20 May 2015

Sandra Bullock Admits: Even As A “Strong Independent” Woman, She Still Wants To Serve The Cock

No matter how independent a woman is, she ultimately wants to serve a man... Red Pill Philosophy


  1. Many want men to live their lives for women's approval, which is just pussy begging. Pussy begging is how feminists and women were able to subjugate men, so it will not be the solution to the problem.

    Women were not duped, tricked, hypnotized, brainwashed, etc., by feminism. Instead, feminism is female nature at its finest.

    Some men would have you believe that the answer to hypergynocentrism (feminism) is simply "weight lifting". Cause you know...the answer to your existential crisis is to base your entire sense of self worth on the approval of women. It's your "confidence" that is your problem - and you can't possibly have "confidence" without female approval.

    Obviously, men should sacrifice their time, energy and lifespan to a society that views them as violent and predatory by their very nature.

    Obviously, men are simply going to allow themselves to fall for the same gynocentric tricks, over and over. Manipulation, re-packaged as bullshit traditionalism works well gentlemen. You get to hold up a society that has - and always will - view you as nothing more than a utility, an expendable subhuman tool, a TYRANT, canon fodder and a necessary evil.

    Don't go away and embrace your autonomy, men. It's not time to go your own way. Traditionalism and or feminism are the answer, regardless of how many men's lives have to be slaughtered.

    Now is not the time to start thinking of your own needs, men. Now is the time for you to return to a life on bended knee. "Man Up", men.

    There's no reason to be confused, men. Ignore the countless millions of men's lives destroyed over the past 40+ years. Ignore the hundreds upon hundreds of thousands of men that have committed suicide following their divorce in the same span of time. Ignore the billions upon billions of dollars transferred to women by their dead husbands and divorce raped fathers. You're too much of a man for that to happen to you. Your genes will be propagated and remembered into infinity.

    You, men, need women to sustain your existence. Psychologically create that void that you've been taught to have so that you remain a slave to the gynocracy. You're nothing without a woman. You know it and so does everyone else. Your destiny is not in your own hands. Your destiny lies in the hand of some random woman. You need to impress women with your manliness, or you'll die a total loser. You know it and so does everyone else.

    Men, any self-improvement you undergo shouldn't be for yourself - it should be for the sole purpose of pleasing a woman. Making new innovations, curing new diseases - that's for beta men. Alpha men should be focusing on self improvement, self actualization, and understanding of the world around them for purposes of female validation.

    The smartest thing a man can do is to give all of their power away by signing the marriage contract. For what? For the 5 second orgasm from the gender who would gladly see you rot in Hades for a shot at wealth redistribution.

    All waves of feminism are about entitlement and government subjugation of men for women's benefit. Period (no pun).

    MGTOW are learning about female behavior and how it pushes society, government and relationships. Men have no need to fear MGTOW. MGTOW are the evolution of men. Women, on the other hand...

    1. Right on Anon.

      ...Women on the other hand are needed only for that five minute orgasmic conception [these days] and then, where's our free room and board at her majesty's pleasure (jail) because as long as we are a second-class citizens and have no progenitive rights, why should we pay a red cent for the kids that we can have yanked away from us at that same woman’s whim.

      We will gladly take a while off work with three square meals per day. We'll leave payment to the beta males, they and the empowered working feminists can pay for our room and board and we'll be easy to find when society is ready to play fair with us omegas.

      We men [grunts] can take it, we have taken much worse. Isn’t it about time we had some live martyrs for the cause taking jail time as an act of paternal conscientious objection.

      Conception achieved and a vacation? That's the power of positive thinking. Let's play feminism at it's own game, have our cake and eat it too.

      Let’s see how quickly they run out of money to build jail spaces for the 200 children’s fathers per day that are barred from seeing them in the UK secret kangaroo family courts alone, in the UK that will virtually double the prison complex in a year.

      This way the revolution lads, as they won't play fair, fuck them and leave them with the bill x 2.

      MGTOW and Red Pill Dads unite!
