23 Apr 2015

Don’t Give Up On Marriage? Request Denied!

By : The problems with marriage and relationships that have helped create and sustain MGTOW – Men Going Their Own Way – are not just confined to feminist-generated man-hate. Conservative women and their presumption of control over standards for men’s behavior are also at fault.
Every few months one sees articles, usually appeals by conservative women, imploring men to come back to civilization and somehow fix what feminists have broken: relationships between men and women.
Presumably, these non-feminist conservative women will look on admiringly as men rush to the rescue again.
In response to the “sexodus” of men abandoning both dating and marriage, in December of 2014, an article by Laura Perrins  co-editrix of the British publication The Conservative Woman declared:

[Men on dating] websites are heavily outnumbered by women (perhaps this confirms the sexodus). Sexodus men should know that not all women agree with the third wave feminists who want masculinity to be squashed.
Many women do want a partner for life, and not on wholly unreasonable terms either. And remember you only have to find one! Just one. She is out there if you only put down the video game long enough to look.
My comment back then was this:

Actually, given the divorce rate, men who believe in marriage must find not one, but a series of wives, each willing to settle for less as the ex-wives plunder our wallets.
Until conservative women rise up in numbers to smite the hairy feminist hordes, don’t expect men, denied any voice on gender issues, to come running back to an estrogenic conflict we know we cannot win.
#WomenAgainstFeminism are making a difference but need more voices.
The latest article in this genre is by Kathy Gyngell, also a co-editrix of  The Conservative Woman. She implored:

The crux of the matter is where all this leaves children. As [Peter] Lloyd points out:“not having a father leaves a hole in the soul of a child”. The next generation should be of concern to men as much as women. That’s why men playing victim, however badly they have been treated, is no answer. It will not stop that gap. It will just speed up the sexodus.
The challenge for real men (and real women) is otherwise. It is to challenge feminism not to ape it.
Guess what, honey: REQUEST DENIED.
Marriage has become utterly useless to men. A married man is a fool. He has married the state, not a woman. The woman is merely the excuse for the state to harvest his labor and savings.
You cannot shame us with that “real men” bullshit any longer. We have broken the chains of obligation without recompense. The gate is open and the stallions are gone. Get the fuck over it.
Women dominate the social structures of society, from the family, to education, to divorce courts, to criminal justice, to every other institution of power. Women voters elect the toadying sycophant men who preside over women’s abattoir for the male gender.
If you want men to join in this fight for you again, with all due respect, you must join us, make it worth our while, and prove yourselves to be worthy, hard-working and compassionate partners to men.
Suck it up, buttercup. Men are sick of your shit and we will not take it any more.
When women like feminist firebrand Shulamith Firestone starve to death alone in their government-supported hovels, the fact of men not caring is not misogyny. It is a learned apathy, an extinction of our bonding instinct, killed piece by piece through societal torture. Our instincts are now undone, except perhaps for avoiding losing battles and enjoying a life independent of women’s endless demands.
We just have more fun things to do than to submit to the brutal slaver to women any longer.
Until YOU fix your own problems, you can jump right off for all we care.
If you see a man who is absurdly happy with his life, rest assured, he has discovered the joy of living as MGTOW. More and more men figure this out every day while you bleat your helplessness.
I know that men can find a joy in solitude that eludes the lonely souls of women. I know it because I found it.
Helplessness is no longer a good look for you, darling.

About August Løvenskiolds

Once he stumbled onto GirlWritesWhat's videos, August Løvenskiolds, aka The Bibo Sez, started eating red pills like they were tic-tacs. He likes debating feminists, but knows this stage will pass soon enough.


1 comment:

  1. Feminists live (and love) to quote the dictionary version of feminism and say, "See! Feminism isn't about anti-male hate but rather equality, misogynist!" Yet every day, it becomes more and more clear that feminism is about the hatred of men. To destroy the patriarchy is the real, hyper-gynocentric goal, which is intimately tied to marriage. Why? It is through marriage that women redistribute men's wealth to themselves. Through marriage - women destroy men. The reason women now own the majority of wealth in the US is thanks to their dead husbands, fathers and divorce-raped X husbands. Who created and enforced the anti-male alimony and child support laws at the behest of the gynocracy? White knights, captain-save-a-hos and manginas.

    The latest example of anti-male hatred is "yes means yes". Put into law via deeply falsified rape statistics, "yes means yes" essentially means that any college man accused by a campus woman of harassment, assault or rape will be expelled - even if the accusation is made months or years later. Soon, non-campus woman will have the same power over college men. Even if the man presents evidence that the sex was consensual, he will be expelled. There has already been a case where a man was expelled with clear evidence that the sex was consensual and his gender discrimination lawsuit against the mostly women's college was denied by a male, cowardly, white knight, mangina judge (Vassar - Xiaolu Peter Yu).

    Mothers, knowing their sons have a high chance of being destroyed through marriage by another woman, still encourage their sons to marry. Why? Because the hatred for men doesn't stop or start with strange men. The hatred for men isn't limited to non-family members. The disposability of sons is demonstrated by male-only selective service. It's OK to send America's boys to their deaths, but not their daughters. Women are the majority of child abusers.

    It is imperative that men be warned of the life destruction that can befall them through marriage. This year alone, hundreds upon hundreds of thousands of men will be forced through the man-hating family courts, by their man-hating wives, and destroyed by the mangina/feminist judges. Tens of thousands of those men, upon recognizing that their futures are destroyed, will commit suicide. All of this will occur in a single year.

    "Stand by Your Manhood" and "The Manipulated Man" are two of the most important books men will read in their lifetimes. Pass it on.
