6 Jan 2016

Woman's Testimony About Men Avoiding Western Women

"I am making this video to tell girls we have to wake up make some decisions and change a lot of things. Today men prefer to go to Africa to marry women who live there instead of us, the women who live in Europe. Why? The answer is very simple, we girls have become, first our behaviour does not match at all what we are looking for. The way we respect ourselves, the way we talk, the way we dress, the way we take responsibility, we are not responsible anymore. Girls, I'm sorry, but we have to wake up...
...I disagree with the way the police comes to help in Europe. When they face a couple arguing, instead of just giving some advice, they come and say: "Madame if you are feeling bad just split up." What kind of advice is this? Have you ever seen a policeman in Africa come and tell a couple to split up? Here in Europe the spirit of destruction rules!"

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