27 Apr 2014

Western Women - The Most Privileged Demographic Ever + Go Tell The Feminists, Stranger Passing By

6oodfella: If I sent you here, it is because you disrespected the genuine victims there are, and that there have ever been, when you claimed that western women of today are oppressed, or discriminated against. You'll probably have difficulty understanding this video (if I sent you here), because an opposing view is hard to swallow when you're already choking on privilege. Enjoy.


Go Tell The Feminists, Stranger Passing By
Sargon of Akkad: Janey Shannall, take this video to whatever greasy dens you feminists frequent on the internet, watch it and gain understanding. Discuss it as if perhaps, maybe, men understand their own minds better than you do. You are wrong, and you don't even know why you're wrong. I will explain it.



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