8 Feb 2018

“Create A Minister For Men That Operates Separately From The Minister For Women”

Why democracy requires a Minister for Men
By Jordon Holbrook: Boys and young men have many male-specific problems and issues which are hardly ever publicised in the media, deliberately neglected in schools and universities and certainly not addressed anywhere in the political system:
Male suicide – four times greater than female suicide
Homelessness – 9 out of 10 people living rough are men
Men die 5 years earlier than women
There is no national screening programme for male cancers and far less funding is available for male cancers than female, even though testicular & prostate cancer both have similar incidence rates as breast & uterus cancer
Attention to male health is secondary at every level of the health service
Boys have been seriously failing in education, in real terms and compared with girls, since the 1990s
For every 3 victims of partner abuse, 2 will be female and 1 will be male
Approximately 150 divorced fathers are denied contact with their children EVERY DAY – this represents around 300 paternal grandparents losing contact with their own grandchildren
Divorced men are obliged to pay maintenance to their ex-wives for the rest of her life, even if the divorce was not his fault and he did not want it
Fewer men attend university than women
Every university has a ‘Women’s Officer’, none have a ‘Men’s Officer’

Every university has a ‘Women’s/Feminist Group’ but a ‘Men’s Group’ is not allowed on-campus

Men and boys are constantly ‘blamed’ and ‘shamed’ for being ‘male’

Men are regularly falsely accused of being ‘sexist’ or ‘misogynist’, deliberately being made fearful of expressing their views

There is an epidemic of false allegations of domestic abuse, sexual harassment and rape

73% of income tax is paid by men yet, men are the only group that does not have any political representation
Male MPs do not ‘represent men’. They do not think as a political gender group so they do not bond as a political gender group and thus do not act as a political gender group. Female MPs do (see below).
There has not been ONE specifically male-friendly piece of legislation passed in Parliament in living memory!
So, there may be more biological maleness in Parliament but, this is irrelevant as it does not translate into the political representation of men and boys.
None of the above male-specific inequalities are represented on any Political Agenda.
Men are the only group that are not politically represented whereas women are heavily politically represented (see below).

Women’s Political Representation

“Women rule the media and education. And it is dangerous because they influence how people think and behave.”  – Fay Weldon

It is important to understand that when the word ‘women’ is used in the context of gender politics, it always means ‘feminist’.
There has been a Minister for Women since 1997.
The Prime Minister (Theresa May) has often declared herself to be a Feminist.
Female MPs think, bond and therefore act as a political gender group across party lines (see work by Boni Sones et al. and Childs).
In this sense, with at least 208 MPs, the Feminist Party is the THIRD LARGEST PARTY in British politics! ITs members have been elected on a hidden agenda– their ideology is not openly declared. so they and their party have no accountability.
In addition to a Minister for Women, there is a Minister for Equality, a Minister for Justice for Women, a Minister for Women’s Prisons and a Minister for Women’s Health. None exist for men.
Every Political Party has a specific ‘Women’s Section’ and holds ‘Women’s Conferences’.  Nothing exists for men.
There is a ‘Women’s Rights and Gender Equality Committee’ in the European Union, which is extremely anti-male.  Nothing exists for men.
The United Nations has a Women’s Unit. The UN also has an ‘Ambassador for Women’.  Nothing exists for men.
There are over 32,000 Women’s (Feminist) Political Pressure Groups – all are funded to a large degree by central Government. For example, Women’s Aid has an annual income of approximately £295 MILLION – only 11% goes towards non-staff refuge costs; 64% is expended on salaries and the rest apears to fund lobbying and other political activity.  There are only 5 male pressure groups – none are funded by Central Government.


The text of Jordon Holbrook’s petition:

Create a [UK] Minister for Men that operates separately from the Minister for Women
A ‘Minister for Women (and Equalities)’ cannot simultaneously be a ‘Minister for Men’ yet, that is what’s in place. Despite men raising issues in Parliament, men’s issues are not raised. A male-specific voice is required, equality demands it!

Such issues for the Minister for Men to address: Paternity Rights (or, the lack of!) Male Suicide (4x higher than female) Homelessness (approx. 90% male) Education (boys have been failing at every level since the 1990s) Domestic Violence (40% victims are male) False Allegations of Abuse Disparity in health funding (prostate v breast cancer) More information here.


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