2 Mar 2018

Karen Live At University Of Toronto - MEN TOO: The Silent Half Of Domestic Violence Victims - Parts 1 & 2

karen straughan: Domestic violence is seen as a women’s issue by nearly all societies. Thanks to groups like CAFE and its continuing efforts, that is beginning to change for the better, particularly in terms of public awareness and the willingness of media to grudgingly accept that men can be victims and women can be perpetrators. Still, we see many of the people who influence government policy continuing to perpetuate the belief that while men can be victims, they rarely are, or that even if men are roughly half the victims, women are more affected and therefore deserve an absolute monopoly on resources. I will explore the internal and external factors involved in why abused men so rarely seek help, and why, when they do, they are more likely to be punished than assisted.

Part 2
karen straughan: Domestic violence is seen as a women’s issue by nearly all societies. Thanks to groups like CAFE and its continuing efforts, that is beginning to change for the better, particularly in terms of public awareness and the willingness of media to grudgingly accept that men can be victims and women can be perpetrators. Still, we see many of the people who influence government policy continuing to perpetuate the belief that while men can be victims, they rarely are, or that even if men are roughly half the victims, women are more affected and therefore deserve an absolute monopoly on resources. I will explore the internal and external factors involved in why abused men so rarely seek help, and why, when they do, they are more likely to be punished than assisted. 

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