1 Apr 2015

Bros Before Hos - MGTOW

Sandman: "Hello Sandman, I was wondering if you could in your next video discuss the phrase “Bros before Hos” and THE FACT of how despite saying it, men still lack a collective sense of male brotherhood, whereas women don’t to that extent as men lack a sense of sisterhood.
Men after getting a girlfriend or wife, unlike their female counterparts, have a bad habit of putting their male friends on the back burner to the extent that women don’t do with their female friends. This was further confirmed by a friend of mine that I know who happens to be a Psychologist with a PhD in Psychology from Yale University with expertise on human behavior. It is sad as a man to see how that women have more of a concept of sisterhood than we men have a concept of brotherhood. In fact, I recall one time posting a status on Facebook where I basically talked about how we men should learn to have a sense of collective male brotherhood as women have a sense of female sisterhood. You know what response I got from one my male friends? He basically told me that he is not interested in male brotherhood groups since women provide sufficient amount of company. I have another friend who I will call DD and he is a good example of how men put their male friends on the back burner as a result of having a girlfriend. I have mentioned DD in the following videos below, which I would like you to watch on your own pace BEFORE making the video on the topic I have requested pertaining to the subject I have mentioned in the first paragraph. Anyways here are my videos, please do share your input and insight as well as touch upon anything crucial I may have left." Well Shaikh thanks for your donation as well as the video links you sent for me to watch before commenting and posting my response. Men obviously don't have the same own group preference that women do. But look at all the great things
we've been able to accomplish with a singular consciousness. Male intellectual and emotional power makes most men emotional and intellectual islands onto themselves. The truth is we don't need the acceptance, attention or respect from our male peers to feel fulfilled with our work. The most important acceptance we can receive is from ourselves. The Bro you should put ahead of all other bros is the one in your own mind.

1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6N0Vz...

2) In this video I discuss DD’s breakup: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6N0Vz...

3) In this video I talk about how me and another mutual friend of mines and DD’s were giving DD red pill education: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d96oW....

10 pictures paid for and licensed through BigStock.com (In order of appearance)

1. gstockstudio - Cheerful young man and women looking over shoulders and holding bowling balls while standing against bowling alleys

2. gstockstudio - Beautiful Caucasian woman bonding to handsome African man and covering his eyes with hand while both standing against grey background

3. Viorel Sima - casual fashion man and woman looking at each other while leaning against white wall

4. Wavebreak Media Ltd - Pretty friends against gold and red lights

5. Patrizia Tilly - businesswoman and businessman are fighting

6. iofoto.com - Mid-adult Caucasian male sitting at desk looking up to Caucasian female standing on desk.

7. nickp37 - Male and female boxers "Battle of the sexes". Studio shot over black.

8. darrenmbaker - Couple, man and woman, having fun playing video console games together. The man has just beaten the woman, he is celebrating, she is annoyed.

9. iofoto.com - Businesswoman Amongst Businessmen

10. gstockstudio - He Is My Man.

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