't Hiding Their War Crimes - They're BOASTING About Them

Owen Jones: A new incredible Al Jazeera documentary exposes how Israeli soldiers have obsessively uploaded their war crimes - boasting about them, rejoicing in them, enjoying them.

You must check it out and make sure everyone sees it:    • Investigating war crimes in Gaza I Al...  

I speak to journalist Richard Sanders about his incredible documentary - and the lessons we must all draw.