18 Mar 2014

Stefan Molyneux VS Peter Joseph + MGTOW SIMPIN 101

Sandman: 'Stefan Molyneux certainly uses the truth in many of his arguments and I am currently subscribing to his channel and watch various videos he puts out. My favorite ones are called "The Truth About Nelson, The Truth About Paul Walker, etc." And if I'm not mistaken those are the ones that people watch the most on his channel in recent months. I also see Stefan as an MRA because he's spoken with Girl Writes What and Paul Elam on his youtube channel. And he has also spoken about MGTOW issues.'

Sandman begins... Thank you Shannon for your donation and for suggesting this topic. She wants me to talk about an interview between Stefan Molyneux and Peter Joseph from the Zeitgeist Movement. I don't know about her views on the Zeitgeist movement. For all I know she might be part of the movement. A little bit of background, Stefan Molyneux lives close to me, about a 15 minute car ride away in Mississauga. The pictures in this video are of places near his home in the south end of Mississauga. Shannon says this about Stefan: "Please do your research into this man. Some of the things he says are true, but the little bits of true are like the little bits of corn in a big pile of shit." She also says that she sees Stefan as dangerous." Well, the trick to influencing people is to base your arguments around a colonel of truth and then elaborate. Stefan Molyneux certainly uses the truth in many of his arguments and I am currently subscribing to his channel and watch various videos he puts out. My favorite ones are called "The Truth About Nelson, The Truth About Paul Walker, etc." And if I'm not mistaken those are the ones that people watch the most on his channel in recent months. I also see Stefan as an MRA because he's spoken with Girl Writes What and Paul Elam on his youtube channel. And he has also spoken about MGTOW issues. I think Shannon gets pissed off when she sees certain videos where Stefan just rants about a certain topic and hasn't researched it and is just twisting words. There's an old saying that If you can't dazzle them with brilliance then baffle them with bullshit. And Stefan has said some brilliant things but sometimes he likes to sensationalize to get attention. He is after all making a living from his youtube channel and does what he can to gain new subscribers and grow his audience. He's also very passionate about what he does and that's why he has so many subscribers and can talk for hours on end about any given topic whether he knows about it or not. He is a part highly skilled wordsmith and part JT Barnum running his own three ring circus of philosophy. But this is youtube and you have to entertain and sensationalize if you want to make a living at it.

The Sane Madman 103: Gentlemen. I present!! The S.I.M.P. Chronicles!!!!!!

MGTOW and Feminism


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