5 Mar 2019

Intersectionality Test - BROKEN

DoctorRandomercam: I can't see my eyes. The Doctor told me it was normal but I could sense he was wrong due to the quivering in his cloaca.

Brand Equity Erosion

Max and Stacy discuss how private equity destroyed Kraft Heinz’s brand equity through austerity. Just as we now see the brand value of nations being destroyed with the same instrument. They also discuss America’s tumble down the life expectancy charts and what Warren Buffett’s Big Ag food investments have to do with that. In the second half, Max continues his interview with Richard Field, Author of Transparency Games: How Bankers Rig the World of Finance, about financial transparency and derivatives.

Arkansas Newspaper Defies ‘Unconstitutional’ US Law Banning Boycotts Of The Jewish Apartheid Israel Regime

In Arkansas, a newspaper publisher is in financial straits after refusing to sign an anti-BDS pledge.
He believes that political dissent is protected speech, and that the Arkansas law violates his constitutional rights and his journalistic ethics.
Boycott, Divest and Sanction (BDS) is a nonviolent, grassroots Palestinian movement designed to put pressure on Israel to end its oppression and occupation of Palestinians. The movement is modeled after the boycott campaign that ended apartheid in South Africa.
Anti-BDS laws – considered blatantly unconstitutional by the ACLU – have sprung up in dozens of states, and have been challenged regularly.
Alan Leveritt, publisher of the Arkansas Times. Brian Chilson / Arkansas Times 
By Ben Kesslen: When letters first showed up on Alan Leveritt’s desk saying the Arkansas Times was required to sign a pledge not to boycott Israel in order to continue to receive state contracts, he ignored them.

Sexist US Selective Service Overturned; Gender Equality Progress At Last

Arlington Cemetary graves
In a historic ruling, the United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas, Houston Division, has overturned sexist Selective Service registration. This landmark ruling is an important step forward for true gender equality. It’s a victory against fake gender equality — words merely twisted to increase structural injustices against men. This ruling stirs imagination of a future in which men won’t be last off sinking ships solely because of their gender. With this ruling, progressives can even imagine healthcare policy that seeks to raise men’s expected lifespan to parity with women. Sexist Selective Service is a by-product of a traditional way of thinking about men’s disposability. The celebrated sayings of Spartan mothers in ancient Greece exemplify men’s social disposability. In ancient Rome, the structural devaluation of men’s lives produced men baring war wounds on their chests while women merely showed their breasts to gain social acclaim.

Nearly All The Leaders Of The Russian Liberal Opposition Are Jewish, Or Have Jewish Background

"Nearly all the leaders of the liberal opposition are either fully Jewish or have Jewish background" - Michael Edelstein, a lecturer at Moscow State University and a writer for the Jewish monthly magazine L’chaim.
<figcaption>Boris Nemtsov and fanboy Bill Clinton</figcaption>By Kevin MacDonald: It’s obvious that there is a strong Jewish influence in the West opposed to Russia, particularly noticeable among the Israel Lobby and the neo-con-artists — Victoria Nuland‘s family ties and her role in the Ukrainian revolution come to mind.
Boris Nemtsov and fanboy Bill Clinton
There are many reasons for this, certainly including Russia’s alliance with Iran and Syria at a time when Israel and the Israel Lobby are doing all they can to promote war with both. Quite simply, Jewish hostility stems from the fact that Russia under Vladimir Putin has proved to be far more nationalistic than is good for the Jews or for Israel.

Socialism In The UK Means No Pools, No Swearing, And Citizens Pulling Their Own Teeth

Authored by Simon Black: The events that I am about to describe to you are 100% true.
They have already happened to various people across the United Kingdom, which in some respects is leading the charge to 21st century “Big Brother” authoritarianism.
It’s all real, and it’s all disturbing. To humanize it a little bit we have pulled several true events together into a single story about a man we’ll call “George.”
George thinks he might stop by the community garden. His neighbors regularly gather there around a waist-deep, inflatable pool they purchased to beat the summer heat.
But then he remembers that the landlords ordered the pool removed… they were concerned that a burglar might inadvertently hurt himself while attempting to rob a home, so the pool needed to go.
Instead George figures he’ll get a start on some errands. He hops in his work van and stops for a bite to eat on the way into town.
But when George’s meat-lovers pizza arrives, it looks quite sparse and smaller than he remembers.

Jewish Israel Regime Sets Gaza Up For Superbug Epidemic

A recent report exposes the serious threat of active superbug epidemic in Gaza, due to Jewish Israeli-blockade, and shortages of sanitation supplies in hospitals, IDF targeting of medical personnel and facilities, and water shortage and contamination. The epidemic will certainly spread beyond Gaza.
Israel sets Gaza up for superbug epidemicA shoreline in Gaza City is pictured on 6 January 2018 (AFP)
By Belen Fernandez: The Bureau of Investigative Journalism recently ran a report titled “Unseen enemy: Doctors in Gaza battling superbug epidemic”.
Given the regular atrocities to which the Gaza Strip is subjected by a very visible enemy – the state of Israel – the last thing that’s needed is an unseen one, to boot.
“Multi-drug resistant organisms don’t know any boundaries. That’s why the global community, even if it’s not interested in the politics of Gaza, should be interested in this.”

Venezuela: Why Did Russia & China Issue A Rare Double Veto At The UN?

"If this resolution is adopted, the Security Council will for the first time in history decide on the appointment of the president and dismissal of another...” said Nebenzya.
Veterans Today: The American resolution said that Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro was re-elected in May 2018 as a result of “not free and not fair” elections , it called for new presidential elections and organizing access for delivering foreign humanitarian aid to the country. 9 members of the UN Security Council voted in favor of the resolution, South Africa joined the Protestants in Russia and China, and three delegations abstained.
Note that Russia and China do not often impose a double veto, more adhering to the “distribution of responsibilities” on vetoing Western resolutions. For example, the resolution on Syria is vetoed by Russia, and on the DPRK – by China.