22 Dec 2015

Dear Gentlemen, From Dre Morell

By : It’s nice getting back in touch with so many of my Facebook friends. I had reached the maximum of 5000 under my Janet Bloomfield page, and then Facebook banned me for using a pseudonym. I didn’t feel comfortable revealing my real identity, until feminists did their worst, and tried to have my husband fired, which didn’t work.
It still amuses me to no end that feminists got mad because my husband doesn’t police, monitor or control me sufficiently on the internet, and wanted to punish him for the crime of believing his wife to be an independent person with her own thoughts and opinions. How very feminist! But now that the letter writing campaign is over, and no harm was done, I’m perfectly happy to have my name and location out there. I will still call myself Janet Bloomfield, since that is the name I am most associated with on the internet, but it makes no difference to me if you want to call me Andrea.
You can find me on Facebook, and Twitter, under my real name.
As I’ve explained before, the German pronunciation of the female name Andrea is the same as the Italian and Greek pronunciation of the male name, Andrea; Ohn-DRAY-uh.
I mention it not because I’m a snowflake who insists that an introduction is an invitation to be lectured on Bavarian linguistic traditions, but because my nickname among friends is Dray, and one of the people I have been happy to reconnect with on Facebook is a Dre, too.

Please enjoy this article by Dre Morell, while I continue to work furiously to get my e-book ready for publication very early in the New Year.

Dear Gentlemen,

by Dre Morell
 It’s not your fault. It’s not your fault. There’s nothing wrong at all with being a traditional masculine male. I know this is something of a taboo is 2015 but I reiterate there is nothing wrong with being a MAN. I don’t care what the feminists tell you or other women in your life for that matter, your opinions and thoughts matter. You don’t have to agree with them or feel guilty because you have a dissenting opinion. There’s nothing wrong with you liking and enjoying scantily clad women, strip clubs, porn, action films, video games or racy humor.
You don’t have to put on dresses, you don’t have to wear makeup, you don’t have to want to fuck a transgender “woman” if you don’t want too as a sign that somehow your masculinity is unquestionable. If you detest the color pink in your wardrobe such is solely up to you and this is your choice as an individual and as a man.
For far too long we have had to sit back, remain silent and listen to feminists tell us that we are nothing but evil, corrupt, and responsible for all the ills that plague not just society but women. We have been told that somehow when we are intoxicated we are still responsible for our actions, but they are not cause I guess having a vagina is a trump card for bad judgment.
We’ve had to take a seat and watch sitcom after sitcom make us and our fathers out to be bumbling dumb as fuck lucky morons who somehow ended up with a wife or girlfriend that is as all knowing as Oz and all seeing as the eye in Mordor, which they never seem to point out she decided to fuck and be with said dude in the first place. I guess feminism shields one from self reflection….
When the feminists don’t agree with us, somehow we can’t get pussy or are losers that are a part of a Bond villain level conspiracy called P.A.T.R.I.A.R.C.H.Y. And if you getting pussy then your girlfriend or wife is a gender spy and should be ashamed of herself and possibly shot on site.
They’ve spent a good deal of time since the late 1970s denigrating our entire gender and now bitching and moaning about how there are “no good men left” and shocked and shaken when men are not getting married in droves and always expecting sex. They get on us for our sexual preferences whilst at the same time being highly selective in who they fuck, date and marry. It would be funny if it all weren’t so damned tragic. They complain about being “shamed” and “othered” by men who many not find them attractive, but then they too have preferences themselves.
They told us they wanted equal pay for equal work, but then choose careers in traditionally low paying fields and work less hours. They don’t want to be given compliments by men, but then complain when we don’t “notice” them. They want their own “safe spaces”, but then lament about males having their own spaces and get upset when we don’t want to include them. They say they care about issues affecting men & boys, yet never get around to ever advancing any legislation or social campaigns where we are directly and disproportionately impacted.
It’s okay to be a man, it’s okay to be who you are, make no apologies for being a man to anyone. We may not all agree on what defines masculinity, such is up to each man but that doesn’t mean there can be no consensus among us. Hold the opinions you wish but you have to be able to defend them and always be at the ready to question your own assumptions and examine new evidence.
Be bold, be brazen, be intelligent, be the leaders you were meant to be.


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