And America almost never misses an opportunity to praise its best ally.
“Our iron-clad commitment, and I mean iron-clad, to Israel’s security has meant the closest military cooperation between our two countries, in history,” announced US President Barack Obama from a rostrum in Washington.
And the American President did not forget to point a proverbial punch at Israel’s greatest adversary.
“Let there be no doubt: America is determined to prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon, and I will take no options off the table to achieve that goal,” Barack Obama insisted.
However, for many American Jews and Israeli supporters, Obama’s war of words against Tehran doesn't go far enough.
The President of the Zionist Organization of America Morton A. Klein shared with RT that “It’s not enough to simply state you’re committed to Israel’s security. You have to promote policies that show that you’re serious about the security of Israel.”
“Israel, through his actions, feels that Obama is not committed to doing everything in his power to stop Iran from having nuclear weapons. Iran is an existential threat to Israel, and Obama should be saying so publicly, that he will support Israel in any military action necessary,” laid down Klein.
Klein says an unprecedented number of American Jews and Israelis share his animosity, a feeling arguably underscored by the Israeli government. According to published reports, Tel Aviv would only give Washington 12-hours’ notice if deciding to strike Iran.
“I believe his [Barack Obama’s] policies are among the most hostile Israel has ever experienced out of any [American] president in my lifetime,” Morton A. Klein confessed.
Recently, it was the life of President Obama itself being threatened in a column written by the owner of the Atlanta Jewish Times.
In an article titled ‘What would you do?’ the newspaper’s publisher Andrew Adler listed the assassination of President Obama as one way to ensure Israel’s security.
“Give the go-ahead for US-based Mossad agents to take out a president deemed unfriendly to Israel in order for the current vice president to take his place, and forcefully dictate that the United States' policy includes helping the Jewish state obliterate its enemies,” he writes.
Mark Glenn, journalist of Theuglytruth.com shared with RT: “I think the threat made to Obama, either play along with us, or we are going to kill you politically or literally, I think that it is a serious threat we have to take seriously.”
“The American president depends on money in order to get re-elected along with all other members of Congress and AIPAC [The American Israel Public Affairs Committee] is the largest lobbying group in the United States. It is the king maker and the king breaker,” Glenn concludes.
The American Israel Public Affairs Committee declined RT's request for an interview. In the meantime, Obama finds himself facing another election and a slew of Republican opponents banging war drums against Iran – much louder than he does.
“With regards to Iran, which perhaps represents the greatest existential threat to Israel, we have to make it abundantly clear, it is unacceptable for Iran to become a nuclear nation,” proclaims Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney.
“If we re-elect Barack Obama, Iran will have a nuclear weapon,” declared Romney. “And if you elect Mitt Romney, Iran will not have a nuclear weapon.”
“When Rick Santorum is president, Iran will not get a nuclear weapon because the world as we know it will be no more,” promises another Republican candidate, Rick Santorum.
The third Republican presidential aspirant, Newt Gingrich, said to CNN “I am a clear ally of Israel. I am very close to [Israeli President Benjamin] Netanyahu. I've said publicly, I would rather plan a joint operation conventionally, than push the Israelis to a point where they go nuclear.”
At a time when the US bears the burden of a broken economy, growing social unrest and ongoing military conflicts, many experts insist starting a war with Iran would not be in America's best interest. But in order to keep a best friend, many believe President Obama will be forced to put Israel's national security first.
UN nuclear inspectors have arrived in Iran to examine the county’s atomic activities. Tehran says it hopes the visit will remove western allegations of nuclear weapon development.
The International Atomic Energy Agency delegation including IAEA Chief Inspector Herman Nackerts and Deputy Secretary-General Rafael Grossi will spend three days in Iran. They will hold talks with officials and possibly visit the Fordo nuclear facility near the city of Qom in central Iran, where enrichment of uranium recently started.
Iranian officials say they are certain the talks will prove the nuclear program's purpose is purely peaceful.
"We are inclined to be very optimistic about this visit. Iran does not conduct any secret or underground operations. All Iranian nuclear activities are transparent, and we as well as the opposite side are interested in finding a way out of the present situation," said Iran`s Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi.
The IAEA visit comes at a time when relations between Iran and the West are extremely tense. On Monday, EU members agreed to impose an embargo on Iranian oil starting July. There were also reports that Tehran is considering an immediate embargo of its oil exports to EU countries.
However, Professor Seyed Mohammad Marandi from the University of Tehran told RT the current standoff over Iran’s nuclear activities is a means for the West to reassert its waning influence in the world.
“The United States and Europeans are basically engaging in acts of war against the Iranian people, as Ron Paul, the US presidential candidate, said himself. I think most Iranians believe that the United States and the Europeans are losing ground in the Middle East and throughout the world, and this is an attempt to seriously hurt Iran at this juncture,”he said.
“The economy of Western European and North American countries – in comparison to their rivals – is on the decline.The only thing that they [the United States] have going for them is a very powerful military."
Marandi also argues Iranian sovereignty is a stumbling block to continued US domination of the region’s oil wealth.
“Arab regimes and dictatorships in the region are all aligned to the United States, and independent countries, except for Russia, really don’t have all that many choices for oil. China, for example, depends on oil from countries that are aligned to the United States. And Iran, since it’s an independent country, if the United States was able to bring about a change in the Islamic republic and overthrow the political order there, obviously that would put China in a very difficult position. So the Iranians believe that the real issue is not the nuclear program:it is Iran’s independence and sovereignty.”
Author Michael Winter believes the outcome of the IAEA mission largely depends on the people “we are dealing with,”adding that if the inspectors are honest nothing new will be found.
“The sad fact is that we are not dealing with honest people when it comes to the US and EU and IAEA. They will create the evidence they need or may even perform an outright fabrication to justify their aggressive program.” Source
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