22 Feb 2013

Greek workers stage yet another 24-hour nationwide strike

Some one hundred thousand protesters, (a sizable gathering, given only eleven million population) have taken to the streets of the Greek metropolis, in the biggest and most significant general strike so far this year. The walkout comes at a time most crucial for both the government and the country's labor movement. After one of the harshest winters in the Greek financial insolvency, the Greek labor movement attempts to re-assert itself, under increasing influence by the main opposition party SYRIZA, which does not yet control the Greek syndicates and confederations. Meanwhile, the Greek government continues to legislate deep austerity reforms in parliament, at the same time suppressing organized labor reactions as it did recently by conscripting the Athens subway employees.
These were the only workers not allowed to take part in this strike. There is a brewing pre-electoral atmosphere here, insinuated in part by the statement of SYRIZA chief Alexis Tsipras.

Constantine Venizelos, Press TV, Athens


We used to fight for our right to party, now we stand in line to get a permit to protest! What's up with that? Don't worry, you will soon be secure in your delusions, with Zionists controlling amerika and ur-op, banning the likes of press tv and constantly angling to shut down all alternatives. ACTA is one tentacle, SOPA, PIPA, drones, Gitmo, kangaroo family courts, MIT's, banksters...

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