14 Jun 2017

Jordan Peterson: Why There Are So Few Women At The Top

Gravitahn: Jordan Peterson on gender equality, the different choices men & women make, and the reasons so few women are in positions of power. Most people get the "equity" or "gender parity" part precisely backwards, asking why there are so few women at the top, when in fact the real question is why are there any people at all crazy enough to accept the burdens of being in those top positions.

Excerpted from his talk at Ryerson University earlier this year:

Check out these related videos:
Helena Cronin's clear & concise explanation of sex differences & the greater trait variability of men: https://youtu.be/sJZjqnF6gag
Warren Farrell's detailed analysis of the "Gender Wage Gap" and the real reason men make more money: https://youtu.be/sl0JcZfFGQw
Steven Pinker's thorough analysis of the biology of sex differences: https://youtu.be/n691pLhQBkw

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