26 Apr 2020

The Red Queen Goes Through The Looking Glass + The Everything Bubble Turns (Almost) Everything Bailout

Max and Stacy look at how the US Fed has created a world in which E may not actually equal MC squared any longer. With no way to measure the world around us, including time or matter, we first had negative interest rates and now negative prices on energy.
In the second half, Max interviews entrepreneur, Abraham Cambridge of The Sun Exchange, about decentralized energy delivery systems. 


The Everything Bubble Turns (Almost)
Everything Bailout
Max and Stacy look at how the ‘everything bubble,’ which has ballooned since the Fed began printing money with reckless abandon after the last crash, has become the almost everything bailout as cronies and insiders receive trillions in credit from the Fed and bailout funds meant for ‘small businesses.’ In the second half, Max interviews entrepreneur and former commodities analyst, Josh Crumb, about the bizarre situation in the oil market and how our financial system has created this situation.

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